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Greg's Discussion Group Archives
Page 10

March 19, 2002 to August 26, 2002

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disability insurance colin 9:00 am tuesday march 19, 2002
I've been suffering from bilateral meniere's now for 7 years. I am a classroom teacher, currently on long term disability insurance. My question concerns the period following the initial 24 month LTD period. The insurance policy states that benefits will continue only if the illness prevents one from being gainfully employed in any job for which I am qualified and from which I will earn at least 60% of my salary at the time LTD payments started. My symptoms are aggrivated by any kind of stress, doing the groceries, being stuck in traffic, etc. With my hearing loss and roaring tinnitus, I can't go back in a classroom, especially at the high school level. While I have a B.A., B.Ed. and M.Ed., I have no other experience than teaching. At 47 years of age, does this make me qualified for other employment that will provide me with a salary of approximately $40 000 (60% of my salary at time of initial LTD)? The insurance company obviously won't answer this question until my initial LTD is up. Where do I turn to for answers? Should I expect to be cut off benefits when the LTD runs out?

Diuretics Brenda 5:06 pm tuesday march 19, 2002
I have a question about diuretics, I am having trouble finding one that I do not have a reaction to, Lasix is the latest one, I shook like I was on 15 cups of coffee, Hydrochlorothiazide did not make any differece, I tried diazide and I felt like I had found the cure I felt great, but after three days broke out in a rash, was taken off those, I am at a loss, The diazide is the first time in two years I felt good, is there any body out there who knows of anything similar? I am at a really low spot right now and everyday is a struggle with the fatique and bouncyvision. Help, any info will be welcome. Thanks. Brenda

Meniere's and memory loss Dan Thompson 7:49 pm friday march 22, 2002
I have managed to post two garbage messages, sorry. Have any of you had memory problems after the on set of Meniers ? My left ear joined the right a month or so ago. Perhaps it is the sterio that is causing the memory problems. I can not recall many things that I know are in there. If I work on what I want to remember I can find it, most of the time. This is affecting my preformance at all levels. Thanks Dan T.

living with Meniere's Donna 2:08 pm saturday march 23, 2002
I'm so glad I found your site. I have been living with Meniere's since I was diagnosed over 11 years ago at age 31. I was under the care of Dr. Michael Glasscock at the ENT Clinic in Nashville, Tenn.
The first few years I did great with diet, exercise, proper rest and was only on dyazide daily and Meclizine as needed. About three years ago I had a major drop attack after a trip to San Francisco. (Now, I take an antihistamine days before the flight and that helps.) It seems like it has been downhill since then.
Recently, I have been expereincing prolonged fullness in my left ear. My famlily practioner diagnoised me with fluid over a month ago and gave me an antihistamine to take at night. After a visit to my ENT he assured me there was no longer fluid and I was expereincing the progression of the disease. I usually have the classical Meniere's symptoms. This is unusual for it to be so prolonged.
I am taking each day at a time. It is realy difficult with the pressures of daily life, a streeful job, a two year old and a nine and twelve year old. I am so blessed to have a patient husband.
This is my first time openly discussing Meniere's.

I have a question debbie 1:48 pm sunday march 24, 2002
If a person has meniere's and are on a lot of medicine, should they drink acholic drinks? Such as Vodka? What could the side effects of this be? Wouldn't it make the meniere's worse, let alone make it difficult to keep anything on your stomach? Please email me the answer too.

re: Meniere's and memory loss Carrie 1:30 pm tuesday march 26, 2002
Hi Dan.
I suffered a great deal with memory and a "brain fog." I've had tremendous luck with the herb Vinpocetine for this. Please go back to this web sites archive discussions and look at page #8 and the date of January 2, 2002 for my writings on Vinpocetine. Better is the cut and past version.... BEST OF LUCK TO YOU.....

Late last August I started taking vinpocetine for my MM. Vinpocetine has apparently been used for many years in Europe for the treatment of MM. It is a derivative of the periwinkle plant, so it?s within the herb family. As I took vinpocetine I saw my MM symptoms become less severe. I was just about ready to write this message at the end of October when I caught a cold and had a slight setback in improvement. I continued, though, to take the vinpocetine. As I write this today, my symptoms of MM have improved tremendously. I have minimal fullness and pressure, my ringing has improved, brain fog is gone and my hearing seems to have improved tremendously. I still have some flectuation in hearing, but nothing like it was 4 months ago. Is it the vinpocetine that is helping me, or am I in a 'good spell'? I?m thinking it?s the vinpocetine. My thoughts come as the result of being without vinpocetine for 13 days. The company from whom I ordered my supply of vinpocetine messed my order up. The first 4 days were good, then each day I experienced more MM symptoms return. By the time I finally received a supply I was experiencing every symptom, even dizziness, a symptom that I had never before had too much trouble with. After 7 days of returning to taking the vinpocetine, I have the improvement I spoke of earlier. After 3 weeks of taking 30 ? 40 mg daily I?m back to just a humming in my left ear (the original ear affected by MM). I also keep my sodium intake to under 1000 mg daily. As I mentioned earlier vinpocetine is in the herb family. I also take dyazide and I?ve have not experienced interactions between the two. The only side effect I?ve had with vinpocetine has been a dry mouth. That is all. Most of the information you?ll read will indicate it?s for memory loss, dementia, etc. It?s humorous to note that they refer to it as the brain viagra; it increases blood flow. I could tell you more about vinpocetine, but below I?ve supplied web sites with information for you to begin to make your own decision. It?s worth noting that since vinpocetine is an herb, it does take time to get into your system and begin working. I would suggest a month or two. I hope it works for everyone as well as it has for me.
I will continue to investigate any information on vinpocetine I can find. Right now I?m concerned about long term use. But I can say my quality of life has improved tremendously. While the web sites below may be advertisements for purchasing vinpocetine I?m only sending them to you for you to see that this herb is known to help hearing/inner ear problems. I am not sending these sites to you for you to order products, only for information purposes. Please be aware that some of the suppliers add caffeine to their pills. I couldn?t handle the caffeine, and caffeine and MM are a bad mixture. If you have questions about dosage or about ordering from the different companies, please feel free to contact me. I?ve had some good experiences in ordering and some very bad experiences. Here is just a start of some of the web sites that will provide you with information about vinpocetine. I urge you to investigate further by surfing around.

