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What is the origin of the French Foreign Legion ?
French military formation compound of volunteers ( foreigners in majority) created in 1831 ( King Louis-Philippe) in Algeria.

Is the legion now like the others military units ?
The differences between normal military and the legion military units.

[the best example: never leave even a dead soldier on the battle field, and I don't talk about the 'Camerone spirit'...] to my point of view i think that why the FFL is now different of the others units

What are the colors of the French Foreign Legion ?

What is the symbol of the French Foreign Legion ?
Grenade with 7 branches for the French Foreign Legion
The white kepi is an unofficial symbol of the legionnaire
Green beret for the parachutists

Hymn ?
main one : le Boudin,the French Foreign Legion has its own bugle-band and has a very special -slow- tempo during marches

Legion code of Honor ?
1. Legionnaire: you are a volunteer serving France faithfully and with honor.

2. Every Legionnaire is your brother at arm, irrespective of his nationality, race or creed. You will demonstrate this by an unwavering and straight forward solidarity which must always bind together members of the same family.

3. Respectful of the Legions traditions, honoring your superiors, discipline and camaraderie are your strength, courage loyalty your virtues.

4. Proud of your status as that of a Legionnaire, you will display this pride, by your turnout, always impeccable, your behavior, ever worthy, though modest, your living-quarters, always tidy.

5. An elite soldier: you will train vigorously, you will maintain your weapon as if it were your most precious possession, you will keep your body in the peak of condition, always fit.

6. A mission once given to you becomes sacred to you, you will accomplish it to the end of all cost.

7. In combat,  you will act without relish of your task, or hatred; you will respect the  vanquished enemy and will never abandon neither your wounded nor your dead, nor  will you under any circumstances surrender your arms.

Traditional feast day ?
30th of April: Camerone in memory of an heroic battle in a small village in Mexico, on the 30 of April 1863:
62 legionnaires ( 3eme company with Captain Danjou) fighted to death against 800 horsemen and 1200 infantry men.

Where are the main headquarters ?
Until 1962 they were at Sidi-Bel-Abes in North Africa, from this date: in
Aubagne, 15 kms far from Marseille, in the south of France

70% of legionnaire are based in France, 30% outside of France (this of course may vary)

Strength ?
in 1973 for example:

Units ?

Nationalities ?

The % of the different nationalities vary according to misc. factors
(economical situation f.e.) after the WW II there were lots of german..

Does the french majority of soldiers reduces its fame as "foreign" ?

So you can call it foreign I think...

Can I visit ? Information ?
Museum  - free entrance-
Route de la Thuilliere 13400 Aubagne
phone [33] 4 42 18 82 41
Institution des Invalides de la Legion Etrangere
Museum of the uniforms of the French Foreign Legion
13114 Puyloubier (30 kms from Aubagne)
phone [33] 4 42 66 31 41