3 REI (3eme Régiment Etrangèr
d'Infanterie) - FRENCH GUYANA - South America.
3 REI is the Legion' infantry regiment stationed in French Guyana, South America. This is the regiment you should apply to if you like snakes, reptiles, bugs and tropical rain forests. The primary mission of 3 REI is to secure the Kuru Space Centre. Established in 1915. 3 REI is stationed at Quarter Forget in Kourou, French Guyana.
This Regiment is either loved or hated. Based in Kourou, French Guyana, it is a unique world of action and adventure. The pay is not the greatest in the world but there are plenty of stories to be told after a two year tour here. A lot of the Legion's work here is run from boats hollowed out of trees known as "pirogues", as are used by the natives of the country. The role of the Legion in this area is to protect the rocket sight "Ariane", to man the surveillance posts between Brazil and Surinam and to ensure the safety of the regional headquarters at Martinique. There has been a war going on in nearby Suriname for some years and every now and again a body is seen floating down the river as a result of mercenary operations that go on. French Guyana consists of hundreds of square miles of tropical jungle and is extremely hot and humid. You are permanently wet and fungal infections are rife. The jungle is full of natural dangers and whether it is animal or vegetable it will either bite you or sting you. The constant noise of birdsong can also drive you to insanity. The hardest part of jungle training is often considered to be the assault course which has to be one of the toughest in the world.
Pay for this Regiment is about F4500 per month. The beer is cheap and there was, until recently a brothel run by the Legion on camp (this was the last Regiment to run its own brothel). Their were four local girls who were changed once every couple of months.