Barbara Larkin

Let me introduce myself...

My name is Barbara Larkin. I live in Pompano Beach, Florida, and work full time at SeaTech, the Dania Beach campus/research center of the Ocean and Mechanical Engineering Department at Florida Atlantic University. To learn more about what I do at FAU, see my resume. I love my job at FAU, especially the word processing part of it. In fact, I love word processing so much that it is also one of my hobbies, and I have a Desktop Publishing/Word Processing home-based business on the side. I also design web pages and create greeting and Christmas cards with an original poem or message included. I am a poet whenever the muses inspire me. I love to write, type, and create documents, especially Powerpoint slide presentations. I have produced, from the writing to the finished product, a booklet of my original poems and a book about my childhood for my grandchildren, as well as several other booklets of short stories. So, you see, my jobs are also my hobbies!

My philosophy of life is metaphysically based. I believe there are no accidents. Everything happens for a reason and is ultimately for our highest good. Even the so-called "bad" experiences become "good" experiences when they force us to change our perceptions and to grow spiritually from the lessons these experiences teach us. I believe that we should try our best to live our lives according to the "golden rule". If we follow that rule and realize that each individual is a part of a greater "oneness", as a grain of sand is the beach and a drop of water is the ocean, then we can truly live in peace and unity and find true happiness in our hearts and souls.

In what is left of my spare time, I enjoy dancing (especially ballroom and swing), walking, swimming, videography, photography (one of my photographs, "Baptism Hat", has been published in the International Library of Photography's book, "Passing Memories"), word processing, designing web pages, reading, metaphysics, astrology, and writing poetry and inspirational illuminations, as well as little stories for my grandchildren. Several of my original poems have been selected for publication in the National Library of Poetry's anthologies and "Sounds of Poetry" audiotapes. I have also received an International Poet of Merit Silver Award Bowl and a Bronze Commemorative Medallion from the International Society of Poets.

My latest hobby is designing web pages. Be sure to visit my home page, my Illuminations home page, and my web design business home page.





my FAU page

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