The Skeptic's Corner

by Jeremy Rothman

? takes very little skepticism to find major problems with the film
?? A skeptic novice could crack this one pretty quickly
??? A seasoned skeptic will find only a few faults with this film
???? Not even the king skeptic, myself, can find many problems with this superior brand of cinema.

Analyze This


This movie doesn't give you much to analyze, but it sure makes you laugh. Analyze This is a hysterical comedy starring Billy Crystal and Robert DeNiro. Both DeNiro and Crystal are completely at home in their roles. DeNiro co-stars as the notorious mobster he was born to play and Crystal is the uptight, uptown New York psychoanalyst. Lisa Kudrow plays Crystal's fiancee. Let's just say, it's a good thing she plays a fairly minor role. Even though she is attempting to play a level-headed TV personality, she still manages to be irritating.

The scenes between Crystal and DeNiro are the only obvious reasons to see this film. But the writing is outstanding and the dialogue is an absolute riot. The film is timed perfectly so that nothing important is drowned out by the bubbling laughter in the theater.

The crispness of the humor, however, wears out well before closure of the plot. A dull ending drags on, but is punctuated by a very funny scene featuring Crystal.

This is a great movie if you're looking for a hardy guffaw. If you're looking for something to analyze, I'd recommend reading the back of a cereal box first.

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