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sept 1-16

Introducing this *bi*month's Grimly Glittery Gothic Ghoul

welp, this is the glittery ghoul of this duration. she's majorly into photography. She takes, poses for, and develops all of her own pictures. i noted in her bio that she hates being tickled and hates the sun cuz it clutters her gothy complexion with freckles.. i think freckles are cute though.. *puts glitter bat out in the sun and grabs a feather* cooochiie coocchie coo!! heheh ohh i almost forgot, in her submission she mentioned being able to do stupid human tricks. (ie: cross one eye, wiggle ears, throb pupils....etc..) i've never seen any one that has the ablity to wiggle their ears before *giggles* and it only makes ya wonder what the ect. stands for..*winks*
Well.. you all know the goofy questions you have to answer to even be looked over for this gracious award.. this is how this glittery ghoul answered..

1. How often do you buy glitter?
When the occurance of me having money and going to the right store happen to coinside. I have so much glitter, some of it's drying up.
2. Why are glitter goths better than all the other goth species? *winks*
It's no fun to be around mopey things that feel sorry for itself, and glitteer goths don't seem to do that much. If they do, you *know* something's wrong. Glitter makes you happy and thus, a glitter goth must do that too.
3. If you were to be any kinda a glitter.. what kind would you be and where would you be applied?
Oh, I know exactly the type. The very fine spay glitter that makes your whole body shiney. I've actually thought about that question before. I'd be sprayd all over legs, arms, faces, hair.....and on and on.....

follow the trail of glitter and...
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