any advice?? charla 10:37 pm wednesday march 27, 2002
Hi, I am new to this place, and I am so happy to find others like me. Basically since my ear surgery last Oct, I have had dizziness, nausea, popping sounds,ringing, eye pain, and feel so hot like I am gonna pass out when it happens. My ENT dr. put me on Vascor (like verapamil) to increase blood flow because he thought it would help with the headaches and seeing black spots in my vision. If anyone has had this problem or is taking vascor, please let me know. I am going to a Neurologist this week for tests. Also sometimes my jaw and teeth hurt when I have bad spells. Any advice or info is greatly appreciated. Charla

re: cheryl heather 1:24 pm thursday march 28, 2002
I am wondering if you have tried the homeopathic Vertigoheel (bring that word up to learn more about the product). I started it two weeks ago as I have tinnutis, no hearing loss but terrible dizziness and imbalance since I had the flu in Feb. It does seem to help but reports say to be on it for 6 wks before giving a final judgement. It comes in drops and tablet form. In Canada it is known as Ventigoheel. (can be ordered on the web from Canada which makes the pricing better if you are in the US)It claims not to have any med interaction or side effects. Has been used in Europe for some 30 years and the AMA has approved it in 1998 to have the same benefits as SERC.

re: living with Meniere's gail 7:47 pm friday march 29, 2002
Hi Donna,
I am about your age and also have a stressful job and 2 daughters.
I have only had meniers for about 3 years. I also went through a bout with severe pressure in my left ear. I think weather is a big contributing factore to mine. It lasted about 1 month (February) and then I woke up one day and the pressure had disappeared. I went for 3 hearing test that month. Each time it was worse and worse. I went back in march for another test, and my hearing had almost returned to normal.
I did take 3 weeks short term disability from work. I found that getting my stress level down did help. My office is now working with me to allow me to work, but to be able to get in done in 8 hrs and not have to put in 10 or 12 hours.
I hope all works out well for you.

re: I have a question gail 7:50 pm friday march 29, 2002
I have an answer for that. The first thing my doctor said with I was diagnosed was to cut alocohol, caffiene and sodium from my diet.
I wasn't even on medication then. I am on a diaretic and if I am going to have a drink, I drink alot of water during the day. The diaretic and alcohol could case dehydration.
I also know that when I have to take the Meclizine, I would not drink. I know the effects for strenghen.
I hope this helps.

Meniere's Eric 12:46 pm sunday march 31, 2002
Hello All,
I was tentatively diagnosed with MD 3 years ago (at 32 yrs). I had vertigo, tinnitus, etc. The whole deal, being flat on my back, vomiting evertime I got up, you all know. After an initial Dr. visit who gave me dose of meclazine which worked, I went to an ENT who said I had all the symptoms of MD and suggested a low salt diet. I tried for a while (3-4 months) and gradually quit. I have had no symptoms (nothing major) for the last 3 yrs until yesterday. I woke up with ringing & vertigo. My wife went & got some meclazine which settled the vertigo but there is still some significant ringing today. I'm reading a lot about a possible allergy connection which I don't remember seeing when I first had symptoms. I have always had chronic sinus problems & we just completed our oak tree & orange blossom bloom here which is a big sinus nightmare. It seems odd that my two attacks have occurred almost the the exact day of the year. Is it typical do go so long between atacks when first diagnosed? Is allergic reaction a good guess to my problem? Any info is appreciated

How do you get a diagnosis? Lainey 1:59 pm monday april 1, 2002
Here is my story; I am 43, have had three major vertigo attacks in my life, all starting a couple years ago, although I have been to many Drs. of the dizzy feeling. I have allergies and am almost always stuffed up. The first time the vertigo hit it was in the middle of the night (actually woke me out of a sound sleep) Taken to the ER I was given meclizine and it cleared it up immediately.
I had had a cold prior to this episode. Then two years later I am sitiing in church (actually standing) and I suddenly become hot & sweaty, I sit down and then the room starts to spin out of control....UGH.....given meclizine again and BAM, its gone. I always have some ringing in my ears, some worse then others. Then the most recent episode, I'm sitting chatting with a friend and out of nowhere I start to feel a little dizzy ("so what" I tell myself, I feel like this all the time) Then my left ear rings so loud I could barely hear anything over the ringing!!!! Talk about a panic attack!!!! I go to my room and lay down and slowly it subsides but then I feel like my ear is plugged. I have had my ears cleaned out every 6 months or so since I was a kid...always clogged with wax. Been to two ENT's and never told anything about Menieres. This last summer I spent two weeks so dizzy and off-balance (felt like I was on a rocking boat) Drs. gave me antibiotic and sent me on my way.....How do you get a proper diagnosis???? Please e-mail me with info.

dropping lorraine 1:12 pm tuesday april 2, 2002
my mother in law has sufered for some years. She has always suffered dizzy spells, however, she now collapses to the floor. Is this likely to subside as she is frightened to go out incase she collapses again. The last time this happened she was taking her young grandson for a walk and she fell onto him!

