Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Sony Pictures, 2000
Directed by Ang Lee


By Jason Rothman

It happens about fifteen minutes into the film. A female warrior starts to chase a thief across a rooftop and gravity stops being an issue. The pair skips through the air like fireflies and suddenly you realize Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon isn't just an epic, historical romance. It's an epic historical romance with kick-ass action sequences.

Hong Kong action stars Chow Yun-Fat and Michelle Yeoh play a pair of Taiwanese warriors who set off in search of a stolen sword. In their pursuit they cross paths with a nobleman's daughter who possesses remarkable fighting skills of her own.

At first glance, it's hard to believe this is from the same guy who directed Sense and Sensibility and The Ice Storm. But Ang Lee's touch is evident in the film's quieter moments, namely the emotionally-real romantic subplots.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon delivers grand melodrama, humor, suspense, two great love stories and some of the most thrilling action sequences ever put on film. There's not much more you can ask for in a movie.
(c) Copyright 2001

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