"What is Thriving?" "How does one find out how to thrive?" "I can't even get out of my house. How can I thrive?" "When will I become a thriver?" "I am alive, isn't that good enough?" "I will never heal, I will never thrive." |
These questions and comments I hear often from
other survivors. I heard them from myself not too long ago as well. Something Ellen Bass (Courage To Heal) said. "I know it is possible for every survivor to heal, and to go on to thrive." When I heard her say these words, it confirmed for me what I have always believed. Healing IS possible, and when one is healed enough, thriving becomes a way of life, there is no stopping it. I ask myself often, in every aspect of my life, "Who would I be if I had not lived what I have lived?" The answer that comes to me is, I don't know, and this I have made peace with. But I do know because of the strength and wisdom that has come from my hardships, I have become a woman of subsidence. What I used to view as weaknesses, I now view as strengths. "What hasn't broken me has made me." I did not change myself. I changed my views of myself, which in turn uncovered the true me that was always there. Kim was underneath all of the junk, she fought hard to find her way out. She is out now, ready to live...today. I am a thiver.
What does thriving feel like? For me, these are the words that come to mind.
Freedom Hope Security Safety Gratitude Love Insitefulness Optimistic Realistic Growth Joy Empowerment Satisfaction Spiritual Grace Creativity Spontaneity Confidence Awareness Inner Beauty Recognition Forgiveness Patience Commitment Determination Enlightenment Expression Present Peace Me
I am Thankful
My Ever growing gratitude list
I am grateful for, My children My family (chosen) My friends My Therapists and Doctors Warren, my soul mate and forever love. And... Listening to my daughter talk, and talk, and talk, sunrise, and sunset, Flannel PJ's, toll-house cookies, my first wake up cup of java, my computer,The warmth from the sun, soft pillows, healing music, my flower garden, candles, my paints and canvas, raindrops on my face, the music of birds, weekends, purple nail polish, connecting with a friend, surprises, my son's sunny smiles, pizza, my journal, my support group, Tele-Tubbies, family time at the dinner table, Christmas, angels, rainbows, museums, peace and quiet, photographs of good times passed, side-walk chalk, the Sunday paper, chocolate, a cool breeze that cleanses, my kid's imagination, the scent of lilacs, my treasure box, water-proof mascara, vacations, sleeping in, the sounds of the ocean, a good book, renewal each morning, waterfalls.....
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