re: How do you get a diagnosis? Gail 7:51 pm wednesday april 3, 2002
Keep looking for a good doctor. I was diagnosed 3 years ago. I always have the ringing and mild bouts of dizziness.
I went to my primary care doctor who after i described the symptons immediately sent me to an ENT and said to tell him that she suspected Meniers. I talked to the ENT for about an hour and had some test done. He verified that it was Meniers and had me see an surgeon to see if surgery was an option.
I think you need to find a competent doctor, have you ever asked about meniers or demanded some testing?
I have learned so much from this sight. That when I do have an appointed I go in loaded with questions.
I hope you get some relief soon.
One of the best things I have done is go on a low sodium diet (approx 500-1000mg daily). I find that If I cheat to much, the dizziness becomes worse. They also have me on a diuretic which helps also.
I wish you the best

Bi-Lateral Annie 2:04 am tuesday april 9, 2002
I would like to hear from anybody that has bi-menieres. How have you coped ? Physically and emotionally ? I was dx about 3 yrs ago. To compound the problem, I had a vestibular nerve section back in 1985. I would love to communicate w/anyone out there that may be in my shoes ! Look forward to hearing from you..

Associated Symtoms of Menieres Len 11:01 am wednesday april 10, 2002
I was diagnosed with MD in 1993. Since that time I have had recurring typical attacks of vertigo. I also have loud tinnitus. In the past six to eight months I have been having symtoms of another kind. It usually starts with what feels like spasms deep inside my skull, followed by varying degrees of unsteadiness to vertigo. If I close my eyes the spasm sensation stops, until I open them again, but the unsteadiness remains for as long as 4 or 5 hours or as short as 5 or 10 min. I went to a specialist (?) and was told it is related to my menieres. I have read many of the posting and have not seen anything that in similar. Has anyone else experience these type of symtoms or know anyone that has? Can anyone point to a path of research I could follow?

I am going to my primary care doctor and demand that I get a referral to test for allergies - thanks for the encouragement.
Thank You

Len Tami 11:53 am wednesday april 10, 2002
Len,does the feeling you have feel like your head is vibrating inside?I have not been diagnosed with mm but I suffer from some of the same symptoms,they feel mine is a migrane problem.I do get a feeling in my head that no one understands it feels like my brain is always moving inside my skull and like I get a internal massage like feeling run inside my head and body.Let me know if this is like what you suffer from.Tami

Gail Tami 12:00 am wednesday april 10, 2002
Gail, how have you been doing?I hope all is well and the symptoms are not too bad.I had my mri on Friday so I hope to have a answer to whats been going on inside my head.Sometimes it is so hard to want to get out of bed when you feel so crappy all the time but with kids you have too.I have been having a very rough month trying new drugs that I have been reacting badly to so I am on a new one I hope will help.I have been feeling very sorry for myself lately but with the weather finally warming up I hope getting out will help.Well better go hope all is well,Tami

re: Len Len 1:36 pm wednesday april 10, 2002
Tami, It feels more like a muscle spasm. Like you might get in your arm or leg and it spasms rapidly 5 to 10 times. I do have times when my tinnitus is so loud that I get what feels like vibration, but just when the tinnitus is really loud

Tami,reactions Brenda 11:06 am thursday april 11, 2002
Hi Tami, I have been on this site quite a few times, I too have MD, had a vestubelur nerve section last May. I am having trouble with meds they are trying on me and I break out in rashes, and feel awfull, I need to be on a dieuritic but none of them agree with me. I have also been really down when the fatique and the bouncy vision hits it is hard to function. I am lucky that I don't have any children to take care of every day. What meds are you having trouble with? It has been 8 weeks of me being the test rat for drugs and I can't seem to find a allergest that knows what he is doing. Altough My ENT and Surgeon are great but my primary care Dr. is just guessing. Well I hope you feel better, I know what you are going through,The anxiety is enough to make you go crazy huh ? "Those who can dance are considered insane by those who can't hear the music" George Carlin, I love that because it feels like that for all of us MD Folks. Talk to you soon...Brenda, as the world spins!!!

Brenda Tami 12:11 pm thursday april 11, 2002
Hi Brenda,I have the same symptoms as meniers but the doctors feel that I have a migrane problem.The drugs they gave me were Verapimil and that made my heart feel like it was beating out of my chest and then they tried Elivil to try and prevent any migranes and this sent my Blood pressure through the roof and made me have the worst headache I have ever had.If bouncy vision is where it looks like things jump.If I look at a object at a distance it lookes like it moves up and down.The inside of my head always feels like it is moving it sounds crazy but it always there.What are your symptoms do any of these match mine and do you have hearing loss?Let me know Tami

re: Associated Symtoms of Menieres steve 8:29 pm thursday april 11, 2002
I get the very same and i have it worst when i amtired I spoke with two specialist and they both said that i should rest when feeling tired and not try and carry on as though nothing was wrong .I find my tinitus is very bad at present but It usually lightens a little. hope this helps .keep up a positive attitude and think on how we are able to help others and hopefully it will help cope with the meniers

re: I have a question steve 8:36 pm thursday april 11, 2002
Well acholic drinks are not the best thing to be having however that said there might be a temptation to drink in order to feel relaxed and happy but in the long run it will make things worse. I would suggest a few nice walks with a good companion who understands your condition and try a relaxing thereapy to help you sleep like a sound machine or cassete player. Hope this helps

re: living with Meniere's steve 8:45 pm thursday april 11, 2002
Hi Donna
Sorry to hear that you are having a bad time of it.I get much pressure in my left ear (totally deaf in that ear). I tried a Hopi ear candle for about 6 times and it did help by giving som erelieve .you will need some one to help you but it is worth it for the relief in tinitus and pressur you get.I would suggest that you chat with a homepathic doctor to find out more. When the candle was sugested to me I laughed then it just got so bad I thought anything is worth a try .
Meniers is bad but it is controlable it is just a case of learning what makes it worse. Pressure of work will not help. Wishing you well Steve

