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There's less of me than meets the eye.

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I am Gidge.

I am an Elder of The Banishers of Evil

.I only fight when provoked and do not kill to kill.I prefer a good fight with an Ogre or a Harpy. I have never beat a Dragon but there is nothing that makes me feel better than a good ol' knock down drag out fight with blood flying and blades crashing....I have no time or tolerance for magic...... and if I am going to kill you it will be from shear body and soul.....I don't need fancy words and a pocket full of fungus to kick your butt.Will I die? We'll see...but know this ...if I do.....and I mean if, I will hunt you down and make every attempt to revenge my dearly departed soul......and I will try to win you to Christ in the process <>< :).

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