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Goshin Budo Jiujitsu Rank Requirements:

Yellow Belt - 7th Kyu

Demonstrate the following techniques from Seiza and Tachi:
1) Off Balance Pull
2) Double Wrist Release (Hakko Dori)
3) Knuckle Smash
4) Mirror Hand (Tekagami)
5) Shuto Jimme

Demonstrate the following Ukemi Waza:
1) Front Breakfall
2) Back Breakfall
3) Left Side Breakfall
4) Right Side Breakfall

Orange Belt - 6th Kyu

Demonstrate the following waza:

1) Single Wrist Release
2) Cross Wrist Release
3) Mirror Hand Single
4) Shodan Wrist Bend
5) Cross Wrist Release Variation

Demomstrate the following Ukemi Waza:

1) Front Roll
2) Back Roll

Demonstrate the following strikes:

1) Forefist Punch
2) Back Fist Strike
3) Elbow Strike
4) Forearm Smash
5) Close Punch
6) Palmheel Strike

Demonstrate the following kicks:

1) Knee Kick
2) Front Kick
3) Round Kick
4) Side Stomp Kick

Green Belt - 5th Kyu

Demonstrate defense from the following:

1) Front Choke and two (2) variations
2) Single Lapel grab and two (2) variations
3) Double Lapel grab and two (2) variations
4) Rear Choke and two (2) variations
5) Front Bear Hug (Under arm)

Demonstrate the following kicks:

1) Side Kick
2) Back Kick
3) Front Heel Kick

Blue Belt - 4th Kyu

Demonstrate defense from the following:

1) Front Bear Hug (over arms)
2) Rear Bear Hug (under arms) and one (1) variation
3) Rear Bear Hug (over arms) and one (1) variation
4) Full Nelson
5) Ground Scissors

Brown Belt - 3rd Kyu

Demonstrate the following sweeps and throws:

1) Lead Leg Sweep
2) Rear Leg Sweep
3) Lead Leg Hook Sweep
4) Rear Leg Hook Sweep
5) Roundhouse Leg Sweep
6) Spinning Leg Sweep
7) Hip Throw (O Goshi)
8) Shoulder Throw
9) Back Throw (Ushiro Goshi)
10) Rolling Throw (Toma Nage)

Demonstrate the following kicks:

1) Camel Kick
2) Wheel Kick
3) Inside Front Kick

Brown Belt - 2nd Kyu

Demonstrate defense from the following:

1) Side Headlock
2) Front Headlock
3) Rear Strangle
4) Front Hair Grab
5) Rear Hair Grab

Brown Belt - 1st Kyu

Demonstrate defense from the following:

1) Arm Bar
2) Rear Arm Pin
3) Double Arm Pin
4) Roundhouse Punch & ten (10) variations
5) Sleeper Hold

Black Belt - Shodan(1st Dan)

1) Demonstrate ALL previous requirements
2) Demonstrate defense from the following:
A) Front Kick
B) Round Kick
C) Side Kick
D) Over Head Knife
E) Side Knife
F) Slashing Knife
G) Jabbing Knife
H) Underneath Knife
I) Over Head Club
J) Side Head Club
K) Gun to the front of the head
L) Gun to the side of the head
M) Gun to the rear of the head
N) Gun to the front of the body
O) Gun to the side of the body
P) Gun to the rear of the body;/left>

Nidan - 2nd Degree Black Belt

1) Demonstrate ALL previous requirements
2) Demonstrate defense against the following:
A) Two (2) Man Attack (front and behind)
B) Three (3) Man Attack (front and each side)
C) Fighting to the ground
D) Fighting on the ground
3) Demonstrate your knowledge of pressure points

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