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Some keywords for Pisces are:
Modest, Receptive, Spiritual, Intuitive, Sensitive, Duality, Idealistic, Nurturing, Adaptable, Unselfish, Inspirational, Universal, Idealistic, Compassionate, and Responsive. They can also be Moody, Reclusive, Impractical, Indecisive, Indulgent, Hypersensitive, Negative, and have an Inferiority Complex.

Sensitive, shy and retiring, these are the romantics of the zodiac. These are the poets of love. It would be rare to meet a Pisces that has never written a poem. The mystery that surrounds them may be due to the fact that, not only are they not understood by others, they really do not understand themselves. This may explain why most are introverts.

These folks love music and are usually very good dancers. They may have huge record collections. Pisces are often mediumistic and may have shelves of books on occult or psychic subjects. There is a mystery hidden deep within them that they themselves may never figure out. There will be periods when Pisces has a need to be alone and my go into seclusion from time to time.

They have a kind and loving nature and may be found taking care of stray animals or animals in distress. Pisces are natural healers and make good doctors. If they are well connected to the inner-self they can achive great things. Those that are not often turn to the abuse of drugs or alcohol. This is something they must truly guard against for it can destroy them.

Pisces rules the twelfth house.