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Greg's Discussion Group Archives
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Dec 11,1998 to May 31,1999

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Hi, and welcome to my discussion group archives. My server ( only keeps the messages for 60 days, so I will publish them here.
I have kept the original email links so some of them may be outdated. If you would like your email address updated so people can contact you, please email me at I will change it on my next upDate. :)
03/04/01 upDate

looking for help Cindy12:25 pm Friday December 11, 1998
My daughter was diagnosed with meniers last week, but she has had it since she was 7yr. she is 12 now and im trying to find her a support group or someone her age with this problem she has meniers really bad and has missed so much school it is really conserning me do you have any suggestions ??? thanks.

found out that I have Meniere's todayLinda6:28 pm Wednesday December 9, 1998
It was so nice to find your site on the intenet. I just had my 6th "spell" today and my ENT feels as if I have Meniere's. I want to communicate with others that have inner ear disorders. Your site is a breath of fresh air from the "clinical" sites I have been viewing. Would like to hear from you. Thanks for being there. Linda

congratulations on new site Carole 8:08 pm Thursday December 10, 1998
Hi Thanks to Greg for opening this new site. I know it will be a great success and very helpful to those of us suffering from Meniere's disease. I have had bilateral Menier's for about 10 years. Have done much research and have had lots of experience dealing with the medical commuity and different drugs, including herbal remedies. I would be more than happy to communicate with anyone who needs support or just someone to listen who understands how life altering this disease can be. We can all give a big thanks to Greg for allowing us this opportunity. best regards Carole

Meniere's and job search Nancy 8:09 am Sunday December 13, 1998
I've had Meniere's for 6 years. I have had many surgeries, ranging from DMZ injections to VNS. I have recently gone bilateral. I had missed so much time from work (worked there for 7 years) that my employer finally decided that I should go on company disability or work part-time. I discussed this with my neuro-otologist and he advised me to take full disability for at least a year because of my recent diagnosis of MM in my only ear.
It's been 2 months since I quit my job. I'm bored, broke, and depressed although my Meniere's symptoms are much better now that I am not constantly under pressure and have no deadlines. I'm wondering what I want to be when I grow up. I have worked for Engineering firms for the past 12 years editing, formatting, and producing final technical reports but as you all well know stress and Meniere's don't mix.
Is there such a thing as a stress-free job that I don't have to have good hearing, but has flexible hours and the option of working at home from time-to-time?
Soon I will be meeting with an employment counselor to see what kind of jobs would be more suitable for me.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I love gardening and growing things and I also love animals. I am fairly computer literate and can type really fast. I have some experience with web page design, etc.
Thanks in advance, Nancy

meniere's disease dizzy 2:14 am Sunday December 20, 1998
i am trying to cope with meniere;s. i get so depressed and afraid. many people think i am making everything up. i need a support group that understand what i am going through.

lightheaded Andrew 11:56 am Sunday January 3, 1999
Hi, I have been suffering from lightheadedness and nausea since an airplane ride in Aug. of 1997. What I though was only motion sickness, lasted after the landing. I then realized it was not motion sickness, but probably an inner ear problem. After 2 ENT doctors, 1 neurologist, and 2 internists, here is what the quacks have to say: One ENT says it is my sinuses, the other said it is not, but rather a "virus". The neurologist and two internists say it is also a "virus". I use the word virus in quotes because I am a Microbiologist, and have earned my Ph.D in this science. There is no "virus" that will cause symptoms for this lenght of time. When "doctors" or "MD's" call something a virus, that is their way of telling people who do not know any better that they don't know what it is. I have tried Antivert, no help. I use Clairitin on a daily basis, and it has not been as bad, wheather or not it is the Clairitin, I don't know. I also use Compazine for the nausea when it becomes too severe, and I have tried Phenergan too for nausea, but that makes me too tired, so I stick to Compazine only when severe. I also take 2 grams of ginger in capsule form daily, and eat altoids, a peppermint candy, peppermint helps nausea. I have taken a hearing test-normal, a MRI of the brain-normal, and CT scan of the sinuses-showing some dysfunction. I was told to get sinus surgery by the first ENT, but I am not in a rush to get it, he said it is about a 70% chance that will correct the lightheadedness. Well, any other suggestions, I would greatly appreciate.

Hello, good idea!! Offplanet 7:19 pm Sunday January 3, 1999
Hi, was surfing around and found your board. I also have menieres.. have had it for 30 years. I will post your board url in our website. I know of several others with the disease.. Good Luck to all of you.. and I will visit again soon. I have stress in my life and one of the things that saves me is mediative excercises and knowing when to take time out for a quick trip to the ladies room for a brief regrouping.

re: Hello, good idea!! Greg 7:58 pm Sunday January 3, 1999
Thanks for entering my discussion group. You are welcome anytime. I would appreciate any ideas or feedback, that you may have.
Warmest Regards, Greg

Steroid injections Carole 0:30 am Tuesday January 5, 1999
Hi Has anyone out there had steriod injections put directly into their ear and if so, what kind of results did you have/ My doctor wants to insert tubes into my middle ear and slowly inject the steroids. I think this is something he is just trying out on my. I'm not to happy about being a guinea pig. I am not experiencing any diziness at the present time. Just bad hearing loss and tinnitus. I'm afraid that putting these tubes in my ear could cause me to be dizzy. Any suggestions
Thanks Carole

re: Steroid injections Ann 6:45 am Tuesday January 5, 1999
Hi. I had tubes (in the ear drum) inserted, lol, like a kid. But, it proved to be a great thing. My hearing did improve. Don't know why, but it did. Now the noises in the ear are also reduced. Also, I have ear drops with steroids that I use when I have problems. The tubes have been in my ears for 10 yrs. and just had one removed.
Watching sodium intake (potato chips) and fluid retention helps too. Being female, the hormonal fluctuations also will present changes in the menieres intensity.
Chiropractic care has also helped me. In the midst of a "typical" attack of sweating bullets and on my knees with nausea and dizziness, I had an adjustment and the attack was the briefest I had had in my life. Sigh, feeling like a guinea pig is also a major problem with a person in our situations.

to:Ann from:Andy 8:18 am Wednesday January 6, 1999
I have, at times had the same tubes and the same toliet hugging problems. I had tubes removed from one ear last November. Ann I would love to know where you are and if we could possibly meet?

re: Ann Ann aka Offplanet 12:29 pm Wednesday January 6, 1999
Andy, that is sweet of you.. Brad and I have a cyberhome at
I linked Greggs group on our board room because of knowing folks with menieres...

to:Ann aka Offplanet from: Andy 1:40 pm Thursday January 7, 1999 I went to your site very nice and now I understand.

lightheadedness and tinnitus Ruth 11:07 pm Tuesday January 12, 1999
In March of 97' I awoke to find the room spinning around me and was unable to stand up. My husband and teenage daughter took me to the emergency room because we had no idea what was going on. The E.R. doc gave me 10 mg. of valium and kept me there for a couple of hours until I could stand up by myself. The entire ordeal was terrifying. Over the last couple of years I've had a lot of trouble with lightheadedness and tinnitus. I now have persistent and constant tones in the ear/ears and almost always feel lightheaded. I have checked out my vision and its ok. The next step was the E.N.T. who ordered a hearing test which showed moderate hearing loss. This came as no surprise since my father has been basically deaf for over 50 years. I am told that I will probably need a hearing aid by next year. As for my dizziness the Dr. ordered an E.N.G. which I plan to have this week. He has also ordered a panel of specialized blood tests to see if any of this is autoimmune related. I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has had similar experiences and or tests and treatments. Glad to have found your page! Ruth

lightheadness Annie 10:21 am Monday January 18, 1999
Hi Gregg! The begining of your story sounds just like me! I constanty battle lightheadness. It has lasted for seven months. After my first spell I was told I had a sinus infection, they continued after the antibiotics, after going to tons of doctors these are all the diagnosis:virus on my inner ear, anxiety, panic attacks, TMJ, sinuses. I had an ENG which showed my inner ear in my right ear was week, doctor did not seemed concerned. Finally went to an ENT last week he suggested MM and put me on a diruectic. I am hesitating to take it because he said it would make me tired. I work with childeren and cannot afford to be tired all day. Anyway I am having a hearing test done in three weeks. Any suggestions on dealing with the lightheadness?