reply Tami Brenda 8:57 pm thursday april 11, 2002
Tami, Thanks for getting back with me. Yes your description sounds like bouncy vision, They say it is a eye problem associated with MD, Who knows. I do not have headaces to speak of just fatique, bouncyvision, the sounds in my ears are so loud sometimes. I use to have drop attacks before my surgery, but the surgery just stopped them not the symptoms of MD. I am always lightheaded, I can't be in a mall for long, shopping is a nightmare as I lose concentration and am unable to make decisions, This is so hard for me as I have always been a ball of energy with the abilty to multitask, well I can hardley keep up with my household chores. I am not feeling sorry for myself it is the reality of this. I am so afarid that it is going to go into my other ear, I already don't have a balance nerve on the left. It seems strange that Migrains have the similar symptoms as MD. I felt fine yesterday and today I have slept a lot, the one who suffers the most is my husband.Yes I have profound hearing loss, I wear two hearing aids.Have you gone to a ENT DR? keep me posted it is great to speak with people who are in the same rocking boat as you. Take care Brenda

vetigo and life! Sharon 4:56 pm friday april 12, 2002
I am new to this web site. I was in a car accident in Dec. 2001 and life has not been close to the same since. I was told by my ENT that my left inner ear is working at about 49%. I am in vestibular therapy, take Meclize 3x a day and even recently started acupuncture. (anything!!) My ear is either ringing or has a painful, pressure "wooosh, wooosh" sound that is so loud, I can't hear from that ear. Beside all that, I'm constantly dizzy and off balance (feels like I am walking on a matress). Any suggestions out there?? Am I missing some medical or holistic journey??

re: Gail tami 8:09 pm friday april 12, 2002
Hi Tami,
I am sorry that you are still feeling so lousy. I really hope the MRI shows something.
I am doing ok. I am getting into my good time of year (spring and summer). I get minor bouts of dizziness but nothing to bad.
I go my hearing aid. I love it. It blocks out the ringing and banging in my ear during the day. I wish I had gotten it sooner. I have really been watching my diet and trying to walk every day.
My employeer has lightened up my work load and that has helped.
I hope this good feeling last for a while.
I wish you the best.

re: vetigo and life! Gail 8:17 pm friday april 12, 2002
Hi Sharon,
It is tough to deal with that dizzy off balance feeling. I am on a low sodium diet and that seems to help some. I am also on a diuretic.
i also get the loud ringing and wooshing noise in my ear. I went and was fitted for a hearing aid. The noise would be so loud that I couldn't hear people talk. The hearing aid is helping. It brings in outside noises into that ear and I find that I dont hear the ringing or wooshing when it is in.
You may find that the dizzyiness comes in waves. Mine will be good for a few months and them come back full force. i am usually worse in winter and fall.
I have meclizine also but find that all it does it make me tired. I only take it if I am having a really bad day.
I wish you the best.

re: stumbling Ann 8:41 pm friday april 12, 2002
I have menieres I have been out of work a month and a half.I have fallen twice very,very hard.I THINK I am better. I do not get sick so I don,t toss the cookies, but I FEAR hard surfaces.MY husband thinks I can just overcome the fear.I am on a dieuretis and a low salt diet. It seems to help.I am suppose to start phycial therapy soon.Have you tried any of this? Soom people don't understand. GOOD LUCK/

re: stumbling Brenda 7:08 pm saturday april 13, 2002
Ann, I know the feeing of fear!!! I have Meniere's also now for two years, I use to have drop attacks and the fear of falling kept me home a lot. I had a vestubular nerve section last May, the drop attacks are gone but I still have the Meniere's symptoms, I am lucky like you and do the COOKIE thing. I lost my job, from too many sick days from meniere's. It has been two years since I have worked. I am also on a dieuretic, I finally found one I can take. What willphycial therapy do for you is it called vestubular rehabilitation? I am suprised by how many people don't know about this disorder. when you tell people you have it they look at you weird. You look fine to them so what could be so wrong with you? "Those who can dance are considered insane by those who can"t hear the music" George Carlin, good quote huh, kinda fits all of us!!!! Talk soon, good luck at PT, let me know how it goes. Brenda, as the world spins!!!!

re: vetigo and life! ann 7:26 pm saturday april 13, 2002
Thank goodness you have the wooshing I thought I was the only one who knew what that was.I had it for years and no one seem to know what i was talking about,but i didn,t have it all the time,and it was only at night when i layed down.Are you able to work? I have been out of work about 2 months.The ringing is not to bad. I sleep with a fan on at night it does help.I am on the same treatment that you are.My worse time is spring.I have a fear of falling,because I fell real hard twice on pavement.But I think I am getting better. I HOPE you are doing the same. GOOD LUCK

re: dropping Ann 7:36 pm saturday april 13, 2002
I know what you mean. I do the same thing. I am not so bad now but I am scared to go out sometimes .Has she seen a dr? Let me know what is going on.

website for device for fluid in ears Brenda 1:51 pm tuesday april 16, 2002
This was on a local news channel about a DR. who has meniere's go to the website and check it out,I could not use this but I am sure quite a few of you might be interested. Here is the site anyone who knows anymore about it share with us!!! Here is my latest quote by george carlin."Those who can dance are considered insane by those who can't hear the music"This fits us with MD, spinning out for now Brenda.

