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A Service for Handicapped Children

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    Dental care for the handicapped is the answer to a long-standing medical need.   By virtue of their handicap, many children cannot receive traditional dental services.  Dentists with specialized training are needed to care for the children.

    Dentistry for the Handicapped Program combines a unique partnership with qualified dentists throughout the country.  The Program is designed to help needy children with the best dental care possible.  Since the inception of the Grotto program in 1970, patients have been treated at the Illinois Masonic Medical Center, 811 West Wellington Ave., Chicago, IL 60657.

    In 1987, The Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio, became a National Regional Treatment Center.  These Treatment Centers include in-patient and out-patient treatment.

    The service can also be given in most of the communities throughout the Realm.  The child should be capable of some cooperation with the dentist in the local dental treatment setting.  The parents select a dentist of their choice and we will work directly with that office in processing the claim for payment.



    Dental care will be provided without regard to faith, creed, or color, to a handicapped child with the following conditions:

1. Cerebral Palsy

2. Muscular Dystrophy

3. Mentally Challenged

(Mentally Challenged covers from profound to 2 year developmentally delayed.  When submitting under developmentally delayed, a letter signed by your physician or physician referred psychologist must accompany your application, stating mentally challenged and mental age.)

4. Myasthenia Gravis

[Age limit up to and including eighteen years of age.  (Provided application is approved prior to 18th birthday.)]


    Our program is ALWAYS the secondary carrier; patients under Medicaid/Medical Card are not covered by our program.  According to Medicaid/Medical Card laws, a dentist may NOT submit for any reimbursement, once they have submitted bills for payment by Medicaid/Medical Card.  All applications for the Dentistry for the Handicapped Program must be referred to the local Grotto Representative (i.e. Dr. of Smiles) for his signature, and he will forward your application to the office of the Executive Secretary in Reynoldsburg, Ohio.

    Patients must be sponsored by a Grotto.  Most Grottoes have a Doctor of Smiles who handles these cases.  In the event there is no representative the Monarch or Secretary may sign the forms for processing. 

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The Grotto

   The Grotto is a Masonically affiliated fraternal organization.  Its purpose is to cement the bonds of sympathy and good fellowship among its members, called Prophets.  There are Grottoes throughout the United States and Canada.  Each Grotto is chartered by the Supreme Council-Grottoes of North America.  For years the Grottoes havebeen aiding the cerebral palsy child and now are identified with this idea in Dentistry for the Handicapped.

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Supreme Council

Grottoes of North America


1696 Brice Road

Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068


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    This has been a copy of a brochure printed by the Supreme Council Grottoes of North America.   My Grandfather has been the Doctor of Smiles for Zelica Grotto in Pensacola, Florida for many years.  I know first-hand the beauty of this charitable organization and this Program in particular.  If you or anyone you know could benefit from this service, please don't hesitate to email me or my grandfather, the Doctor of Smiles.  Please visit these webpages if you have any further questions concerning the Grottoes of North America or Freemasonry.  Thanks!




Reset April 5, 1999