re: lightheadness Greg 12:51 pm Monday January 18, 1999
Hi Annie,
Some recent studies shed some doubt as to the effectiveness of diuretics. But of course, each case is different, especially with inner ear disorders. They help some people. A low dose of Valium, is the only thing that helps my lightheadedness. I don't take it every day, but only when necessary. You can build up a tolerance to it, and that can lead to addiction.
You can try a herb called Valerian Root. It is the source of the Valium(Diazepam) drug. It is milder and safer to take, and may help. The Benzodiazepenes(Valium, Klonopin. Lorezapam, etc) have been proven to help inner ear symptoms, by sedating the Central Nervous System.
Some people claim that vasodilater drugs help them, by increasing inner ear circulation. Niacin is a safe and mild form of vasodilater. Of course, when taking anything, it is always best to seek a professional opinion first(doctor or pharmacist). The lighheadedness is so difficult to deal with, for one reason, it is so hard to describe to someone not experiencing it. It is a form of inner ear dizziness, that can make you feel,"weird". You feel like nothing is real, and your body is telling you, that something is wrong. You may feel faint, and this can lead to anxiety attacks. It did with me. I knew something was wrong, but did not know what, for years. I hope this helps some, Annie. Email me, any time, if I can be of any asistance.


Living With Meniere's Carol G 2:15 pm Tuesday January 19, 1999
Just logged onto your site and feel so relieved that there are other people who understand how I feel. I was diagnosed with meniere's in both ears about 15 years ago. I take a diuretic (sp)? every day for the incredible pressure in my ears. I also suffer vertigo and nausea as a result of lightheadedness. I was told that drinking lots of water would help the pressure. Is this true? Has anyone else heard of this. Also, after a particularly bad day (today is one) I feel incredibly tired. Anyone ever feel this way? Woke up this morning and had a loud low buzzing sound in both ears. Can't hear today! I also have lost a great deal of hearing in one side too. I wear a hearing aid now. Well, thanks for letting me vent.....any suggestions would be welcome....really feeling down today. This just gets to me sometimes.
sincerely, Carol G.

why me? Lauren 9:27 pm Tuesday January 19, 1999
Hi everyone! I am so glad that I finally found a place where I can talk to people who are feeling the same way as me! No one of my friends understand the way I am feeling...and it is hard, to get them to understand. I have an inner ear damage in my right ear...It causes dizziness/nausea/loss of concentration, and many other symptoms. I go to Vestibular Rehab, which is slowly helping, and I take Meclizine now which makes me drowsy and as of now it is making my dizziness worse! I am trying not to give up, and I hope one day there will be some help for me! Finally afte over three months of Dr.'s I have a diagnosis for this disorder...I had ENG testing done which finally showed what was wrong! Never give up! Most people were so close to succeeding right before they gave up! Please feel free to e-mail me or post back so I know that there is someone out there who understands! It is even hard for me to go out anymore, or to do the things I used to do... :o(

to: Lauren re: why me? Greg 10:18 pm Tuesday January 19, 1999
Hi Lauren,
There are several treatment options, especially if your problem is localized to the right side only. There is also a very good chance of spontaneous remission, especially in the early stages.
I can relate to everything that you are going through. Ear dizziness is almost impossible to understand, unless you have experienced it. I don't know anyone that Meclizine(Antivert) has helped, yet doctors keep prescribing it, like it was really something.


ENG Ruth 10:02 pm Wednesday January 20, 1999
This is just an update. Had my ENG which showed abnormalities. Going to begin vestibular therapy this Friday. Im praying it will be of some help. This condition seems to affect all aspects of my life. The children think Im spacy because I dont turn my head quickly when they all talk at once. This is compensatory behavior on my part because movement makes the dizziness worse. I feel very uncomfortable driving and have trouble focusing into the distance. Even the passing imagery in my drivers side mirror causes me grief from the motion of the images. Just putting these feelings into words makes me feel as if Im crazy. If anyone had told me they felt this way and I hadnt experienced it I would assume they were imagining the whole thing.

another thought Ruth 10:27 pm Wednesday January 20, 1999
Thought Id reply to those who have said they feel depressed. This is totally understandable as this affliction changes so many aspects of your life function. Things that I once took for granted I no longer can. I feel less independant and more vulnerable. More often than not I ask my 16 year old daughter to drive me places I need to go because I feel so unsafe. Sometimes its even difficult to be a passenger because of the motion!Ive been wondering if most of you were sensitive to motion when you were children. I could never be on a merry go round or go on carnival rides because the motion made me so very sick. Does this suggest a weakness in the balance system early on? Some of my kids do great on rides and others cant even watch them in motion.Does anyone have insight on this? In any event, I can relate to the feelings of depression because I feel that Im not what I used to be because of this thing. Also, I feel the medical community isnt really listening to us. Why was I prescribed $53.00 of antivert which didnt help a bit?? Although I wish Id never heard of Menieres Im glad you guys are there to talk to about this.

re: another thought To:Ruth from: Tracy 0:33 am Friday January 22, 1999
Hi Ruth!
I was just diagnosed with Meniere's about a month and a half ago. I was already depressed because of chronic pain I've had for 1 1/2 years caused by complications from abdominal surgery. I also have a seizure disorder. My life had already changed drastically because of the chronic pain. I had just graduated from college with a degree in early childhood education and was planning to become a Nanny. There is no way I can do that with the pain and the seizures (which are worse because of stress!). And then I found out that the dizziness and other symptoms I've been having for a while are Meniere's! But I try to stay positive by spending time with friends and keeping as busy as possible. I've had bad motion sickness since I was young. I used to get sick from going on carnival rides and long car trips (my family took a lot of them), luckily Dramamine helped. Good luck with everything and stay positive!! Tracy

Living with Menieres Ann 6:03 am Friday January 22, 1999
Hi, somedays the fatigue and feeling hopeless is really bad. I know that, too.
One thing for folks that are newly diagnosed.. I truly would suggest that you keep a list, a diary, of the tests -&- meds you have had, the when the where and a copy. Sure helps when you are presented with "treatments".
Also, never be afraid to shop around for an ENT or Neurologist that YOU are comfortable with.
Another thing is learning the messages from your own body..and when and what to do for yourself.. Keep a diary of how you felt, what you ate, stress factors.. etc.. Sometimes a pattern will be there and you can help your own comfort to a large degree and give you the sense of being able to develop ways of living with menieres.
I am giving this board site to my own ENT when I go on the 28th,, he is damn good ( he got a letter from me telling him that I had had enough hearing tests to build several hospitals, and that i sure knew i had a hearing problem.. and if that was all he could suggest well, then we wouldn't work as a doctor -&- patient team..lolol yup.. I have been the guinea pig route. Water in the ears, lights, etc. He responded and I have been with him since.) .. and perhaps he can help alerting the medical field of the psychological and physical impact of having menieres. Huggers to all of you!!!