re: Bi-Lateral Larry 5:06 pm thursday april 18, 2002
Hi Annie,
I just wanted to let you know that there is another bi-lateral menieres patient out here. I have had menieres for appx 4 1/2 yrs now with my right ear being worst.(hearing is gone) My left ear is starting to really get some fluctuations in the hearing so I've been concerned also. My Doctor that I've been working with has said to really watch my salt which I have been doing already, and the only other thing I can do is try to reduce any stress. Yeah Right, I'm in a high stress company with lots of layoffs, I got Two teenager's at Home, my 10 yr old likes to impersonate the teenager's so maybe I should say I've got three. Actually they are really good kids and have been allot of help when I have been hit with a attack.
I have some relief when I'm able to communicate whats on my mind whether verbable or in writing which helps and sometimes it just helps me be more aware of what I need to work on. I pray alot because I know I could not go thru this alone. the serenity prayer is pretty neat:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
I feel there is a reason for everything.......
God only gave me today.......
Sometimes... I can only look forward to this to shall pass, and I try to make the most out of the good days.
This is my first time in a group discussion so I hope I helped you.
You are not alone,

re: vertigo and life! gail 8:29 pm wednesday april 24, 2002
Hi Ann,
My whoosing sound comes right before I get dizzy. I use that as a warning system. When I here the noise I sit still and do deep breathing. I can usually work through it. If however I move when I have the sound the vertigo sets in.
I did take a month off of work, but am back now. I do ok. I have about 3 mild dizzy spells during the day. Fortunetly they only last about 1 minute. I have to watch out because when I feel the dizzy ness come one I tend to get excited and almost cause a panic attach. That is why I work hard on the breathing.
I am into my good time now. I fear winter. I am always bad between December and February. I think the stress of the holiday season contributes to it. My 2 trigger factors seam to be stress and if I am overtired.
I find that I have a tough time in malls, or large spaces. the doctor said that high ceilings and flouresant lights could make it worse.
I have been to 2 surgeons and each have said the same thing. There is nothing that can be done and I have to live with it. That is when I forced myself to get back to work. there may come a time when I can't work, but right now I'm willing to give it a try. Work has been working with me and has lightend my work load.
I hope all works out well for you.

Vertigo, My Cross To Carry (Web -Site) tony ruggieri
10:24 pm wednesday april 24, 2002
Can you add my web site to your discussion group. URL address:

re: Vertigo, My Cross To Carry (Web -Site)Rick 12:17 pm monday april 29, 2002
Have you investigated food allergies as a possible cause? My story is the second one on the page.

re: Meniere's and memory loss Diane 6:50 pm monday april 29, 2002
I just decided to exolore the web and came upon the memory loss you had experienced, I had no idea there was a link to the menieres, I have been afflicted with it since 1997, I am functional but lately I scare myself when I forget things in my life that are every day happenings. I keep saying it must be age. It is things that I should not forget, I eventually remember after racking my brain for a time. By then it does not matter, it is too late and everyone laughs at me. MY attacks were so severs in the beginning, I thought I was going to die of a brain tumor or something. After many tests and loss of work, they finally diagnosed me with menieres. I lost 30 lbs in a matter of 2 months for fear of eating the wrong thing and set it off. Salt is my biggest villian and foods that are have all the preservatives. they are the worst thing I could possible eat. It sets a real bad attack, my last one was so bad, I was ready to clal 911. My daughter called 911 twice in the beginning. She found me on the bathroom floor . It was quite scarry. I have it pretty much under control, I only seem to do it to myself when I go off my diet that i know better than to eat that junk. I buy every thing unsalted or low salt and limit myself. It takes alot of self control or the thought of what i can do to me. Lessoned my caffaine intake also.
I would like to hear more about the memory loss. It makes me feel a lttle better then to think I was getting alshimers.
thank you

Tips for Flying? Jan 8:49 pm tuesday may 7, 2002
My sister has Menier's and a history of feeling violently ill when flying in an airplane. Does anyone have tips on how to help her fly (alone) on a 3 hour plane trip? She takes meclizine. Would earplugs, eye shades, and aisle seating help? Any other medications or strategies?
Thanks, Jan

re: Tips for Flying? Carrie 3:53 pm wednesday may 8, 2002
Jan -
I've had a little success with the following, although, it doesn't sound like my flying problems are severe as your sister's. They have an earplug out called *earplanes*. They are suppose to help regulate ear pressure. You insert them a certain amount of time before take off. Instructions on the package will tell the time. At the same time I insert them into my ears, I begin to vigorously and continuously chew gum. I must look like a site sitting there with little things sticking out of my ears happily chomping away on gum, but, hey it helps a little. I hope your sister will find relief in whatever she tries.
Best wishes,

re: vetigo and life! evelyn 5:10 pm friday may 10, 2002
Hi, well I guess I,ll just jump right in.I've had the same problem for years but I didn't know what was wrong until last year.I was 25 when it started with me.Just the ringing and I started loseing my hearing a little each year.Now I'm 58 last year I started getting the wooshing.It would happen about 3 times.The 3 third time vetigo would take over.I would have to craw through the house I couldn't stand or walk.It was like being on a merry go round and everything was going around but you.It would come on so sudden,I would be driving and could't see. If I had to stop for a train I had to look down if not ,it would start couldn't go shoping because looking for what I wonted would start it.Sometime just turning over in bed at night would start it.I have high blood presure the vetigo will also increase the B/P that would send me to the hospital.The doctor would put me on meds. and that would keep me in bed.Spring is my worse time sinusitus will set it off will block the tube in the inner ear.I,m doing good now, I still have a little problems but I can keep going.I don,t have to take much meds.and not so often.They can,t cure Meniere's but they can do something about the side efects.I had to have the nerve distroyed in my right ear.I still hear the ringing,but I can't hear anything in the ear .I was losing my hearing anyway.left ear take up where my right one ended.SORRY such along note (smile)It's really help to know you are not a lone.My fear of falling is mostly at night or in the dark.I use to be off 2-3 months at a time.Now I,ve been back to work for 1 year and maybe missed 2 weeks and that was to stay off to take my meds because they make me sleep.good luck

