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So you want to travel to the Land of the Unicorn

Where magic exists and fairies are born.

You must first close your eyes and open your heart

Only then will your wonderful journey start.

Though everything seems misty, try not to stare

If you look much too closely nothing will be there.

The air is so cool, yet incredibly still...

Like something's to happen and probably will.

You stop breathing to notice there's not a sound to be heard

Not a tree in the wind- not the song of a bird.

On your cheek you feel the sweet breath of warm air

And you turn to find the Unicorn standing there.

For a moment you stare right into his eyes

He is old and he is young and he is very, very wise.

You swear to keep the secret of all these magical things

And then you are invited to try some fairy wings.

Beams of sun break through the clouds as if by his command

And then you see a fairy who takes you by the hand.

Her hair is golden swirling curls sparkling with dew.

Her dress is like white taffeta flecked with bits of blue.

They take you through a thick of woods til a clearing you can spy

You blink your eyes in disbelief as petals swirl down from the sky.

The air is sweet with many things

You turn to notice you have fairy wings!

To the lillies you go upon his back, as you go to deliver dew

Though this is something you've never done, It's something you always knew.

Though no time passes, the day is done

You sadly turn to see the setting of the sun.

And so you wake in your bed, hair still sparkling with dew

With memories of secret things...on fairy wings you flew...

©Katie Connolly and her mom

If you like my poems, I hope you put a link to them on your page, but please don't steal them. My Mom wrote them for me, and they are special to me. Thank you.