Children's Reading Room

page 3


My Friend

I have a little pet
That sits and  cries with me;
When I am sad or lonely
He loves and comforts me.

When I cry his eyes look sad,
As we sit there all alone;
And when I speak my problems
He begins to howl and moan.

When I smile he wags his tail
And bounces up and down;
When I laugh at him
He loves to play the clown.

I love my mom and daddy,
But I love my puppy too;
He is my friend and helps me
With everything I do.

                            Joyce Guy







I  Know God Loves Me

Get up chicken,
I want an egg;
I heard you cackle,
So I know its laid.

The cow gives butter
Along with the milk,
Silkworms spin
and make me silk.

Sheep give wool
to cover me;
And honey comes
from the honey bee.

God made the world
A wonderful place
To take care of me
And the whole human race. 

                 Joyce Guy





Jesus would you help me tie my shoe,
Or would you teach me how
To loop the strings and tie the knot
As I try it now?

Would you help me comb my hair
And wear a smiley face;
Help me put my toys all up
And keep a neater place?

I thank you so for loving me
And helping me be good.
Could you help my best friend Jack?
I really pray you would.

Joyce Guy


Come little kitty cat,
Take a nap with me,
We will lay on mama’s bed
Still as we can be.

First we’ll yawn and stretch awhile,
And then we’ll settle down
And think of all the fun we have
When we get up and play around.

We will thank our dear friend Jesus
Who gave us to each other
And watches over us as we play
Like He’s my older brother.

Joyce Guy

The following poem was written by my 15 year old granddaughter, Jennifer May.  She is quite talented and has great potential. 
  Assassin for Hire - Cheap
Jennifer May
With fluid motions I creep along a wall.
Breathless, praying I will not fall.
lift my gun, take careful aim.
No one will know who to blame.
My human targets hit the floor.
More are out of the game than before.
People stop and look about, wondering why these people lie
On the floor.  Only I know why.

One month later, in Mexico,
I prepare my gun on the go.
I have another mission,
Another part of my employer's vision.
In a hotel I see a fellow,
Dressed up in a suit of yellow.
I burst in on him and he starts to shout.
I'm telling my employer I want out.

The man draws a gun from a hidden holster.
I bring up all the valor I can bolster.
We shoot at each other and I get hit.
I never would have expected it.
There's a bullet in my chest.  I'm going down.
But all I can see is his frown.
Blood pumps toward me.  I got him too.
I slip to the ground and say, "Got you."

I lie there and feel my pulse drop.
I just wait to hear my heart stop.
As my body goes limp upon the floor,
I release the controls and head for the door.
I've been here most of the day, but now I'm done.
That was my last quarter, and it's gone.

The following poem was written by Jennifer after the family made a trip to the local  public library.  Pornography is available, and can be seen by children passing computer screens in use for this purpose by wicked people.  Her family is protesting, as you will find in her poem.

Safe Place?

Jennifer May

In the library, there is an escape from the world.
Tis a place where insults are not often hurled.
But now lurk sick things, shameless and evil.
Behind which hide works of the Devil.
Computers provide many paths to knowledge,
Including much of that which parents discourage

In this haven of wisdom, evil daily prowls,
In the shape of one pervert with hair 'round his jowls.
In a hooded overcoat with pajama pants,
He looks like he should be in the dirt with the ants.
He resembles a tramp thriving on muck,
Or a redneck that would drive a truck

Nasty and slouched, he sits at the desks,
He drools while watching women with bare breasts.
Round the stage they dance and cavort,
While he revels in this disgusting sport.
If you don't believe me, I tell you it's true.
I have seen it, and my brothers have, too.

We walk through the room, look at each screen.
Curiosity drives our eyes to sites we've seen.
When my brothers saw the screen of this pig,
From across the building, I heard eyeballs get really big.
I rushed to find out what had transpired,
Found the pervert to porno wired.

The staff on duty could do nothing
To rid us of this object of our loathing.
So, we're going to a higher power to get some control.
To eliminate porn is our main goal.
Rather than give the jerk a much deserved pounding,
We're taking away the library's funding.

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