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My Christian Testimony

Here's the Story...

Yes, I am a Christian. I have been so for 15 years now. My story is quite simple, actually. My parents brought me to church from the time I was still in diapers, and they lived out a good Christian example for me. At the age of 7, I finally realized they had something I didn't, so I talked to them one Sunday night about "not wanting to be an enemy of God." After much conseling by my pastor, a year later I went down to publicly profess my faith. I was also baptised on Easter Sunday.

But the story doesn't stop with that. God has done so much for me. I've always been a "puzzle" case regarding my neuromuscular problems, as I've mentioned before. But God has helped me through all that so much. He's helped me get through two operations, and now, my condition has even stabilized. It's hard not knowing what exactly is wrong and what might be in the future, but it sure gives me a reason to rely on God even more, and it's a comfort to know that even if I don't see the "big picture", he does.

God has also helped me in my choice of study for college. Looking back four years when I started community college in Jacksonville, I didn't even have a clue. I was a Music Education major, but i didn't think that was right. But I stuck with it...after all, I was getting scholarship money for it...and by the end of the first year of college, I'd started to think more about Music Therapy, a field someone had suggested to me before, but a field that I had, for the moment, pushed aside. After seeing music therapy used with dementia sufferers, handicapped children, and even with people of normal health, I felt like that was the right field. After much consideration and thinking about what struck my fancy most and fit my own life most, I have now also decided to pursue a Master's Degree in Special Education so that I can work with my FAVORITE group of kids...special needs students.. Isn't it awesome how quickly God can turn uncertainty into something definite?

Isiah 40:30-31:

But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength. And they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary;they shall walk and not faint.

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