Meniere's Nat 11:25 am Sunday January 24, 1999
I have been suffering with this for quite a while. The only thing that seem to help me, and it is not nice to say, but I throw up and then fall asleep. When I get up I feel better for a while. I have been taken to the hospital and given shots and other meds but then the attack comes back. Can someone give me any suggestions, thanks.

re: Hello, good idea!! Jeanie 2:24 pm Sunday January 24, 1999
Hi! Ive had meniere's since 1985.I was diagnosed in 1995. I always held on to the belief of the disease" burning out" but it's not helping I am beginning to have continuous Tinnutis in may r. ear(previously unaffected) until about 6 mons. ago, and have debilitating attacks of vertigo without any warning whatsoever. My doctor has referred me to Johns Hopkins Hosp. and wants me to consider Gentamicin Injections . Has anyone else tried this? Any advice on how to hold on to my job would also be helpful, Thank you in advance.

What happened to my equilibrium? Tina 6:25 pm Monday January 25, 1999
I am a twenty four year old female who has been suffering from some form of inner ear infection for the past eleven weeks. My symptoms began with a buzzing sound in my left ear, followed by disorientation and cloudiness (vertigo). The room was never spinning in circles. I was simply disoriented, and never nauseous. Three weeks after this first incident I began feeling off-balance. At certain points in the day I would feel the sensation of objects moving. I flew from L.A. to N.C. on Dec. 21. Five hours after I landed I felt completely off-balance at all times, and my equilibrium was off. I still never felt motion sickness. The general physician prescribed me with Meclizine with made me drowsy and therefore enhanced the sense of being unbalanced. Three days later after not feeling well I went to the emergency room. She diagnosed me with Vertigo and gave me valium to reduce my anxiety of always being unbalanced. I have been experiencing panic attacks for the first time in my life due to the constant off balance I experience. My third doctor said I am highly congested and prescribed me with Claritan and nasal spray. With the hopes that once I become decongested the ear infection with disappear. I feel less symptoms since the claritan but the fact that I even once in a while feel lightheaded and unsteady is highly frustrating. I have taken a blood test to make sure that wasn't the cause. I am thankful that my blood looks great, which hopefully means I will soon have my equilibrium back. How can I figure out exactly what kind of ear infection it is and after eleven weeks, how much longer can I expect to feel this way. I am open to any advice, and greatly appreciate all of your time,

re: What happened to my equilibrium? Greg 7:22 pm Monday January 25, 1999
Hi Tina,
Welcome to my discussion group. Your doctor should do a C-T Scan or MRI test. This will take a good picture of your brain and Central Nervous System, to rule out any abnormalities, that can cause inner ear dizziness.
I would recommend you see a specialist(ENT or otologist) if possible. If you need more information or just need to talk, you can email me at

to Greg 8:13 pm Wednesday January 27, 1999
Greetings fellow sufferer,
I tried to reply to your email from and it bounced twice. You can get some Gentamicin info at Tim Boysen?s Gentamicin Page Email me if you have any questions.
Warmest Regards,

re: Living With Meniere's, To: Carol G from:Jeanie 9:54 pm Thursday January 28, 1999
Hi! My name is Jeanie and I can understand the feelings you describe. I have had Meniere's since 1985 and was diagnosed in 1995. I have begun to notice the tinnuitus in my r.ear lately ,previously it has only been in the left. I am having frequent attacks now every two to three days now for a couple of weeks after only have one severe vertigo attack in 2 years. I thought except for the continuous ringing in my ears that I was in "remission". I am scheduled to go to Johns Hopkins Hospital on Feb. 24 for my 2nd. ENG and more hearing tests. They are considering Gentamicin treatment.I get so down about this disease too, I have two sons and a husband to keep up with and it is so depressing to have plans to do something and it all changes when my surroundings start to spin with virtually no warning at all anymore. I used to be able to sense an attack coming on , now they hit severely and where it starts is where I lie until I can walk to a bed. I try to keep as upbeat as possible so as to not my scare children and to remember there are worse diseases to have,and that while there may be many days where all I do is lie in bed and wait for the spinning to stop ,at least I know it will eventually stop and I will be Mom and Wife again.There are many people with illnesses that offer no hope and are not as relenting.This is very comfortintg to me to be able to correspond with others who are in the same situation and can truly understand what it means to have Meniere's. Well I am getting an appetite now I had a attack that started at lunch time and is now much better and I need to eat before bedtime. Hope to hear from you !! Jeanie

in today's world.. Ann 6:00 pm Friday January 29, 1999
I guess I am still naive at my elder age. According to my ENT.. they can't help out here or even give phone help like they used to... legal & insurance stuff.. so it's up folks like Gregg and organizations to do the best they can to support folks.

A new book that may be helpful Sharon 8:47 pm Friday January 29, 1999
Hi everyone. I came across Greg's page and thought you might be interested in mine. I wrote a book called "Invisible Illnesses and Disabilities", which several people with Meniere's have read and found helpful.
I, myself have had inner ear problems for over 7 years now, so my book was inteded to help other sufferers, as well as their families, friends, co-workers and careworkers.
If you'd like to take a look at some information about the book you can view my web page at and feel free to e-mail me if you have questions. It may be something you could pass on to other folks too. Thanks for your time! Sharon

crises of Tumarkin Carole 10:32 pm Friday January 29, 1999
Hi Has anyone suffered from this type of drop attack. You are violently thrown to the floor and it lasts about 10 to 20 seconds. This happens with no warning and it can be very scarey. After the attack you feel tired, but no dizzy I had one of these attacks today. It is the second one I have had since going bilateral 6 years ago. Please respond if you have had the same kind of attack Thanks Carole

re: crises of Tumarkin BOBBI 12:01 pm Sunday January 31, 1999
I sure have Carole and they are so scarey, aren't they? Even though they don't last but a few minutes, they leave you shakey and tired. I didn't know anyone else had them or there was a name for them untill last year. Even my doctor didn't know what I was talking about, but then do they ever?
I've described mine as if a tackle football player threw me across the room with force!! I've even had rug burns from the force of the fall.
Be blessed and be balanced!!

Controlling Nausea Guy 2:37 am Sunday January 31, 1999
I was just recently diagnosed with MM. I am 37 strong and healthy with bad allergies. I thought I had a virus that I couldn't kick and I found out that I had MM,YEH. After 2 months of conjestion and feeling dizzy, feeling like throwing up, and feeling like crying, all at the same time I finally had an answer. I do alot of deep sea fishing here in so. california and I went on my fishing trip for 10 days with these symptoms. I put on my "TRANSDERM-SCOP" patch and my symptoms cleared in two hours. the "patch" lasts for three days and you need a perscription from your doctor. Scopolomine was developed by NASA for the zero graviy effect it has on its astronauts. I have been in very rough seas and have seen every sea sick medicine there is and I have never seen anybody get sick on the patch. So if you haven't tried it, ask your doctor. I have a strong immunity to being sick from so much time in the ocean so my doctor reccommened clariton for me. Hope this helps, let me know, god bless.

Great reading Darrell 9:04 pm Saturday February 6, 1999
Good day all,
I have recently been diagnosed with Menieres in my right ear. I am coping well and trying to keep busy. I find that if I donot think about the tinnitus and take medication proscribed by my ENT my symtoms are less frequent. I have been given novotriamzide to decrease the water buildup in my ear and ease attacks (I have been on this for two weeks and have not had a major attack). I have also been given bonamine to take when an attack occurs (I have not had to use any yet; knock, knock on wood)
My question to all:
Q: I have only the tinnitus and Menieres symtoms in one ear. Has the symtoms spread to the other ear in anyone ?
I cannot imagine if it does because I rely my left ear for most if not all of my hearing.
One more quesion please:
Q: Will a hearing aid work ? Will the muffled sounds that I hear from my right ear are made louder.

