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I have personally previewed and selected science sites from a variety of sources verifying that each link is active.

Each is in alphabetical order. To save YOU time, I have linked each directly to the individual site. If you find a site which you think should be included please feel free to forward the site to


Archeology, Paleontology, Anthropology

Astronomy, Space

An Inquirer's Guide to the Universe NASA's Online Educational Resources
The Dante Project (landroving vehicle for planetary exploration) The Nine Planets
Earth and Sky Padova Observatory Home Page
Expanding Universe Sacramento Peak National Solar Observatory
Eye on the Sky Almanac Space and Astronomy
Kuiper Airborne Observatory Space Center Houston
Liftoff to Space Exploration Space Educators' Handbook
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Space Movies
NASA Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution Spacelink
NASA Ames Commercial Technology Electronic Network Spacelink: Hubble Space Telescope Images
The NASA/JPL Imaging Radar Home Page Strickler Planetarium
NASA Langley Research Center's HPCC K-12 Sun and Moon Data for One Day
NASA Lewis Research Center K-12 Resource Page USGS Astronomy Servers Page
NASA Stennis Space Center, Education Office Views of The Solar System
NASA's Space Calendar Welcome To The Planets

Biology, Physiology




Geology, Earth Science


Oceanography, Marine Biology




AIMS (Activities Integrating Mathematics and Science) Nature
Backyard Science NEWTON
Bill Nye the Science Guy NOVA
Blackburn's Paper Airplanes NSTA: National Science Teachers Association Home Page
Bubble Information Service- Science Links Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Center of Excellence for Science and Math Education University of Tennessee at Martin Periodic Table of the Elements
The Chicago Academy of Sciences - Nature Museum Quest: NASA K-12 Internet Initiative
Energy Quest Activities & Games Reeko's Mad Science Lab
Exploratorium Scanning Electron Microscope
ExploreZone SciEd -Science and Mathematics Education Resources
Field Museum of Chicago Science Bytes
Franklin Institute Science Museum Science Fridays
The Future Is Yours Science House
Geosciences Science Learning Network
Hands-on Science Ctrs Science Made Stupid
The Hub Science Update
inQuiry Almanack Slime
Institute and Museum of History of Science Virtual Discovery Centre
London Museum of Science's Consensus Building Volcano World Museum
Mad Scientist Network WebScience
Miami Museum of Science Why Files
National Science Foundation