re: Meniere's evelyn 6:40 pm friday may 10, 2002
hello, I was diagnosed with MD last year and I've been taking meclazine since then. It do help but sometime I have to take Promethazine for the nausea.And when it really get bad I have to take Diazepan.I have problems with my sinus too.what happen is my the tube thats in my inner ear get blocked and it causes problems with my balance,which start the vetigo.So when we have prob;ems with out allergic it can sometime bring on THE VETIGO.Sometime almost any movement can bring it on.It seem like the older I get the more it bother me.I'm 58 and mine started when I was 25.I didn't get diagnosed until last year.I started loseing my hearing a little each year.along with the ringing. until last year.since then I've had my nerve destroyed in my right ear, and my left ear take up the balance where my right one left off. But yes you are right Allergic can bring on a atack. And its at those time when we will have more problems.You should always keep some Meclazine. yOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU WILL NEED IT.You can feel fine one moment and it can come on all at once. there is no cure for it they don't know what cause it.They can treat the side efects,so you can live with it.They know more about it to day than they did years ago.I've been ringing since I was 25 and now I,m 58 and still ringing(smile)I learned to live with it and sometime I forget about it but it is still learn to tune it out or or it drive you up the wall. Good luck

LABRYNTHECTOMY KENNY 5:26 pm sunday may 12, 2002

Going deaf Steve 5:27 pm wednesday may 15, 2002
Hi to you all,
I am looking for some help.I got menieres 18 mth ago with total hearing loss in left hear but now my right hear is getting rapidly worse .I have not had an attack recently .Can any one give suggestions on why this is happening and how thre cope with hearing loss in both ears.
Regards Steve

re: Associated Symtoms of Menieres Steve 5:36 pm wednesday may 15, 2002
I have the same and my doctor told me it is related to menieres but he did say that he was not altogether sure as to why these things happen.I spoke with a specialist and he said that meniers effects people in different ways even if symptoms are simular.
I have been told to rest and take things steady and not to expect to much of myself.
My own doctor says i will not be able to return to work and my driving must be to a minimum.He did say that getting involved in a project will help in keeping mind focused.
Sorry no more information but lets face it we have it and we have got to do our best .so keep in touch and hope you keep up the bright side.

re: vetigo and life! Steve 5:44 pm wednesday may 15, 2002
Hi Sharon,
Sorry to hear of your accident but it is strange that I had an accidnt and then a few months later i get this meniers i wonder if there is some kind of connection or is it just coincedence.
I am afrtaid that the vertigo will stay for a while untill your medicine gets well into your system.However you must take plenty of rest and do not feel that you have to justify it.
If you are tired the vertigo will not stop so you need to take control and make time for you .I did and I have not had an actual attack for a good while (hope it stays that way).
You take care and keep us posted

re: Tips for Flying? Tami 9:55 am thursday may 16, 2002
Jan,just before you fly take a decongestant,i've been told that allegra-d works the best.Good luck,Tami

re: LABRYNTHECTOMY Brenda 2:48 pm sunday may 19, 2002
Kenny, Hi , I had a vestubular nerve section on my left side May 2001, They decided to do that instead of doing the shunt . Where are you having this done? A friend of mine had the labrynthectomy and ended up 6 mo. later having the nerve section done. I came through my surgery pretty well, but I am still connected due to my anatomy, and don't want to go through another surgery, I no longer have drop attacks. Do you have drop attacks? The pain involved after surgery is minimal and I was up and around the next day, very slowly but up. The dizziness wasn't very bad either all in all the surgery and recovery went well I had mine done at the House Ear Clinic St. Vincent Hospital In L.A. There are three kinds of Labrynthectomy,transcanal(done through the ear canal) transmastoid(done via incision behind the ear followed by a mastoidectomy translabyrinthine vestibular nerve section . Which one are you having done.? Keep me posted. Brenda

re: LABRYNTHECTOMY kenny 10:12 pm monday may 20, 2002
Brenda,Hi 5/13/02 i had surgery on my left by way of incision behind the ear had hearing and balance nerve was cut .It was done at candler hospital by DR GOLDSMITH .Last year i had surgery for what was called sac reduction it helped for a while. then i had the injections of gentamicin NO HELP >SO WITH my hearing gone in left ear my balance getting worse we decided to go with this >SO FAR i am doing good aweek after surgery No dizzines my balance already better > but the ringing is about to drive me nuts> could you tell me about drop attacks . i dont know exatly what that is but hear about it . i am 53 years old have had Meniers sense 1997 I Thank you listening Kenny Savannah Georgia

Diagnosed with Labyrinthitis....??? Amy 8:14 pm tuesday may 28, 2002
I was just diagnosed today with Labyrinthitis. I found this web page and am still uncertain as to what it is I have. I have had these symptoms before - but on the persistant days they would go in a matter of a few hours or after hours of sleep. This time the on-set was 4 days ago and got progressively worse - at 7pm last night it just never went away. I feel like I'm constantly trying to focus and keep getting the pulsing feeling in my head (& eyes). It feels as though things are in slow motion. Is this a condition that will continue through my life or are there episodes? Also, I went scuba diving for the first time about a month ago and had some problems with the pressure in my ears - could this have caused such a volital episode? Any help/advice is much appreciated.

re: LABRYNTHECTOMY Sandra 5:28 pm thursday june 6, 2002
Hi. My Dr. suggested I have that if my dizziness ever got worse. But in my case mine started May 1999 and had surgery Nov 1999 and only proved to be 40-50% helpful. I still have good days and bad days ...
I was told that a labrynthectomy meant a great loss of balance afterwards and 6-8 months of rehabilitation (learn to walk/gain your balance again) is that true ? how did it feel after the surgery ?

