Sunset to Sunrise

Joyce Guy

Great darkness fell over all the land,
while the sun yet abode in the sky;
a feeling of heaviness pervaded the earth,
as the Savior chose to suffer and die.

Gloom in the heart of Christians dwelt
sitting like stone upon their souls;
for they had lost their vision
of attaining their heavenly goal.

But what a blessed awakening,
when He burst forth from the grave,
where death could not detain Him,
nor could the devil's rage.

Three days, two nights in its prison
were all that God ordained,
while the Son of God went deep into hell
And all lost authority regained;

Yes, the Son rose bright in the morning,
bringing eternal victory;
the penalty for sin was paid,
atonement for you and me.

The poem above won the 1999 "Michael J. Marinelli Memorial Award" in the contest for the best Easter poem.


Joyce Guy

Hallelujah, He is risen,
left behind an empty tomb,
doorway to the realm of satan,
death and hell, sinners' doom.

Doorway to the throne of heaven,
entrance for the perfect Lamb,
to reunite with God the Father
and the Spirit, great triune I AM.

Sin both challenged and defeated
along with death, hell and the grave;

Satisfied the Father's judgment
with the perfect life He gave.

Hallelujah, He is risen;
I ascended one with Him,
Identified as free, forgiven,
In Christ the perfect risen Lamb.

Joyce Guy

Briars and thorns do snag and tear thee
all along the narrow way;
Which do fester and delay thee
in thy walk from day to day.

Uneven path doeth trip thee often
in thy journey throughout life;
Trials, placed there by adversary,
take their toll, exact a price.

Friend and foe alike assail thee
for decisions thou hast made;
Leave thee bruised, forlorn, forsaken,
unsupported, oft betrayed.

Weary feet move slowly onward,
heavy heart in depths of gloom;
Struggling, falling, heavy laden,
expecting naught but dreary tomb.

But then HIS voice calls out unto thee,
gently urging "Follow me,
take thy cross and follow onward;
for I have trodden where thou be."

vAnd in the joy of thy companion,
God the Spirit, blessed friend,
pain recedes, black night departed;
Only matters pleasing HIM.



Joyce Guy

God is angry with the wicked every day;
Afresh they crucify His Son,
Turn His gift of grace away;
They make His sacrifice of no avail;
and turn and follow Satan
down rebellious paths to Hell;
God is angry with the wicked every day.

The Grace of God extends to fallen man;
His Holy Spirit takes the Word
and reveals redemption's plan;
He calls to all who will
accept His sacrifice and then
begin life in Him on Calvary's hill.
The Grace of God extends to fallen man.

The peace and joy of God abide on all who come
and follow Jesus onward
to God's eternal throne.
He delivers through every trial and storm
enfolded in His love,
safe from all fatal harm;
The peace and joy of God abide on all who come
but... God is angry with the wicked every day.
                (Psalm 7:11


Joyce Guy

O Lord our Lord, how excellent
is Thy name in all the earth;
for who can take Thy measure,
or assess Thy boundless worth.

For the mind of God is fathomed
by neither spirit form nor man;
none can contemplate Thy actions
or preempt Thy plans.

Thy love is without measure,
we cannot comprehend
the pain that Thou hast suffered
to reconcile fallen man.

We stand in awe before Thee,
and thank Thee for Thy grace,
with overflowing spirit
bound by neither time nor space.

For throughout endless ages
Thy praise shall be out goal,
wafting sweet incense to Thee
as eternities unfold..




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