E-T-A circuit breakers? Reply to:


Would you happen to know the part number for the E-T-A circuit breakers. There is a location very close to me but I am not close to the boat for the moment. I am at the CG logistics depot counting life jackets and anodes. They don't have them here by the way or I would excess one.

-----Original Message-----

From: Bob Zeman

Those switches are circuit breakers, too. Someone replaced a couple on my boat with toggles and really mucked up the control panel doing it. If they had stuck with the originals, the replacement is a cinch- just unscrew it from the panel and buss, and pop in the new one. I finally cleaned up this hack job with new replacements just like the original. Before I knew better, I ordered them from Ted The Irwin himself! Since then, I tracked them down to E-T-A, the manufacturer Everybody sit, or hold on to something- here it comes --> E-T-A is one of the leading manufacturers of circuit breakers in the solar system. What is high class stuff like this doing on you-know-who's boats? Beats me. You can't replace them with anything better- they range from 5 or 10 amp on up to 65 amp (for those electric heads that we all know and love). They are completely sealed, which is a plus, since my panel is located just to the bottom left of the companionway- the perfect design to ensure it gets doused repeatedly by salt water, fresh water, coffee, margaritas, manhattans, martinis, beer, tomato soup, and the occasional pooch who didn't quite make it to the cockpit, etc.....

You should be able to find a distributor near you from their home page.

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