If you are interested in sharing your helpful hints with me and sharing stories please e-mail me at I am treating this as a small distraction in the big picture and I hope that all of you can keep moving forward and realizing your full potential. We cannot let Menieres run our lives.

I have it too. Liz 6:20 am Friday February 19, 1999
I have recently been diagnosed as having Meniere's Disease, and the diagnosis came following a period of extreme stress. I have only had two very bad vertigo attacks - both came on during the night and I woke in the early hours of the morning extremely sick and found I could not walk without using a wall to balance - and even then I needed human intervention and support. I can't believe how sick and just how rotten I felt for about 6 - 8 hours each time. I decided to change my employment situation (which was causing the majority of the stress) and since then have begun a new job. Although I have experienced the traumas of training in a new position, I find the job much less stressful, and to this end have been lucky not to suffer any more vertigo attacks.
I do suffer from fullness in my right ear and tinnitis of varying intensity. At the moment I feel pretty lousy, but while I don't suffer from the balance problem I consider myself lucky. I feel sure allergies, stress, and tiredness are all involved in bringing on attacks. Every four or five weeks (it seems) I am lucky enough to have a couple of weeks free of symptoms. I take fluid tablets to relieve fluid buildup, and SERC for peripheral circulation. I am employed at a Herbal Medical company, and am investigating alternative treatment (Ginkgo Biloba is often mentioned as a treatment for tinnitis).
I am on a no caffiene, low salt diet also. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who can suggest ways to relieve the pressure that builds up in my ear. It nearly drives me mad at times...
I am also a mild epileptic - don't know if that ties in anywhere - and take Dilantin for that. Best wishes to all my fellow sufferers,

Meniere's Dawn 6:29 pm Monday March 1, 1999
I am a 22 year old female wha has been diagnosed with Meniere's for about 5 years. I am on a low salt, no caffeine diet. I also take a diuretic, claritan, lipoflavanoids,and valium. Thankfully, I only have it in my left year. But the tinnitus drives me crazy! It has periods where it gets really loud then a little softer but always there. Any suggestions for muffling the noise?? I started having severe attacks last October. Before this I was in remission for almost 2 years!! Now it is worse. In October I had attacks almost every day. I am talking about attacks where you can not even move or you will vomit! It was terrible. Then it went to a couple of times a week. I had to quit my job because I couldn't make it there. I am trying to finish college thankfully I had understanding professors. Now I have not had a severe episode for 2 weeks! It is a record since October! But it has made me slow down and take time to "smell the roses". I would love to hear from anyone for advice or just to talk about Meniere's and coping, Please email me at Thanks!!!

re: crises of Tumarkin Kelly 7:56 pm Thursday March 4, 1999
Hi, i've had Menieres for 5 years now. Typically my severe attacks come on very suddenly but will last for 4 to 6 hours. Only once have I had the kind of attack you describe. It happened while I was driving. I felt fine, then all of a sudden it felt like some huge hand came down, scooped up my car and flipped it over upside down. All i could do was pull over (which i managed quite gracefully thank god) and wait. I just knew i'd be stuck there for a few hours, but strangely enough it was over within one minute. All attacks are terrible, but i would much rather have the kind that last only a couple of minutes than the ones that last for hours.

re: A new book that may be helpful Elaine 12:59 pm Monday March 8, 1999
Hi Sharon,
I am one of the long-time sufferors of meniere's and recently found this site. I have been trying to access your website but have not been able to. Can you please help?

Vertigoheel Elaine 1:08 pm Thursday March 18, 1999
Hello All,
I am a very long time sufferor of meniere's and recently heard about the drug Vertigoheel on the net. Have any of you ever heard of it before, and also, have any of you ever used it. Please feel free to email me and "compare notes".


SERC susan 8:56 pm Monday March 22, 1999
just wondering if anyone has heard about SERC? It is a betahistimine (medicine) that I have witnessed to keep the meniere's under control...unfortunately it is not available in the US...must be obtained in mexico, switzerland or canada ONLY..I am desparately seeking other ways to obtained...if anyone has ANY information regarding SERC, please email.....

re: I have it too. susan 9:03 pm Monday March 22, 1999
Liz - where do you get your SERC???? I have used in for several months and it has enabled me to return to a somewhat normal life again....however, the mexican pharmacy that I had been getting my SERC from no longer has it...can you help? please email me at appreciate any help that you could offer....

From Greg to Kelly in Tampa Yours Truly 8:52 pm Sunday March 28, 1999
Hi Kelly,
Thanks for signing my guestbook. I look forward to hearing from you. Email when ever you are able.

Warmest Regards,

Greg's Meniere's Site

meneires disease Brenda Webb 5:30 pm Monday March 29, 1999
I have had this terrible disease a year this month-took 6 mos to diagnose it though after new glasses,chiropractor,antibiotics for viruse i didnt have,er for the sick-dizzy passing out they couldnt diagnose!!Finally found a specialists who had many patients with meneires and he got me on the right track.7 different medications a day-some two an three times a day is giving me back a little of my life.Hearing test revealed it is in right ear-lost a lot of hearing.Surgery wont help-under a psychiatrist specialises in helping meneires patients to cope with it. Some days just dont care wether i live or not.
So much sleep-dizziness gets unbearable-concentration is hopeless-i am in a stage of dripping in swear and dehydrating till i pass out.Cant get out and go anymore-people think you r drund and crazy both when they see you feeling your way along a wall.even had a lady offer me a wheel chair-no way can i accept that yet.I have otice a change in my behaviour towards others-even family-dont want to be around the noise and dont feel lke entertaining. Dont think they understand but to me i feel as though im always just trying to survive and it is a full time job to me-to keep sanity and get through the day is all i can seem to handle right now.I luv all of you and may God bless all of you.Hope each and every day gives you peace and remission.

Aurex-3 and tinnitus Greg8:41 pm Tuesday April 13, 1999
Does anyone have any personal experience concerning the Aurex-3 device for tinnitus? I just heard about it from Sherrie, and would be interested in any info, for everyone concerned. Thanks

food allergies Dawn 6:50 pm Thursday April 15,1999
I was just wondering if anyone seems to have Meniere's episodes after eating certain foods. I am going to an allergist to see if I am allergic to some of the foods that I usually eat right before I have an episode. If anyone has any comments feel free to e mail me at Thanks!! Dawn

Doctors in KY BPB 11:17 pm Thursday April 15, 1999
Does anyone know about docs in KY specializing in Menieres?

re: SERC Claudia 6:45 pm Saturday May 1, 1999
I have just recently obtained Serc from Mexico. I have only been on the Serc for 3 days its too soon to see it will help. I plan on taking it for atleast several months, to give it a chance to work. The reason I ordered it from Mexico was because I figured I would have a hard time persuading my internist or ENT to prescribe it for me. As it turns out I know more about Serc than my Doctors do....I would be interested in hearing from anyone else who is taking Serc.....
Claudia from NC ~~~~~~~

