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My Friends

A Tribute to All my Friends

Some of you I've known for years, some of you I haven't really known long at all. But for all of you who I call friends, I love you very much. No matter where you live or who you are, whether I see you every day or I've never seen your face in my life, I love ya!

Chatting, Chatting, Always Chatting

Okay, so I like to chat online. You might have seen me around on AIM as "Briana2128" or "Mara1Jade." Why do I like it so much??? Because online, you get to talk to people from all across the world, and you get to know people without "judging the book by it's cover". The reasons I don't always like it??? Sometimes it IS hard to tell if people are really being true to themselves online. You know they are out there, and it always gives you a reason to doubt. They are the people that "put on new identities" when they slip on that screen name (you know who you are). It's a shame that people do this, and most people out there are good and well intentioned. But be careful who you trust! As to all of my guy and girl friends online, I appreciate your honesty and "realness" very much! You guys (and gals!) are great!

Here are a few of my online buddies...

And there are more. some choose to remain nameless for privacy reasons. But if I haven't already said it, I love you all!

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