URGENT!!!!URGENT!!!! Susan Meeske 8:57 am wednesday june 12, 2002
I have seen several doctors about my Meneires Disease, even "specialists", and they all told me there was no cure and I just had to live with it. WRONG!!!!! I refused to accept that my life had to be so miserable. I have found a cure!!!!! My Meneires is, or was, aggrevated by the salt in my diet and stress, although doctors told me I was overreacting when I told them stress aggrevated it. I have an Endolymphatic Shunt placed in my ear but it only helped for a couple of months. Through research of my own I found out the doctors had me overdosed on the Diazide they had me on. I took myself off of that and about a year and a half later found Network Spinal Ananlysis (NSA), it has cured my Meneires Disease COMPLETELY!!!! Check out this website for more information. you can even e-mail my doctors on that website.

BPPV Steven 6:30 pm sunday june 16, 2002
I have been diagnosed with BPPV. I'm looking for a website and/or Discussion Boards devoted to that. I realize this is closely related to Menieres so if anyone knows, thank you for the information.

onset?? Kerryn 0:06 am wednesday june 19, 2002
I am experiencing some possible Menieres symptoms lately and wondered is it something that comes on suddenly or creep up on you???

re: Meniere's joyce 4:51 pm friday july 5, 2002
hi,two day ago I was told I had Vertigo.Ihave had two experiences in five weeks.What happens is_----The ringing in the ear then great pressure.followed by nausa and diarrea.I become incoerant can't keep my eyes open and want to sleep. It takes 24 hrs to become kinda normal. I do not know were to begin to seek the right treatment. thanks for listening. Joyce.

shunt procedure success Donna 2:44 am monday july 15, 2002
I had the left Endolymphatic mastoid shunt (plus dexamethasone perfusion) surgery almost three weeks ago and am doing great. I experienced almost immediate relief from the dizzies. Still experiencing fullness in ear. Going for post-op this week. Hearing is improving each day. Hope it will last.

Gail Tami 11:20 am tuesday july 16, 2002
Gail,how have you been making out?I check out the group once in a while and wonder how you have been?Tami

depersonalised all the time! Shelly 10:47 pm tuesday july 16, 2002
Hi All,
Many years ago I was diagnosed with an inner ear balance disorder.
My condition is not typical Menieres.I don't have hearing loss. For the last week I have been experiencing odd and frightening sensations.I feel discontected to my body and surrounds.My head is very fuzzy,I have trouble concentrating and communicating. I feel like I'm in a dream state or been given a drug like LSD. I'm very lightheaded and often feel as if I might faint. Watching TV is strange because sometimes peoples movements seem to make me feel more odd and the sound seems a little distorted.
Sometimes I make a movement like folding the washing and it feels like a catch up effect or perhaps I din't really make the movement?
Everything seems weird and unreal. I have some buzzing in my ears,althuogh I have had tinnitus for a long time.
Last week I had severe nausea and stomach cramps and chills that I thought was related to a pain I have had in my lower left side of my abdomin for several weeks.
I still have some nausea. I have had these odd symptoms before but not as severe or for as long. My symptoms have alwyas been worsened by travel or motion,even scrolling on the computer makes it worse. The symptoms lately seem different,more weird sensations and less obvious balance symptoms. I'm feeling very alone and desperate,each day is a struggle. Any ideas?I tried serc it does'nt seem to help
Thanks Shelly

Shelly Rae 1:51 pm thursday july 18, 2002
Hi Shelly sounds like you may be having panic attacks,serc helps with the dizzies but not with anxiety.I went through a stage of this and found life very hard to deal with.My head feels like it is buzzing all the time they finally diagnosed me with a migrane problem that started with a virus.You can also take 2 serc 3 times a day that may help or give bonnimine every 4 hours that helped me what I finally did was go on proxac to deal with how crappy I felt and found that the symptoms are easier to deal with.I hope you have luck in finding something that works you are not alone!

RE: Shelly steve 7:21 pm thursday july 18, 2002
Hi Shelly sorry you having a bad time of it.If serc not working could it be you under stress or are more tired than usual.
When I stresed or tired I get very simular feelings at times it gets that I feel something really bad going to happen .May be you need rest and a nice chat to your doctor if he is understanding of your condition .
When you last have a nice time out .
keep in touch with us all
regards Steve

re: Gail tami 7:39 pm thursday july 18, 2002
Hi Tami,
I'm doing ok. This is my good time of year. A couple of small dizzy spells during the day, but nothing I can't live with. I just received my new hearing aid. It is great. It really helps cut down the ringing during the day.
How are your doing? I know you were going to see and specialist. How did you make out. It didn't seem as if you were doing well a while ago.
let me know.
I will try and check the sight more frequently.

shelly gail 7:47 pm thursday july 18, 2002 Hi Shelly,
That is an awful feeling. I get that detached feeling sometimes. I also get it when stressed or over tired. I did wind up going to a psychologist for a couple of months. She gave me some really good coping techniques and also some meditation skills. I find that when I get these feeling, I work on my breathing and destressing myself. This help with the anxiety.
Untill my Meniers gets worse, I try to limit any drugs that I take. I do take a diuretic which does help with the pressure. Other than that, I really try to use the breathing exercises and just try to focus on something else.
I also find that when I feel that way, I do avoid the Tv and alot of noise. I find that that makes it worse.
I wish you well.

