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Introducing this month's Grimly Glittery Gothic Ghoul
GLitter Nymph

Alrighty.. well this is our very first grimly glitter gothic ghoul of the month..and what a lovely choice we've made.. dont you agree? Well.. you all know the goofy questions you have to answer to even be looked over for this gracious award.. this is how the glittery ghoul answered..

1. How often do you buy glitter? Often
2. Why are glitter goths better than all the other goth species?
Becasue they are cuter than the DARKER THAN THOU kind.
3. If you were to be any kinda a glitter.. what kind would you be and where would you be applied?
I'd be that annoying pink heart glitter and i'd be applied to the eye..

Well well well.. so now you have it..
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This Grimly Glittery Gothic Ghoul was submitted by Casterella