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Janis Livingston Giese----



My mother, Janis Giese, is a violinist. She-----

has been playing and performing---------

since she was seven years old. During------

her years of performance, she has worked----

with several talented artists,from---------

Itzak Perlman to Rod Stewart and many,-----

many in between. She is a very gifted-------

performer with a passion for her music------

that is always evident to her audience. She----

works imparting her love for music to -------

elementary school children, who often tell-----

her, "Mrs. Giese, I love you!" They --------

respect her because she can touch them------

in a very unique way. She is a beautiful------

woman with a very beautiful gift, and I------

am proud to be her daughter. -----------






This is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, one

of Mother's favorite composers. Click HERE to learn more.

Some of the most beautiful violins in the world

were made by Antonio Stradivari. Click HERE to learn more.






Reset April 5, 1999