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   So the seperation of Church and State is once again an issue in the news. Does anyone really understand why ? It seems very clear to me....The Church is where you go to worship your particular God of choice. The Government is a collection of elected officials put in a postion to make and interpret laws and to provide pur communitys with roads and schools. They also do most of the work you would expect a good church to do....feed the poor, nurse the sick, house the homeless, etc. It seems the Government does a better job of being a “Church” than most Churchs do! So why are the Churchs so zealous in their attempts to take away our First Ammendment rights?

        Well, truth be known, the so-called “Bible Belt” has been acting for years to remove the First Ammendment from our collective memories. They blame everything from ice cream melting to yeast infections on the “Seperation of Church and State.” The presence of the Church in Local , State or National Government will only lead to disaster. Thats WHY it’s the FIRST ammendment! Think about it ....only the largest of todays religions will be represented in the government. So people like Newt and Pat will be running your country and your lives! Do you really want that? Look in the news. Republic, Missouri is the latest outbreak of this battle.

        The the right corner we have the ACLU, defenders of your Bill of Rights, Champions of the People,
Watchdogs of the Just. In the left corner we have the City of Republic, Missouri...a typical mid-western town that just happens to have a fish symbol in it’s city seal. (yes, a fish) Now to be fair, it is the symbolic type of fish, you know, the one used to represent Christianity. Now that makes it wrong for it to be on a city seal being that the city is, in fact, a government.

Now the really fun stuff starts. The city of Republic has its own, albeit unasked for, Champion. Pastor Fred Phelps and his family of 13 children, approximately two dozen members of the Topeka, Kan, Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) recently traveled to Republic, Mo. to picket in support of the small fish on the city's official logo and flag.“The sodomite ACLU is threatening to sue the little city of Republic...because the fish reminds the ACLU of Christianity and hence violates the First Ammendment rights of all pagan sodomites.’s time to stand up to the ACLU.”
        According to pastor Phelps who also believes that the Witch Coven of the Sacred Oak in Springfield-aided by a self-avowed lesbian Wiccan priestess in Republic-are working with the ACLU on, in Phelps words, "...a pagan assault upon what they perceive to be a Christian symbol on the city's logo. The pagan lesbo Wiccan Priestess and her children are said to be spreading Satan-worship propaganda in the schools and other places in Republic."

        This next one is my personal favorite....

        “We’re here because we love God and we love Republic, and we support your town’s battle with the sodomite ACLU. Fags, witches, the ACLU, etc. are all working together to try and destroy Christian America.”

        This is REAL folks. Do you really want your life choices made by people like pastor Phelps? Stand up and be counted. Express YOUR opinions to me , to your neighbors, maybe even .... stay with me now...the people YOU elected to convey your thoughts to that governing body called hope , per chance to dream..........