Vertigoheel Elaine 11:28 am Sunday May 2, 1999
Hi all of you, I've had meniere's for over 30 years, really. Have most of the rotten symptoms, permanent hearing loss in one ear, fight dizziness and off-balance all the time, roaring tinnitus, fullness, daily chronic headaches. Only through this great site have I found compassion. Certainly not through drs. I recently found out about Vertigoheel through this site. Understand it has recently been approved in the US by the FDA. When I asked my ENT about it, he said he never heard of it. This I find hard to believe. He asked me to send him any info I had on it, so I printed out some stuff from the web and sent it to him. Imagine, I have to educate my ENT. Unbelievable. I've been on meds for so long so I can function through the dizzies all these years and this dr. never heard of a med that might help. Have any of you used Vertigoheel? Please feel free to email me.

re: Vertigoheel Karen 11:23 pm Monday May 3, 1999
I have never heard of Vertigoheel, but I sure am interested in finding out about anything that might give some "hope" to this dread affliction. I have suffered for 17 years with daily off-balance and dizziness, headaches, visual disturbances and vertigo. I, also, just asked my doctor about the drug "Serc". He asked me to send him info on it and he would be glad to read about it. Go FIGURE!!!!! What do these doctors do with their time except pat us on the head and say "You just need to learn to live with it-Here take these anti-depressants". LOL
Please email me with the info if you have the time.
Bless You and know you are not alone!!!!
Karen :)

karen @ elaine Brenda 8:05 am Thursday May 6, 1999
i agree with you two gals about the doctors ignorance on these new medications-seem the dont really take this terrible disease as serious as they should--the pat on the head and try this or that or give it more time-or the famous "youll just have to learn to live with it" is very familiar. Had one tell me there was no magic pill you could take and it would just go away so get used to it--i cried for a whole week over that one-was already to the point of not being able to stand it!! They always like to say its not fatal-youll live-boy what a joy that phrase is!! I finally found a specialist who treats many menieres patients and he promised me he would have me feeling better in a month-he did but was very hard finding right meds and dosages-they made me pretty sick till he got it right. I must ask my dr about these new treatments because he hasnt mentioned them and probably means he is behind on his school work!! I cant imagine you ppl putting up with this all those years-im just a beginner-only a year this march and i feel like it is the worst year of my life-cant imagine 20 or more years of this he!!. e-mail me anytime as i am really learning from you pros and it keeps me one step ahead of the dr.
God bless

Diet Gigi 8:24 pm Sunday May 9, 1999
Hello Greg and Chip,
Hello Dizzy Pals,
I have MD too. Finally diagnosed after a few years of wondering what was going on a being told I was too young for Menieres.
Now after being on disability for 7 months and a failed attempt with the shunt surgery I'm trying the gentamyacin shots. I think food does play a major role in this annoying disease. I have cut out salt and drink alot water it seems to help. The doctors don't stress this enough!!! A friend told me of a friend that had MD 30years ago! Said her attacks were frequent, she eliminated all SALT from her diet and after a few months was OK!! She returned to work!!!! You should get patassium in the diet though, very important. I was given a diuretic, I think it may be helping. A natural diuretic is Vitamin B-6 and parsley. Longs or K-Mart sell this natural water called"Chroma Slim" 50 pills for $5. Also, allergies can agravate our condition. SO look into this BEFORE YOU HAVE SURGERY. MY surgery left my ear almost deaf. Get a second opinion. Bye All!! Smile. Get a loving pet.It helps.

re: Diet Greg and Chip 10:34 pm Sunday May 9, 1999
Hi Gigi,
Welcome! A lot of people are hepled by diuretics. It certainly should be tried, first. You are so right! Thanks for the info on the Chroma Slim.
Sorry about your shunt surgery. I guess I was lucky, not to lose hearing with either operation. I really hope the gentamicin helps you Gigi. Don't be a stranger!

salt Gigi 0:33 am Monday May 10, 1999
Hi Again Friends,
Just a reminder AVOID SALT. I had to laugh when I think back to the days when I would eat salted sunflower seeds like a parrot!!! I was soo addicted to the seeds, my lips looked like MICK JAGGERS!! No Chinese FOOD!

re: salt Brenda 7:40 pm Tuesday May 11, 1999
hi friends--yep-salt is a real troublemaker-dr also told me no chocolate-caffiene smoking or second hand smoke-and for some reason said absolutely no gatorade-now go figure. must have something to do with the potassium. He told me about a patient of 15 yrs that ate a lot of salty ham for christmas dinner-had to put her in the hospital-hooked her up to an iv of valium and knocked her out for 3 days.take this for what its worth but these restrictions have been a part of my tratment since day always have to give up the good stuff it seems. God bless and you are welcome to e-mail me anytime.

tips for MD Darrell 4:56 am Saturday May 15, 1999 Good day, Just a short note to show my appriciation for all of the tips that Gregs readers recommend. Personally it means alot that other people are coping with the same symtoms that I deal with on a daily basis. I consider myself with a mild case of MD when I control my diet (except for the roaring tinnitus ). I try to stay away from excess salt and caffine as they bolth put me on the shelf. I was feeling great for a few months until last week I ate a bag of sunflower seeds and was that a mistake. I was walking through a parkade a my knees buckled and I felt like I was hit by a car. I seem to feel better for weeks after an attack as it refocuses me on my low salt diet. I know better than to eat the salty foods but every once in a while I test MD and always lose.
Keep up the great tips to help keep the MD symptoms at bay. Post all tips or E-mail all tips to me at

re: tips for MD Offy 6:06 am Saturday May 15, 1999
Sighs & smiles at Darrell....
There is nothing worse than telling me that "you can't have that".
LOLOL.. my inner child says "oh yeah????"... and sooner or later sneaks a taste or "the whole thing"...
If the adult in me is functioning,, I will mentally censor the input to .. "you are allergic to that, you will be sick and embarrass yourself"....
But, "kids" are creative and resourceful.. ROFL...

re: tips for MD Carole 10:36 pm Saturday May 15, 1999
Hi I have had meniere's for many years and have been bilateral since 1992. I gave up salt once for a whole year and my symptoms stayed the same. When I started eating everything again I went into remission. I go in and out of remission no matter what I eat. I wish it was salt that I could blame these attacks on, but I don't think it is. My main problem right now is terrible pulsating tinnitus. I am going to Mexico on vacation for 5 days starting tomorrow. I am presently taking compounded SERC, but I have heard that the real SERC is better. I plan on buying as much as I can while I'm there. I would love to hear from someone else whose symptoms have nothing to do with their salt intake. Thanks Carole

sugar (:heryl 8:55 am Sunday May 16, 1999
I too have found that sodium/salt and caffiene are no-nos. Diuretics (caffeine is one) is what causes the pressure in my ear to build up. I lived for 15 years with a "stopped up" ear, and finally discovered the culprit on my own. The sodium is what seems to cause a "dizzy" attack. Bacon and hot dogs are especially bad for me.
BUT...last night a ate a sucker (those filled with bubble gum) and I had an attack not 20 minutes after. Doed sugar affect anyone else like this? I've had an idea for a while now, but last night was the deciding factor. I'm so glad to have found this group. (:heryl

re: sugar Offy 5:40 am Monday May 17, 1999
Hi Cheryl. I've had menieres for 28 yrs.
One thing, Balance.
This means as individuals we are seeking to find Balance in our life.
For some of us it takes various forms at different times. Body chemistry is not consistent throughout our lives.
Sometimes, I think that Menieres is a cosmic joke. Because it forces us to pay attention to balancing our emotions, our minds, our spirit, and our physical bodies. The totality of how we live, to maintain balance.
Even taking time out and giving in to not having Balance.
It's certainly not a "fun" way of living. It's frightening to live knowing what we could be experiencing in the next hour because of how quickly an attack can come and go.
Not much different from the next person without menieres, we just literally lose our balance, eh? LOL., sorry but sometimes I chose to think that we are lucky to have a built in alarm system.

