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sittingfairy.gif (2995 bytes)Rainespritesittingfairy.gif (2995 bytes)

bellfairy.gif (2254 bytes)Even though I have had this web page

up for a long time, I have never revealed much

about myself.  So in an attempt to make up for

this lack of information, I offer this page

"About Rainesprite."


monarchfairy.gif (17400 bytes)I am 23 years old, I've been married

for nearly two years to a 27 year old man.  My

husband and I live in Alabama at present, because

I am in school in that state for Occupational

Therapy.  My husband has a Master's degree

in History.  If you haven't already, be sure to

visit his page since it has lots of interesting history

information.  And, since most of you said,"What's

Occupational Therapy," please see my page

(currently under construction) which explains

more about the wonderful discipline.


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My husband and I are members of the

Episcopal Church. We are very distressed by

the church's recent decision to condemn

homosexuality, however.   Both of us are very

loving and open to all people, regardless of race,

gender, or sexual orientation.  I find it very hurtful

that an organization which claims to follow

the teachings of Jesus would decide it is within

their power to condemn any of their fellow human

beings for any reason. But we also love so many

other things about the Episcopal Church that we

retain our membership and lend them our support.


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There are some "causes" that I feel strongly about.

Top on the list is women's rights.  I feel very

strongly about this subject which, here in the

South, is definitely a big issue.  I can't understand

how anyone can look at another person and judge

him or her by the physical body God gave them,

whether by skin color or by gender or any other

arbitrary trait.  Also among the causes I feel

strongly about is race relations.  In the South

we still have a big problem with this issue. I am

a white woman, and I was raised around predjudice

towards other races.   But as I grew up and had

my own experiences with the world from which

to make decisions, I broke free from that uneducated

view of humanity that qualifies people by such

unimportant classifications as color!!


The most inexcusable of all actions littlegirlfairy.gif (11491 bytes)

is causing a child to suffer.  Too many people

take out their daily frustrations on small children.

Too many of the world's children are hungry or

afraid or in danger.   Whether in a country at

war where young children are forced to witness and

even participate in fighting and killing

or in a more"civilized" country where children are

beaten or neglected by their families,

the result is the same.

 fairykneeling.gif (6078 bytes)Children are innocents, entrusted to their

parents by God to be loved and guided into adulthood.

Never in a child's life is it excusable

for that child to be hurt.


fairyatnight.jpg (9188 bytes)Obviously I have a strong theme of

human rights in my beliefs.   But don't think it ends

there!! Among God's creatures are not only

the human beings but also the animals of the world. 

My husband and I both have strong feelings about

animal's rights.  Too many innocent creatures

suffer at the hands of humans.  Among these

crimes are not only the widely known scientific

tests and fur farming, but also the exploitation

of animals for pharmacological reasons and just

plain old animal cruelty by pet owners.  It is sad

that so many humans forget that animals are

God's creatures, too, who therefore have good

souls and are capable of giving so much love

to their owners. 



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I realize that any time one opens up and speaks

thier beliefs, there are always those who will

disagree with them.  I want you to know that I

respect you and your beliefs, whatever they are,

and however they are different from mine. 

I hope there is nothing to be found in my beliefs

that could be hurtful to anyone. 

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Now go visit one of the more light-hearted

pages and have fun!! Email me!! 



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