5.RE (5eme Régiment Etrangèr) - Mururoa - Tahiti, South Pacific.
5.RE was established in Indochina in 1930, but is now stationed at the Mururoa Atoll near Tahiti. This is not a true combat-unit today, but rather an R&R camp for legionnaires who have earned some time off. The primary task is to secure the nuclear test site there, along with some engineering.
This is where the Legion are responsible for overseeing the nuclear testing grounds and for representing France in the furthest corner of French Polynesia. It is a very small detachment made up of the Legionnaires of some experience. The money is not particularly great and there are long journeys at sea as well as isolation and little to occupy your selves. They concern them selves mainly with building and road construction, security of the test site, maintaining a clean water supply and good communications link.