Vertigoheel (:heryl 7:51 am Monday May 17, 1999
I was interested in this thread, so I did a little research. There is an over-the-counter "herb"? which contains exactly the same ingredients as Vertigoheel. It is called "Cocculus Compositum". There is web site with some information at:
Has any one had any experience with it?

Vertigoheel Karen 0:04 am Wednesday May 19, 1999
Hi, Guys !!
After receiving my information packet about Vertigoheel and reading as much as I could find on the Internet about the subject, I have made the decision to give it a try. I feel it is completely safe and that it treats the cause of Meniere's rather than just the symptoms i.e. Antivert. As opposed to Serc, there are no reported side effects with Vertigoheel and the medication does not interfere or interact with any other medications. It has been tested on all ages and for all types of illnesses with Vertigo as a symptom. The company I ordered it from was very considerate, helpful and kind, as opposed to local pharmacies who chose to treat me as if I were a "nut" case. If non-sufferers could only understand the importance of a little "hope". I have had this disease for 17 years now, and this is the first time I have been given any "HOPE" that perhaps there is something that can help. Who knows? Maybe Vertigoheel will be the answer, and maybe it won't. But, it remains a "hope". The company will ship it overnight and I expect to have it on Thursday morning. I will keep posting on my progress and I want any of you to feel free to email me with questions or opinions.
Remember, we are all in this together. Perhaps together, as a group, we can come up with an answer.
Pray as I do for all of you.
Karen :)
I'm listening -

re: Vertigoheel Karen 7:45 pm Wednesday May 19, 1999
Back again :):)
Surprise-surprise-I order my Vertigoheel yesterday, Tuesday, afternoon around 2:00 and received it this afternoon, Wednesday. I just sat and looked at it for a long while. I think you guys can understand what I mean when I say-I was scared of it. Medications have affected me so easily that I have to admit that even though no reported side effects were mentioned-I still hesitated. AND, then, I said - "Wow-Karen, Just open the bottle, take out the tablets and take them -and forget about it." (Actually I used a little different language within the boundaries of my mind LOL)----I guess most of my fellow "sufferers" have used those same words at one time or another, huh, B??? :):):):):)
Well, I have dissolved four of them under my tongue as the information says - remember-don't swallow them. They need to be dissolved in the mouth, as they enter the body through the mucus membranes.
Now, the only thing I have noticed so far is that I hadn't eaten all day. I took them on an empty stomach and didn't eat a half hour after. You are suppose to take them 1/2 hour before meals, or 1/2 hour after. Well, they burned my stomach-kinda like aspirin will do with me. NO BIG DEAL---but if you are going to try them - eat something 1/2 hour before or after.
Any questions-email away - or I'll post my progress tomorrow.
Wish me luck-Guys!!!! There's a light at the end of the tunnel yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Karen :)
I'm listening -

re: Vertigoheel Brenda 7:04 am Thursday May 20, 1999
hello friends
today is my big day-i recieve my vertigoheel about 10 a.m.-thanks Karen for the warning about eating-ill be sure to eat with mine and hope the burning in your stomach is only caused by you not eating. I will probably stare at the bottle for a while also but after i read everything on the label there is then i will take them for i really have hope in this drug after all the study and comparing results i have read.the druggist i ordered it from said it is as safe as drinking a diet soda-so far all the other drugs ive taken with this didnt have a warning like that.i can take my other drugs along with it-so just going to take them for a while and gradually cut back on the antivert and valium. my dr gave me the same song and dance that he had never heard of it and had to have all the info he could get before he would even consider prescribing it. I am just going to keep my mouth shut and not even tell him what im up to-he should be telling me about these drugs-very disgusted he doesnt keep up on these new drugs,so im going to give it a shot-cant make me feel any worse than some of the medication im on and who knows-this may be the answer--never know unless i try. you have my prayers Karen as i know i have yours-will keep you posted so we can compare notes. God bless==Brenda

re: Vertigoheel Karen 10:33 am Thursday May 20, 1999
Back again, Guys!!!
I don't know if anyone really cares, but I'm going to use this forum to "vent" as Greg puts it. Nobody at my house even asks - oh well - I think it's because they don't want to get my hopes up or theirs just to be disappointed again.
So- I took 6 tablets of Vertigoheel between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. when I went to bed. I did continue to have the burning in my stomach, but I'm hoping it was because I startd off wrong. This morning I had toast and am going to take the pills in about 10 minutes.
Observation-I floated on a raft in a pool yesterday for several hours - this usually gives me a feeling of floating even when I get off. However, last night when I went to bed, I did not have that swaying-floating feeling. Just about every night when I lay in bed, on my back, I will feel like the bed is moving ever so gently and that is all the time - even if I haven't been in a pool. Last night I didn't have it.
Also, in the mornings when I first awaken, I immediately get that same floating feeling, this morning I did not have it.
However, when I got out of bed, I was feeling the old gravity of walking a bit sideways. NOW, since I cut back my Antivert, I don't know if it was from that or not. I have decided to keep taking my meds in the normal way as that will be the ONLY way I can tell if the CC is working or not. For several years now I have had some arthritis in my neck and constant pain which at times also makes me walk a bit sideways. Sooooo - laying on a raft yesterday, could be the reason for the off-balance this morning.
I am on my way to take my CC now. The instructions say to take 2 or 3 tablets three times a day. Yesterday I took 2-today I am going to take 2 tablets 4 times a day which is still 1 less than they recommend. In the brochure I received regarding CC, in the beginning of the studies they had the patients take a "loading dose" aof several tablets in the first hour. They also said this "loading dose" could be used for people that are affected by the weather and stress-at any time. So I still feel there is nothing in them that could hurt us.
I'll be back later with an update-
Greg-do you mind if I keep writing here, or would you rather I did it in a "Day in the Life" format only "DAYS In the Life"? In HTML??
Karen :)

re: Vertigoheel Karen :) 9:22 pm Thursday May 20, 1999
Hi, Guys !!
I had a very good morning after taking my two tablets and my antivert. I definitely feel different. I actually don't mind walking, whereas before I sat as much as possible because I felt so lop-sided :) I took two tablets about 10:30 this morning--2 tablets about 4 this afternoon. About 4:30, my left ear clogged and started ringing-but only for a few seconds. I decided to take another CC because they said you could take 3 at a time. I did feel a bit dizzy about that time - kinda like I was agoing to spin - sweating, anxious, foggy a bit-but it passed after about an hour. I am left with a headache this evening but there could be two reasons for that. 1--I laid on that old raft again for about 2 hours and my neck is very stiff and achy - 2--it's going to rain I think. That will be the true test because my dizziness is greatly controlled by the weather. It's suppose to rain tonight and tomorrow. So we'll see. It's early yet though. I have only been on them for 2 days. I just finished taking 2 more and I will take 2 at bedtime. That will be a total of 9 today.
I went to work tonight and actually wrote customers up without feeling like I was going to fall over the counter. I actually walked a few aisles of my Mall without feeling spacey. So, I conclude, so far, that I do feel a difference but it's a long way home. Afterall, 17 years isn't going to just disappear in two days. My whole attitude at this point is better. I smile and sing and actually move around. Perhaps it's the mental "hope" that has awaken my soul. I will post again tomorrow morning. Prayers for all of you that may read this. Karen :)
I'm listening -

