I presented to the Emergency room
with pain in chest and arm;
I quite down played my symptoms,
so my mate would not alarm.
The doctor there was typical
of the way a male can be
when he phoned the cardiologist,
after checking me.
He said, "She's late middle aged , you know
It's not likely PMS...
her hormones could be high or low,
but gastric is my guess.
I think I can assure you
It will not indicate her heart,
when I get the lab results
of the tests I'm gonna start;
She's probably just bored with life,
I'll bet her kids have gone,
her husband, no doubt, works,
and she sits home alone.
She reads Ladies Home Journal,
Of that I have no doubt,
with it's many articles
on diseases, malaise, and gout.
I'll bet she reads the Journal,
watches TV by the hour,
and, like a multitude of others,
has succumbed to suggestive power.
"Guess what," he said much later,
as he phoned the surgeon back,
"That little old middle aged lady
has had a heart attack."
This slightly obese
middle aged lady
presents to the ER
with complaint of a malady.
The doctor quite sternly
uttered to me,
"You read too much Journal,
watch too much TV.
Women your age
have a need to complain
because their children are grown,
and they feel useless again.
Get you a hobby,
or go volunteer,
and tell my nurse
I'll see you next year.
He knows not nor cares
I work 12 hours a day,
then do the yard,
and get the house squared away.
He did not examine
this lump in my breast,
nor bother to ask
why I'm unable to rest.
For he thinks he knows,
as he guesses my age,
that I'm a common complainer,
that it's all the rage.
He makes the assumption
as so many do,
that I'm a middle aged lady
depressed or just blue.
But I have his number,
and he is not alone,
this cocky young guy
with "Male Doctor Syndrome".
My husband goes to the doctor at the drop of
a shoe,
for a stuffy nose or a sniffle or two;
Doc. takes time to check ventilation,
to offer kind words of commiseration
He gives a few samples of the latest new meds.,
and recommends treatment to bring relief to
his head.
He pats his shoulder, and tells this
dear man,
"If you're not better soon come see me again."
But I see the same doc for my once yearly
and mention some pain and extreme stiffness
of neck.
He dictates a note and says to my face
"The things women imagine is such a disgrace."
You are a typical middle aged lady
with nothing to do but try every malady.
Go home to your husband meet his expectations,
Think positive thoughts in these situations.
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