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Dave's Gay

copyright 1998, Janet
(Music and CD available by Parthanon)

The big ol' truck sat in the yard
The bed filling with leaves with the turn of each season

She had driven through town while Dave was away -
She blew up the engine, now Dave is gay.

The Swampers went flat, the windows all cracked and the doors were jammed shut.

She had driven through town while Dave was away -
She blew up the engine, now Dave is gay.

Jesus Christ, she washed his feet
She anchored her hopes and dreams to a "man" she adored
A Georgia red neck
A love for big toys;
muscle cars, 4x4s, axels with big tires
A republican, staunch and unswayed
Dole and Bush, his political heroes
He's drawn to her passion
A dichotomy - love and hate
He resents her convictions
A fondness for Clinton

For years he struggled mourning his truck
Trying to revive it, restore it, mend it.

All because she had driven through town while Dave was away
She blew up the engine, now Dave is gay.
