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June 16-30

Introducing this *bi*month's Grimly Glittery Gothic Ghoul

this *bi*months gggg is a pretty nifty chick. She likes doing webpage stuff and she even helps her friends by working on their sites when they ask really nice. She aslo likes dying her hair *if you cant tell bye the cute little picture above* She's really interested in studying psychology and sociology and also in the Fae and their history. And although she thinks its strange.. she shares my fetish for wal-mart shopping in the wee hours of the night.
Well.. you all know the goofy questions you have to answer to even be looked over for this gracious award.. this is how this glittery ghoul answered..

1. How often do you buy glitter?
Not often enough seeing as I don't have a job......but I still have my dependable stick of purple smelly glitter :)
2. Why are glitter goths better than all the other goth species? *winks*
I hate to say I am better than anyone....especially in the "goth" community but I'd say it's because we aren't so damned mopey all the time.....and can get away with it
3. If you were to be any kinda a glitter.. what kind would you be and where would you be applied?
If I were glitter I would be shimmery, irridescent, dark metallic blue.....and the best place to put me would be well.....everywhere

follow the trail of glitter and...
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