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Alright.. this is it.. this is where you gotta let the glitter over power you and answer the *INSERT SPOOKY MUSIC HERE* dahhhh dahhhh dahhhhhh....


1. how often do you buy glitter?

2. Why are glitter goths better than all other gothic sub-species? *winks*

3. If you were glitter.. what color, shape, ect...ect.. would you be? and where do you think would be the best place to be applied?

Also don't forget to add a picture of yourself or where i can find one on the net.. your URL of course, SOMETHING INTERESTING about YOU!! *or the person you are submittin* and last but not least.. your name *laughs* OH and you have to sign the glittery guest book.. thats all! Not too hard is it? Also.. another great thing is the GlitterBug Nation Glittery Goth Webring.. is a plus to join that as well SO GO JOIN NOW!!!

Email: Princess Rainey and Tenebrous Kate