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House of Bartlett

Greetings and welcome to the House of Bartlett.
As thou can tell this House is under construction.
Best viewed by the Great kingdom of Netscape.
Use the Tome of Navigator 3.0 or Greater.
Alas For Those of you who are Chained, enslaved,
enchanted by large and Evil Empire.
Whether by Choice or by Force!
You can view it with the Evil Device,
know as Internet Explorer 4.0 or Higher number.

Christopher Bartlett is the lord of this House.
He founded the House of Bartlett in the good and kind
kingdom of Angelfire.
On the fourth Day in the Month of August,
in the year of our Lord and Savior
Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Seven.
The Lord's many titles bestowed and Claimed:
Knight in the order of Slaying Problems.
Earl of Cross Platforms and Networks.
Lays claim the title Duke of Game Making.
Come see the lord's Record of Deeds

Visit Other Lands and Far Off Places.
A Few Realms the House of Bartlett is fond of.
Be they well traveled Roadways,
Or just small unbeaten Pathways.
Roads to Other Realms

Other Noble People

Bullet to hit a stationary Sphere Solution

The Dungeon
Has held Visitors So Far This Year!

Personal Email: