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sept 16-30

Introducing this *bi*month's Grimly Glittery Gothic Ghoul

well this perky princess needs no introduction.. but for those of you who might never have to been to a goth x of the x site.. i'll do you the honor.. *dan dan dan* this is batty. Being that this site makes her wanna sing the "happy bunnies" song, i figured, what the hell.. why not give her another award to shine with pride in her perky playground.. she's not just a face thats graced almost every site on the web.. shes a clothing designer with her own company; Azreal's Accomplice which is dedicated to bringing glittery happy clothing to the gothic community.. now thats awesome.. i wish i was a little more sewing machine inclined..

Well.. you all know the goofy questions you have to answer to even be looked over for this gracious award.. this is how this glittery ghoul answered..

1. How often do you buy glitter?
I own so much gliiter I could start a store. I own every color of the rainbow including neon yellow and bright orange glitter, and I like them dagnabbit!!! When I go shopping glittery things call my name and say "buy me buy me" and then I must or it will hurt thier little glittery feelings ya know? *sqeauk*
2. Why are glitter goths better than all the other goth species? *winks*
Well I put glitter and perkies together you know, we are better because not only do we look better but we have the power to annoy the mopey "I am so goth my mood ring always stays black" types at 20 paces. I love the look of horror on thier faces when we come bouncing toward them leaving a virtual cloud of glitter everywhere we walk. (seriously I find glitter everywhere in my house).
3. If you were to be any kinda a glitter.. what kind would you be and where would you be applied?
I would be a big pink gliitery stick on star right in the middle of some yummy glam rock bois forhead (or on my boi's forhead if he would give in to the whole glitter thing alas I think not though).

leave all the sock monkeys in thier cages and...
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