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June 1-15

Introducing this *bi*month's Grimly Glittery Gothic Ghoul

this is Nicole, the newest sparkle of the gggg site.. she lives in CA *where all the good clubs are* an on ocasion you might even find her there, possibly dancing to a depeche mode song in some really spiffy shoes, being that she has that crazy shoe fetish... I don't see how she could have too much time to shop being at how she runs 3 *yes i did say 3* goth x of the x sites and a webring.. thats one busy girl. *winks* but she keeps it all up and runnin, what can i say? awesome chica.. the girl is dazzle fresh. Well.. you all know the goofy questions you have to answer to even be looked over for this gracious award.. this is how this glittery ghoul answered..

1. How often do you buy glitter?
I stocked up on about a few months ago and havent ran out yet
2. Why are glitter goths better than all the other goth species? *winks*
you never see a glitter goth wearing a ruffly butt pirate shirt
3. If you were to be any kinda a glitter.. what kind would you be and where would you be applied?
i'd be red stars sprinkeled in some freshly teased hair

follow the trail of glitter and...
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