Florida Senate committe hears ideas
about 2005 base closures and realignments

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- A Florida Senate committee is being told Florida is likely to lose some of its military facilities in 2005, and should begin preparing to replace them with research and development centers.

The Military and Veterans' Affairs, Base Protection and Spaceports Committee heard from a panel of experts March 17 on ways to try to save military installations that might be targeted by the 2005 Base Closure and Realignment Commission.

Committee chairman and New Port Richey legislator Mike Fasano said his panel will support legislation that would encourage the military to stay in the state. Bills include those to help the families of military personnel and keep civilian activities from encroaching on bases.

There has been at least one report saying the federal 2005 Base Closure and Realignment Commission is expected to recommend closing 25 percent of the military installations across the nation.

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