re: Vertigoheel Karen :-) 10:09 am Friday May 21, 1999
Good Morning -
I'm getting ready to take mny first dose of the day, but thought I'd post first.
Last night I took my full dose of Antivert before I went to bed as opposed to the night before when I took a 1/2. Again, when I laid down in the bed and woke up this morning, I felt NONE of the floating feeling that I have had for years-and years-and years. I believe the CC has helped. This morning, I feel pretty good too. It's scary to say I feel good because it's like the kiss of death- so-to-speak. It's also going to rain today and tonight. So, you see, prior to rain I always-always got very dizzy - today we'll see. I don't feel it yet, but I'll let you know. That will be a true test.
I believe that the CC has helped--I feel different--my head feels different. I will write tonight and let you know how the day (rainy) and the evening went.
I continue to pray and thank God that I found this med after all these years, and that I found this web site. That is what led me to Vertigoheel. I feel that if it helps in any way at all------ then it's worth the weight of gold to me. A precious-precious gift.
Karen :)
I'm listening -

vertigoheel Brenda 10:51 am Friday May 21, 1999
good morning friends=this is my second day on the vertigoheel and i am seeing a big difference. I actually got out of bed this morning a didnt run into any walls or furniture making it to my first destination - the bathroom for the first time since i dont know when.I cant describe how i feel other than i just feel good. I skipped the antivert and valium this morning and just took the vertigoheel and i feel fine. I also noticed i was tired last-nite but it was a good tired-not a sick tired.I didnt go to bed because i was sick and feeling so bad i just wanted the day to end-I did quite a bit of work yesterday which i never do . I fell right to sleep and slept all nite. Woke up feeling rested instead of the usual dizzy-sick- upset stomach i always feel. I really think the vertigoheel is working-it is time now for a dose so i am looking forward to taking it-had some real fears in the beginning but they are all gone-I really noticed the full and foggy head were not a problem yesterday-the noises and buzzing in my ears were not there yesterday-I really believe it is helping but want to give it a lot more time-i will say if the way i feel never got any better than it has been the last day and half i would be totally satisfied to live with it from now on but just know in my heart it is still going to get better. Will keep you posted and may God bless each and everyone of you!!==Brenda

Vertigoheel Elaine 8:02 pm Friday May 21, 1999
Hi to all of you. I finally talked my ENT into giving me a prescription for Vertigoheel. He never heard of it until I started sending him stuff I took from the web on it. It was called into a mailorder pharmacy in Chicago on Wednesday. I should have it on Mon. or Tues. From what I'm reading here, I'm really quite anxious to give it a try. Anything would be an improvement. Will let all of you know when I start taking it. Good luck to all of you.

re: Vertigoheel Karen :-) 9:54 pm Friday May 21, 1999
Hi, Guys!!
Update on CC (Vertigoheel). I have now taken it for three days. Today I have taken 7 tablets so far and will take 2 before bed. I continue to cut my Antivert during the day from a whole tablet to half, but I take the whole one before bed. It has been raining here since late this afternoon. I had a brief spin about an hour or two before the rain started - normal for me - BUT, usually I would be shot for the rest of the day. Today, it passed and I feel pretty good.
Tonight, my 16 year-old was in a car accident-a bad one - HOWEVER, thank God, she and her two friends are fine. She was driving our van. I stood out in the rain for at least a half hour waiting for the police to get us out of the rain - so, sitting for an hour or more in wet cold clothes could present a problem for me tomorrow. Also, the stress of it could also cause a problem for me tomorrow. Old CC is getting a true test here.
I went to the Shopping Mall today and did pretty well. Better than normal. Open spaces and tile floors usually send me off-balancing down the aisles. It was a marked improvement.
I encourage any of you that read this to try it. It can't hurt, that's for sure. If you order from the 800 number in New Mexico, you can have it the very next day. I ordered more today - I'm so afraid that "all of a sudden" it won't be available over the counter. Especially if Physicians find out that it's available over the counter and if it actually helps us - you just never know. Good medications sometimes just disappear for whatever reason.
Bless all of you - keep your fingers crossed.
Karen :)
I'm listening -

Taking VH since Sept Bobbi 7:25 am Saturday May 22, 1999
Hello to everyone here. I am new to the board and I'm ashamed to say that I was not aware of it and yet I've known Greg for a few months now. How humble he is!!!
I wanted to encourage anyone who's about to take Vertigoheel or CC (same thing) as I'm going on my 8th month now and it's made a big difference in the way I feel. Because it's a homeopathic, it's virtually symptom free. I've never heard of anyone having any problems on it. I might add that it's advised not to eat 20 to 30 minutes before letting the tab dissolve under your tongue and wait another 20 to 30 minutes afterwards to eat. It's written on the bottle. (All homeopathics are taken this way.) Also, homeopathics do not interfer with other drugs, so it's safe in more ways than one. I used to FEAR taking any sort of DRUG, (might make me dizzier) so I was really into the homeopathics, Bach Flower Remedies, herbs, acupuncture, yoga, vits & minerals.....but not drugs!!! I eventually ran the whole gammet of drugs but none helped. Now I do take Valium on occasion, but always take my Vertigoheel! BTW, I have MM, Tinnitus and BPPV.....for 40 years now. May each one of you be blessed and be balanced!! Bobbi (64 years old)

vertigoheel Brenda 7:41 am Saturday May 22, 1999
hello friends=this is my third day on vertigoheel and got up again this morning and didnt run into any walls==had a very restful night again and cant wait to get started on my day. I am starting with a cleared head and no noise in the ears-i dont feel sick like i have for many months =just feel almost like a normal human being. did take one dose of antivert yesterday and 5mgs of valium-was all i needed-quite a jump from at least 4 doses of each a day-took 8 tabs of vertigoheel as i like to get a dose in before i go to bed-seems to help the morning after-i must say the only words i can use to describe it is i feel different in my head and to put it simply is i feel good! I cant believe how i have felt like working the last 2 days-didnt have my usual 2 hr nap yesterday-didnt need it-felt like going up to bedtime-again i went to bed a good tired-not a sick and want this day to be over kind of tired. hope and pray that the new ones trying this vertigoheel will get the same results im getting--also hope and pray they last.encourage by the posting on the person taking it for 8 mos-so happy for you and sounds like it continues to work! God Bless each of you===Brenda

re: vertigoheel Karen :) 10:29 am Saturday May 22, 1999
Good Morning Friends !!!!!!
So glad to read the posting today from Bobbi- very glad.
I continue to feel better and am on only my 4th day of CC, however, the stress of standing in the cold rain last night as well as the car accident could be playing a bit on me today. I did actually drive to work today. Pretty much the first time in 15 years that I have driven any distance for sure. The instructions with the CC say you can take an extra one if you are affected by stress or weather changes, so I think I will take a third tablet this morning.
I am walking better-and don't fel like I'm going to fall over- almost like a semi-normal little person. I'd forgotten what it was like.
So-I'll tallk to all of you this evening.
Bless each of you and know that you are not alone-in no shape, way or form.
Karen :)
I'm listening -

