4 eme Régiment (Régiment
D'Instruction) - CASTELNAUDARY. Nr. Toulouse - France
This is where you will carry out your basic training. A small town situated close to Toulouse. Not that you would see a lot of it during your first stay here. A railway track runs through the centre of the town and that is where you will arive before being picked up by a coach to take you to the Quartier. There are two quartiers in Castellnaudary - the new quarter was build in 1985 and is verry plush. The old camp in Castellnaudary (Quartier Lepasset) is where many of the Legion course take place. The Caporaux course (CT1), the Sergents course (CT2) etc. At Quartier Capitain Danjou there are three compagnies of E.V's and one compagny for trained ranks who are undertanken courses in the technival trades, mechanical trades and signals. It should be noted that the medics who do their training here will be practicing their new found skill on you, should you become injured. (Not advisable). The camp is one of the modernised of all the Legion Quartiers and is an impressived set-up. It is also situated near a town called Carcassonne, home of the French Paras where there is sometimes a ban on visitation due to the trouble that has ensued between the Legionnaires and the Paras over years. The food at Castellnaudary is of a verry high standard.