2.REI (2eme Regiment Etrangèr D'Infanterie) - Nimes - France
2.REI is the Legion's mechanized
infantry regiment. 2.REI was established in 1841. 2.REI is now
stationed at Quartier Vallongue in Nimes. A large propotion of
this regemint is made up of French men. Life in the 2 REI is
hectic as detachment away for four months at a time are
commonplace. (Either in French Guyana, Djibouti or as has more
recently been the case on longer opperations arounf the world.
This regiment was used extensevly in the Gulf war, Bosnia and in
Africa. The troops are supported by the vehicle known as the VAB (Vehicele
avent Blindée - meaning vehicle that goes in front of the
armoured vehicls). A super wheeled vehicle which carries ten men.
With the 6 REG and the 1 REC this regiment forms part if France's
"Force d'Action Rapide".