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Jake's photoalbum
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Year 2000 in New Zealand

(click on the picture to view larger)

1. Morning in Aukland

2. Aukland City

3. Aukland Family

4. Aukland

5. Aukland

6. Jake in Aukland

7. Aukland from skytower

8. Aukland from skytower

9. Aukland skytowers

10. Aukland

11. Swiss friend in Aukland

12. Aukland - house of the family

13. Aukland - house of the family

14. Bankog Airport in January

15. Sydney Airport in January

16. Boatrace

17. Dragon boat

18. Hawera

19. Jake plays piano

20. Jake at Helsinki airport in January 2000

21. Jake's room

22. Kelly Tarlton's

23. Hills

24. Milking cows

25. Fashion

26. New Plymout

27. New Plymout

28. New Plymout

29. Family in Aukland

30 Jake, All Black, Pita Alatini and Swiss friend

31. At the birthdayparty

32. At the birthdayparty

33. House

34. Taranaki

35. Taranaki

36. Truck to Auckland

37. Party

38. Waikanae beach

39. Waikanae hills

40.All Foreign Students from Wellington Region