Reject All American

Statement of Vidication

Mirror Mirror on the wall
Whose the fairest of them all?
I don't I don't really care y'know
I don't I don't really care
I don't I don't really care
Like it's not that important at all
You made the rules
You wrote the script out
Don't blame me when you fuckin lose
Don't put the blame on me
You try to make me crazy You try to make me scared You try to make me crazy I think yr a fucking drag
You are yr own worst enemy
Capri Pants

If you see me If you see me
Just go away Just go away
If I run If I run
Don't follow me Just go away
Cuz I like you But baby it's all wrong
Cuz I yeah I like you But baby it's all wrong
If I run don't you think You know what I want
It feels good It feels good
It's all wrong It's all wrong
It feels so good It must be wrong
It feels so good It must be wrong
Jet Ski

Aint got no more No more candy for you
Im not yr rocket ship Or yr motor boat
Yr movie set Or yr cartoon show
Not yr fucking VCR Not yr avante gard postcard idea
I'm not yr oilwell I'm not yr blood bank
I'm not yr bullet proof vest Or yr Visa card
I aint got no candy for you
I said I'm not yr vacation spot
I'm not yr footnote, freakshow
Or yr latest cause
I'm not yr view to a kill
I'm not yr background tune
I'm not the nutty story
That yr neighbors been telling to you
I aint got no candy for you
I said I'm not yr oilwell
I'm not yr dimestore novel
Or yr prison cell
I aint got no candy for you
Distinct Complicity

Determined by many Determined by many
Determined by many Determined by many
Determined by many separations,
No controlling and understated,
Determined today by those of us
Who refuse to conquer hesitation
I don't see anything else in this room, I don't think so
Uh oh, oh-oh
You're already 22
Don't waste yr life in school
You could go back anytime And I wanna see you on tour
Determined by many situations, Seemingly random considerations
Determined by those of You who decide to do more than
Just sit on the floor I don't see anything else in this room I don't see you, no not at all
I'm walking down the street I'm skating to the show
I wanna see yr band play But there's no one here I know
Determined by many separations So controlling & understated
Determined today by those of us Who refuse to conquer hesitation
I don't see anything else in this room To prove me wrong
False Start

On a point in time-present undefined And it's getting cold outside
Situation statistical for reasons you don't know Just short of indecision
And it's getting cold outside And it's getting cold outside
For yr own trepidation Refer to new perspexion
See yrself as others see you In reverse red can appear blue
Wanna go outside Don't you wanna go outside
Been stuck inside yr room So stranded-like & full of doom all year
Time out for good behavior
Adds up to what you want it to
What you wanna, what you Wanna do
What informs a motivation
Casual or obligation-ficticious circumstance
Suspending all yr future plans
Wait for you outside
If this false started motion
Believes its own propulsion
Tran-sending space & time
Then I'll wait for you outside Then I'll wait for you outside
Been so long since I've seen you
So much has changed, you sound the same
We're meeting at this place, I wanna see you, See you race again
We're all waiting, we're all waiting here

I can't say everything about it In just one single song
I can't put how I feel in a package And sell it back to everyone
But wait
There's another boy genius whose fucking gone
I hope the food tastes better in heaven
I know there's lots of rad queer boys up there
I hope every time they talk to you
They know they're lucky to be yr friend
Cuz look
There's another boy genius whose fucking gone
And I wouldn't be so fucking mad so fucking Pissed off if it wasn't so fucking wrong
It's all fucking wrong
It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair
But no one said life was easy
Yeah, but no one said, no one said
Nothing's supposed to happen right?
No, no one told me anything
To prepare me for fucking this
There's another boy genius whose fucking gone
Don't tell me it don't matter Don't tell me I've had three days to get over it
It won't go away It just won't go away
No Backrub

Lung cancer
No time
Lots of stress
More fear
Self pity
Lots of guilt
No sleep
These are the things I give myself
No pleasure
No time
Don't need to
Feel fine
Dirty kitchen
Broken car
Trying to breathe in
Thru a scar
These are the things I give myself
Loads of execution Loads of execution Loads of execution
These are the things I give myself
Bloody Icecream

The Slyvia Plath story is told to girls who write
They want us to think that to be a girl poet means you have to die
Who is it that told me all the girls who write must suicide?
I've another good one for you, We are turning cursive letters into knives
For Only

An image from a long, long time ago
Is haunting me, it plays itself
With picture perfect clarity
A certain walk, a certain talk
Forever twenty-three
For only me to see
I watch it like a movie
The details so consume me
What's real will surface when it's gone
By now you've heard the news What is there left to do
I watch it like a movie The details so consume me
What's real will surface when it's gone
Your face looks so familiar
Unwashed and quite peculiar
No I can't say that I recall
I guess it's gone
Tony Randell

Tony Randall
Mary Tyler Moore
Molly Ringwald
Re-run shows
Robotic nation False history spit out
Another picture of a girl with a gun To bore me
artoon girl
hallmark card
I see a punk club
He sees a strip bar
Somethings can't
Be photographed
Somethings can't
Be photographed
Reject All American

Mass acceptance
Over rated
Teen anthem
If you work hard
You'll succeed
A starring role On Nothing Incorporated Incorporated
Reject All American
Reject All American
Reject All American
Reject All American
Gets good grades And plays guitar
He's all the rage on Nothing Incorporated
Gets good grades And plays guitar
Thinks he's cool but really is not
Reject All American Reject All American Reject All American Reject All American

Red light stop
Green light go
I'm hearing voices On my stereo
They wanna tell me something That I don't already know
They wanna tell me something Right now
We're the girls with the bad reputation We're the girls gonna make you pay
We're the girls with the bad reputation We are gonna have our say
Time to go Time to go Time to go
Green light go

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