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Hello,thank you for visiting my little place in cyberspace.I am a 32 year old female,I live in South Florida, and i've had my webtv for almost a year now.It was something that I bought on impulse while strolling through a mall.I never thought I would meet so many wonderful people that could make such a difference in my life.You can find out a little bit about these wonderful people by clicking onto the links below and don't forget to sign their guestbooks.In the near future I will be adding a second page of all kinds of helpful and fun goodies so be sure to check back often.


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My First Award!!
Thanks Renee & Paulie!!

My Second Award!!
Thanks Jazz!!

My Third Award!
Thanks April!!!

My Fourth Award!!
Thanks Again April!!!

Award Number Five!
Thanks So Much April!!!

Wow! My Sixth Award
Thanks So Much April!!!

Wow! My Seventh Award
Thanks Thomas!!!

The teardrop project

Embrace a diamond

This Cool Netsites site
is run by HowdyHoHoHo.

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