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~*no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry~*~

*poog* - excuse me, excuse me senora...may I speak to you please. I asked for an ickle monkey, and they brought me a blue bee? And I said no TC, NO TC for ever , but it had tc on it lol? *you* - mumbles "swedish lisa talk" *poog* - I won't be leaving a sugar packet! B/C I could...I could jump off this cliff. Sir! I'll take "business" to a competing corner. I'll just write a letter(recomended by Ginger of course who at the moment is stuffing her face w/ big macs lol) *closing music* now its anofe......‹end› Don't get it? Your not supposed to! Click links, sign the g-book, vote, whatever. Enjoy...Dueces! Mad love @ poog & sean havib!

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~*~*~*~Last Updated April 20th~*~*~*~

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