Help Carole 11:53 pm Saturday May 22, 1999
I have been reading your posts on vertigoheel. I have bilateral meniere's disease and am slowly losing all my hearing. I have about 25% hearing in my right ear and about 60% in my left ear when it is not completely out. It is presently completely out which leaves me with no audible hearing. In addition to that I have terrible 24 hour a day pulsating and roaring tinnitus. I have been taking SERC for 2 months and it has not helped. I am curious to know from those of you who are having success with vertigoheel, if it helps with hearing loss, pressure and tinnitus. I have had drop attacks in the past and do get short spins, but that is not my main symptom. I wonder if I can take vertigoheel along with the SERC? Please let me know if any of you feel that this medication has helped the symptoms I have. I am really getting very scared that I am going to lose all my hearing. Both my children are getting married this summer and I truly need to get this under control. I presently am taking Prozak and klonopin to help me cope, but I would love to get off these drugs and just take a homepathic medication. In the past 8 years I have tried almost everything except surgery. I was under the care of a homeoasthic doctor for several years and it did not help me. I would appreciate any informatin you can give me regarding Vertigoheel Thanks Carole

vertigoheel Brenda 8:21 am Sunday May 23, 1999
hello friends
just an update on how day 3 went-it started out pretty good-felt fine when i got up-but im am on the no salt-no caffiene-so chocolate diet for menieres-i decided i felt so good it was time for some of my favorite sausage and biscuits!! big mistake!! The sausage threw me for a real loop for a few hours-wasnt worth it as i always come to that conclusion after i try to get away with something!! But once i got it out of my system i guess the cc kicked in and i had an absolutely wonderful day-i actually made a 100 mile round trip and visited my oldest son whose house i hadnt visited for 8 mos-he always comes here every weekend-all they could do was give me hugs and tell me how glad they were that i was feeling so much better and even told me i looked so much better. i am more convinced each day that there is something to this cc and im going to take it religiously. i had to take a couple extra doses of valium and antivert to cope with the sausage but believe it would have been another completely successful day if i had eaten like i know im supposed to. Today is another day and i feel good this morning-going to behave myself and im assured it will be another day i can have a normal lifestyle. May God bless and keep you ALL==with love=Brenda

Chat Night this Thursday (5/27/99) Greg 9:23 am Sunday May 23, 1999
Everyone is invited to a chat night this Thursday, May 27th, at my website chatroom. We will try to start around 9:30pm Eastern time, and end whenever everyone gets tired.
The chatroom is not perfect, but just about everyone with all types of browsers can get in. You can log in ahead of time, and save the page and should be able to not have to re-log in.
It does have several images you can use there. You are welcome to log in and play around with them if you like. Try starting with this //smile
You can get there from my home page or if you have any problems, just email me.

Greg's Meniere's Site

Finally I'm here!!!! Marsha J. 4:31 pm Sunday May 23, 1999
Dear Guys,
I've finally been able to get to this site after 3 days and hours upon hours on the computer! Mazol Tov!!! All of you are a gift from Heaven. Friends and family say I obsess researching day and nite. Finally I've found compasionate people. Thank u Brenda, Karen and Greg for not giving up on m e and helping me find this site. I cried this morning! Am still on steroids, 4 weeks now. The only thing that helps. Want to try Vertigoheel. Please let me know your results. Going back into site to find out lots more, but first had to write to say THANK YOU ALL AND GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU. LUV, Marsh

Vertigoheel(CC) Brenda 4:49 pm Sunday May 23, 1999
hello again!
just wantted to add a little bit to my posting this morning-i have noticed that in the afternoon dose i get very sleepy and tak a nap-its not a drugged sleepy but a good sleepy-i take my nap and wake up feeling quite rested and it doesnt take an hour for my body to do what my brain tells it as it has in the past. i dont wake up sick to my stomach but notice i usually wake up hungry-which is really rare. I am always ready for bed earlier than usual-been going to bed about 9:00-9:30 as i feel that good tired and sleepy coming on and always fall right to sleep. The wierd dreams and waking up several times a nite have stopped. I love waking up as i can get right up and not have to lay there until i feel i can make it. I dont hit every wall and piece of furniture that might be close to my path when i finally decide to try it. I know there will be days it seems this drug isnt working but that is an improvement because thats the way i felt without this drug almost everyday!! Like i said before-if i never improve one bit more i will be thrilled for this i can live with-before i didnt know. I ask God to bless each and all and will post later. with luv=Brenda

re: Help Darrell 9:45 pm Monday May 24, 1999
Just a quick question in regards to your symptoms. When did you realize that you have MD in both ears ? Did the symptoms start out in one ear and then gradually move to the other ear ? What was the first sign that the other ear was affected ?
I currently have MD in my right ear with the fullness, buzzing and contrallable vertigo. My hearing is very poor in the affected ear and rely on my left ear for almost all of my hearing. I am a little paranoid that my left ear is starting to buzz and feel a little full. I am only 27 years old and think that this thing is starting to get worse before I can control it. Regards,

How VH helped me....... Bobbi 9:35 am Tuesday May 25, 1999
A friend asked me if it took a while to start feeling better when I first started taking Vertigoheel. Here's my reply and hopefully it will encourage any of you who are now starting on it. BTW....Cocculus Compositum is the very same thing..bought without a prescription.
It seems I started feeling different (better) within a couple weeks. I know it was pretty soon for me, but I've heard others say it was a bit longer for them. The progression is subtly slow, but all of a sudden I looked back and thought, "hey, I couldn't do this a few weeks ago (actually months/years ago)....that kind of's a day by day progression, I guess you'd say. Even now I can see where there's things I'm doing with ease that I have not doen in several'll see.....give it a chance to work for you. As you've probably heard a dozen times or more, what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another. Or it may work slower/faster....we never know. Don't give up on it right's a homeopathic and works differently. Remember you're only getting a minute minute that you can take the entire bottle and it would not harm you. Call Mertz Pharmacy if you'd like more information on how homeopathics work. Tele # is 1-773-989-0090. Hope this may help you who are taking CC or VH. BTW, I've been on it for almost 9 months now. Be blessed and be balanced!! Bobbi from Kentucky

vertigoheel (CC) Brenda 12:30 pm Tuesday May 25, 1999
hi friends
just a note to let you know how im coming along on the vertigoheel=i think this is day6 for me and i can only say good things about it. I was so anxious when i got them i think i was making a common mistake and taking too many-they seem to be so relaxing to me-was sleeping a lot and it felt really restful but wanted to do other things so decided to back off and take one at a time and 2 at bedime-well today i feel great. I have noticed ear noise is no problem lately and the vertigo attacks are very few and far between-they last only a short time when they do show up.I still cant put word on the difference i feel in my head but it seems as though something depressing and pressure-throbbing has just left. Ive only had menieres for about 14 mos but i had every nasty symptom it offered plus some that ive not heard anyone else speak of yet-was ready to throw in the towel and im not saying that to be cute-was ready to just lie down and give up totally but met greg and karen and found this site and then the cc from carolyn and then bobbi and i think im going to make it-want you All to know how much i appreciate you and luv ya and may God richly bless all of you!!!! with luv=Brenda

re: vertigoheel (CC) Brenda 12:35 pm Tuesday May 25, 1999
cheryl-to you!! must give credit where credit is due==meant cheryl and not carolyn-so sorry! thank you for posting the cc info. God bless

re: vertigoheel (CC) Bobbi 1:59 pm Tuesday May 25, 1999
Hurraaaaaay and Hallelujah Brenda!! You'll seem more results as time passes, keep it up girl!! Don't be discoursged if it takes a's worth the wait.
Be blessed and be balanced, Bobbi

re: How VH helped me....... Elaine 4:31 pm Wednesday May 26, 1999
Hi to all of you,
I just received my prescription of Vertigoheel and took 2 tablets. The bottle reads 2 or 3 - 3 x a day. I'll start with 2 as I don't want to overdo it. Can't ask my ENT as I had to literally fight him to get this prescription. Keeping my fingers crossed, after fighting this nightmare for 30 years.

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