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Birmingham Southern College

Environmental Studies Minor
The minor in environmental studies is an interdisciplinary program linked to a disciplinary major. The program is designed to broaden an understanding of both environmental science and policy. The student's major field of study develops the disciplinary skills of inquiry and analysis, and the minor complements the major by providing the integration of approaches to address environmental issues.
Southern Environmental Center
SEC serves as a regional resource that puts environmental information at your fingertips. It sponsors conferences, manages a unique museum and outdoor classroom facility, and provides insight on how we, as individuals, can improve and protect our environment.

Environmental Studies Homepage
A complete guide to the green initiative at Birmingham-Southern College, including upcoming events held on campus.

BSC Conservancy
BSC Conservancy is a student organization whose mission is to encourage environmental awareness among the Birmingham-Southern College community and those surrounding it.

Centenary College

Environmental Science Major
Centenary offers an interdisciplinary degree in environmental sciences. the degree is designed to give interested students the background to assume an entry level position in the
environmental industry or to allow the student to continue with post-graduate study in either environmental sciences or the discipline in which the student elected a track.

Environmental Studies Minor 
An environmental studies minor is offered at Centenary College to students with majors in the sciences and non-sciences. The minor focuses the learning process around the knowledge and skills required to address the multidisciplinary nature of environmental issues. Course work varies somewhat depending on the student's major (science or non-science) to better compliment their educational program.

The Centenary Campus Environmental Audit   
Centenary College of Louisiana completed its first environmental audit in the Spring of 1998 through the Environmental Topics course taught by Dr. Mary Barrett, Department of Geology & Geography.  This assessment examined the following areas:   Recycling Service, Campus and Career Opportunities, The Cafeteria, Water Usage and Landscaping, Energy Use and Conservation

Centre College

The Environmental Education Station
This site provides materials, in the form of course syllabi, readings, exercises and books, for professors interested in developing environmental curriculum and/or lesson plans. In addition, this site links to further information on a variety of environmentally related subjects such as deforestation, recycling, economic and the environment, sustainable development, environmental audits, and organic gardening.

Davidson College

Davidson College Environmental Curriculum
A complete listing of Davidson College's environmentally related course offerings.

The Davidson Ecological Preserve

Reptiles and Amphibians of North Carolina

Furman University

Earth and Environmental Sciences Program 
Helping students understand how our planet functions, the limits of earth's resources, and the capacity of humans to alter global processes for the common good, are the goals of the Furman program in earth and environmental sciences. At Furman, earth and environmental sciences students may pursue several programs of study. The department offers a B.S. degree with an earth science concentration, a B.S. with an environmental science concentration, and a B.A. with an environmental science concentration.

Habitat Earth 
The Center for Habitat Earth is a multidimensional program to coordinate and stimulate environmental themes in the curriculum, oversee campus initiatives in energy conservation and environmental awareness, and organize and support interdisciplinary environmental research.
The Environmental Action Group 
The Environmental Action Group (EAG) is a Furman University student run organization whose main purpose is to educate and enlighten the student body, faculty, and staff about environmental issues. They seek to teach others about both the local and global impacts human beings have on the world around them, and that by implementing sustainable and economic techniques to conserve resources, we will enable future generations to enjoy what we have today.

Furman Recycling Program 
Furman University encourages all faculty, staff and students to be pro-active in their campus recycling program. The university provides bins and containers throughout the campus to capture materials. The recyclables are collected weekly and transported to a recycle center where they are sorted and distributed to manufacturers who turn them into useful products helping us conserve our valuable resources.

Enoree River Basin Research Initiative 2000
The departments of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Biology, and Chemistry at Furman University are currently involved in a long-term research initiative to study the impact of economic and population growth on river basins. The Enoree River has received the next to worst  water quality ranking by the Environmental Protection Agency on the basis of the biological and chemical  indices. Their goal is to determine the cause of the poor water quality, and attempt to link land use to  water quality. Furman University is currently accepting applications for the  summer program 2000.

