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Her Story 1


Always the best place to start isn't it? "Gina's" birth was an easy one, she arrived Oct. 31st, 1953, little did we know how profound an effect "she" would have on our life.

Mother purchased a cute frilly top, furnished a poodle skirt and the crinolines to fluff it out, did some light makeup and also had some sandals which at that time fit close enough that it didn't matter.

She then sent her little "girl" out to trick or treat. At least it was warm in central Florida for the season. The comments swelled little Gina's ego to bursting, and "she" got more into the character minute by minute, house by house, until she was convinced that this was what "she" was meant to be for the rest of her life. "what a darling little girl" "How precious, you should be glad not to hide in a costume!" "What a darling girl, are you new here?" echoed in Gina's head from that night on, and she would wish upon a star it would come to pass......

This small adventure had been prompted by an historical event which would also stay, the news story Gina saw about one Christine Jorgenson, returning from Denmark, who had left the states a man!! Wow, can that be me?? Family comments about her (Christine) were made, mother asked if It bothered "her" and would "she" rather be a girl? Of course, the outward answer was no, the inner one screamed, YES, YES, YES!!!

From then on, until 13 when the family moved to south Florida, Gina secretly wore "her outfit" adding panties and mother's bra's, EVERY chance she could, prancing around the country-like yard, playing with the neighbors like it was the MOST natural thing in the world, even though "she" was caught several times, "she" didn't care, and would find the hiding places "her" outfit was put away in and do it even more.........

Next chapter the teen years, thank you for visiting, and email Gina at with your comments!! Hugs 'n such!!!!

Gina Michelle R.