Community and Environmental Health: Foreign Study in Santiago, Chile
A comparative study of community and environmental health concepts in the US and in Chile. Through participation in service projects, field experiences, and research assignments, students will explore supportive and non-supportive cultural practices that affect community and environmental health. Students will examine the need for environmental management and health planning as they learn about the Chilean health care system and research diseases, causative agents, pollutants, toxins and practices affecting health and/or the environment. Students will spend time with a host family, become immersed in its culture, improve upon Spanish language skills and develop an appreciation for another culture.

Hendrix College
Center for Spirituality and Sustainability
Center for Spirituality and Sustainability offers experiential, interdisciplinary programs designed to promote consciousness of the interconnectedness of all creation and a sustainable future based on spiritual awareness. It offers an exploration of diverse ideas and theories, as well as practical hands-on ways to make a difference in our own lives, our communities and the world.

Student Activities that Value the Earth
SAVE is Hendrix College's student environmental activist group. Currently SAVE is working on the following campaigns to end chip mills and clearcutting, factory farming in Arkansas and to support the Zapatista Solidarity Campaign.

Rhodes College

Campus Green
Campus Green is a non-profit, student run organization dedicated to environmental issues. The groups is primarily  concerned with implementing programs that preserve the environment and educate people about the urgency of environmental protection. Their main project is to implement and maintain the student run recycling program.

Rollins College

Rollins College Recycles 
Rollins uses a white bag system to sort recyclables from trash. Campus recycling bins should always be lined with white bags, as opposed to clear or black bags. There are two types of recycling bins located on Rollins campus: Commingled and Paper Products. "Co-mingled" includes aluminum, plastic, tin, and glass products, while "Paper Products" refers only to paper and cardboard products. 

Rollins Environmental Studies Program
The Environmental Studies major offers an interdisciplinary approach to the global environmental crisis by drawing faculty from anthropology, biology, chemistry,economics, philosophy, political science, and English. Faculty from the local community also provide a valuable applied perspective. Students may major in one of two tracks: Environmental Policy or Natural Systems Analysis.

Wekiva 2020
This project provides a module for ACS schools to incorporate environmental ethics and ecological design into their curriculum. The core of this project was the design of a "greenways-oriented- community," (Wekiva 2020, Conceptual Design Principles for the Wekiva River Protection Project).  This project is part of a larger effort to implement sustainable design standards in the Wekia Protection Area, one of Florida's most sensitive ecological regions. This prototype project will also be utilized to make “Ethical Design” a collaborative research and service agenda  in ACS institutions.

Southwestern University

Southwestern University's Environmental Studies Program
Environmental Studies at Southwestern University is an interdisciplinary program which introduces students ­ both those majoring in environmental studies and those wishing to add knowledge in this significant area of study and life ­ to a wide variety of perspectives that examine the many connections between humans and nature. Major: Students may choose between two tracks in the Environmental Studies Major (both of which lead to the B.A. degree). Minor: A minor in Environmental Studies consists of 18 hours selected from the two tracks with 12 hours above the 100 level.
Southwestern's Campus Ecological Audit 
In the Spring of 1999, students from three different courses in each of three different campus academic divisions came together to conduct an ecological audit of the Southwestern campus. Students from Dr. Hobgood-Oster's Religion and Ecology course, Dr. Johnson's Society, Culture and Ecology course, and Dr. Niemeyer's Environmental Chemistry course worked together on interdisciplinary teams to investigate the campus's sustainability along eleven parameters.

Trinity University

Environmental Studies Minor
The Environmental Studies minor is an interdisciplinary study of the Earth's environment and human interaction with that environment. Environmental Studies is a program of breadth, not concentration, in which students address environmental issues from natural science, economic, and sociocultural perspectives. The minor includes required courses in anthropology, biology, economics, and geoscience and electives in areas ranging from history to organic chemistry. Given the breadth of this minor, a significant overlap with a student's choice of Common Curriculum courses is both expected and encouraged.

Trinity University Northeast Corner Project
Trinity University has an undeveloped 12 acre parcel of land on the northeast corner of campus. Recently, campus interest in environmental issues has raised awareness of the educational potential of this attractive open space. A group of faculty, students, and staff at Trinity University have discussed a plan to manage this parcel, so that it would satisfy the university community's need for an outdoor area for environmental teaching and learning. With the support of ACS, Trinity University physical plant staff, faculty, and students hosted a planning charette. One outcome of this planning process was a set of realistic options for the development and management of the northeast corner.

University of Richmond

(Environmental Coalition Of Activists Working Ardently for Richmond's Ecology) The purpose of this site is to increase Environmental Awareness in the Richmond Community. The site provides descriptions of Richmond's various environmental activities, environmental studies offerings and accomplishments, and links to other interesting facts and figures.

Environmental Studies
UR is developing a Major in Environmental Studies. The goal of the major is to enable students to understand, evaluate, and change the way humans relate to their natural world. The major will draw together students and faculty from across campus to integrate disciplines in the study of the environment. It is expected to begin in the fall of 2001. Further information about the major and other environmental issues at UR can be accessed on this page.

University of the South

Enviromental Studies Major
Three majors and a minor are offered in the Environmental Studies Program. The three majors include Environmental Policy, Ecology and Biodiversity, and Natural Resources and the Environment. There are eleven required courses for each of the majors, including a senior capstone course. The minor in Environmental Studies consists of six courses taken from the approved Environmental Studies course list. The minor requires EnSt 200 (Introduction to Environmental Studies), two social science/policy courses (from the approved list), two science courses (from the appproved list), and an additional sixth course of their choosing (from the approved list).

Sewanee Outing Program
The purpose of the Sewanee Outing Program is to provide students with the opportunity to explore and enjoy the outdoors through activities such as hiking, backpacking, climbing, boating, caving, skiing, and mountain biking. Within these activities, the SOP provides a dynamic opportunity for student leadership, personal growth, relaxation, and fun. The program seeks to expand the extracurricular activities at the University by offering excursions that enhance individual enjoyment and appreciation of the natural world.

Cumberland Environmental Center
The Cumberland Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development at the University of the South is an interdisciplinary group of faculty from the Departments of Biology, Economics, Philosophy and Political Science. Their mission is to provide interdisciplinary, collaborative mentoring to advanced undergraduates through shared faculty/student research and to foster student/ faculty problem-solving in the areas of regional conservation and sustainable development, focusing at least initially on Franklin County, TN and the southern Cumberland Plateau. Overall CCCSD aims to serve as a think tank on issues relating to conservation and sustainable development for the University, broader community and southeast region.

Heritage Resources Management in the College and University Environment
Heritage Resources Management, a workshop on the identification and stewardship of archaeological and historical resources, provided a usable level of archaeological knowledge to a large segment of the ACS academic and public sector. Administrators, faculty, and students were provided with an experience in planning and preserving while they explored how each group plays a key role and how students can be energized to become deeply involved in research addressing important environmental issues. An essential product of the workshop was a draft heritage resources management policy suitable for adoption by all of the ACS schools and for modification and elaboration tailored to the resources of each individual institution. This site also includes ACS Heritage Links.

Washington and Lee University

Environmental Studies Program 
Washington and Lee takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the environment. Faculty and students from the sciences, the humanities, the social sciences, and law are involved
through research, the curriculum, and a variety of co-curricular activities, including lecture series, service learning projects, monthly luncheon seminars, and outdoor activities. The interdisciplinary course sequence was approved by the faculty in 1998. The geology department also offers a B.A. degree with a focus on environmental issues.

Campus Recycling Program 
Now its easier than ever to recycle paper and aluminum cans at Washington & Lee.  There is no need to sort these items - they can simply be tossed into the new blue containers located in all buildings on campus. Glass and cardboard is collected separately at specified locations.
The Washington and Lee Outing Club 
The W&L Outing Club offers students, faculty, and staff a variety of outdoor activities and classes.  W&L students lead most of the activities, which include backpacking, fly fishing, canoeing, kayaking, rafting, rock climbing, mountain biking, caving, skiing, and outdoor cooking.  Trips vary in length from day hikes to ten day trips held during February and Spring break.  Equipment and trip planning resources are available to all Outing Club members who want to do their own trips.

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  This page updated on 11/15/02