re: depersonalised all the time! Rick 9:51 am tuesday july 23, 2002
Here's a message I posted to someone else at another board. But some of the information may be helpful to you. Serc is histamine so if Histamine is causing your problems then Serc may not help. This person had noticed that she was getting dizzy everytime she ate and this post attempt to point out all the ways Histamine can enter the blood stream and effect the inner ear.
".....I know this is real confusing so I'll try to explain this the best I can. First of all you are right, the stomach isn't causing your vertigo attacks directly. But the stomach can cause the vertigo attacks indirectly, at least in my case it does. .....Let's start with what is directly causing the vertigo attacks. It's a chemical called Histamine. Now in my case, it's not the only chemical that will cause me to have a vertigo attack but it causes about 90% of my problems.
....Let's imagine that we could buy Histamine in pill form. It's real easy to see that if we take one of those pills we would get a vertigo attack. Let's also suppose that histamine is an ingrediant in a soft drink. Every time we drink some of it we're going to have a vertigo attack. Of course that would make it easy and all we would have to do is quick taking Histamine pills and Histamine cola and our problems would be over.
.....Now lets get back to the real world. If Histamine is causing our problems then we are going to have to figure out what is causing the Histamine to be released in our bodies and in particular how the Histamine is getting into the blood stream. First of all, Histamine is one of our bodies first line of defenses against invading viruses. Which brings us to one of your questions. There is a growing belief among Dr's that the damage to the inner ear is caused by a strain of the Herpes Virus. I tend to believe that any virus can trigger a histamine release and since the virus in the bloodstream then the Histamine would also be in the bloodstream, thus able to reach the inner ear and cause a vertigo attack.
....Histamine is also released by an allergic reaction. The rash we get from Poison Ivy or the anaphalactic shock we get from a bee sting is not from the venom or the poison ivy but from the histamine that is released to combat the allergens. Asthma attacks are caused by Histamine that is released for some reason. I often call Meniere's, "Asthma of the inner ear" because it is so simular to asthma except that the histamine attacks our inner ear instead of the respiratory system. In fact I get great relief from Primatene Tabs which is an Asthma medication. Topical releases of histamine like that with poison Ivy and those from airborne allergens don't usually cause vertigo attacks because the Histamine doesn't get in the blood stream but it does in some people.
....The biggest problem I have is with food allergies, mainly to wheat, oats, barley, and Rye. Now you have the allergic response taking place in the stomach and intestine and thus easily able to get in the bloodstream and then to the inner ear. This was my major breakthrough but I was still having frequent vertigo attacks but not as many.
....This is when I found that Histamine has another role in our bodies that I wasn't aware of. It has a major role in the digestive process. Our bodies often use Histamine in the stomach to stimulate the stomach to release Hydrochloric acid (HCL) which is the main ingrediant for digesting food. This usually takes place before we eat and is the way the stomach gets a jump on digestion before the food gets there. Once the food gets in the stomach, acid can be produced without the Histamine. I don't know why but that's what I've read. This is why the new antacids work so well. They are actually Antihistamines that keep the histamine from binding to the cells in the stomach to create HCL. But an important point is that Antacids do NOT prevent the Histamine from being released, the antihistamines only stop the Histamine from attaching to the cells of the stomach. Now once again, if you take one of these antihitamine antacids, your going to have an accumulation of histamine in the stomach which will now be able to get into the blood stream and to the inner ear.
.....So how do we prevent the Histamine from being released by the stomach? Well from what I've read, it's the ph of the stomach. If it gets to high, it triggers the histamine release. That's why Tina and I have a hard time drinking straight water. It raises the ph and here comes the histamine. Thats why I drink lemonade or grapefruit juice. The ph of lemons are almost the same of HCL and grapefruit juice is very close. Vinegar is also very good which is why I eat pickles and Tina mentioned the teaspoon of vinegar. Not only do these foods keep the ph low in the stomach they also help with digestion. Some foods I avoid eating by themselves, because they can raise the ph and cause problems, are Bananas, carrots, cabbage, milk, and cheese. If I eat these, I make sure that it is with other foods. ....Another way that Histamine can get to the blood stream is by some foods. Fish that has not been frozen fast enough will develope Histamine as will some other foods. Foods that are over ripe tend to build up Histamine. In fish it is called scombroid poisoning.
....Another symptom that you and I share is low blood pressure. I haven't heard Tina mention this so I don't know if she has this symptom or not. But a big symptom of histamine in the blood stream is low blood pressure. In fact that is what is the big killer in anaphalatic shock. Here's an exerpt from an article I fond on the internet:
.....Anaphylaxis happens when the body makes the wrong kinds of antibody, a kind called immunoglobulin E (IgE for short) to protein in our food or to something like a drug. IgE sticks to cells in our bodies (mast cells and basophils) which can release substances which have powerful effects on our blood vessels and air passages. When the same protein or drug reaches the IgE on the cells, these substances are released, causing blood vessels to relax, which makes them leaky and can cause swellings and a fall in blood pressure. At the same time they can make the breathing passages become narrow.
Histamine is one of these substances released from the cells. ....One of your questions was about Magnesium and calcium. You may not be allergic to either one, but if when you take them, they raise the ph of your stomach, then you might get a histamine release. I know Calcium is a base which is why you might have problems with Milk. Not necessarily an allergy but a ph thing. If your not familiar with "ph" you may want to surf the net for info about it.
....As for allergy testing, I had it done and didn't show any food allergies, but I know that wheat, oats, barley, and rye will cause a vertigo attack with me in 15 minutes. So I would go ahead and get the testing but bottom line is, " If you eat something and you get a vertigo attack, Don't eat it any more". ....I hope I shed a little light on the subject and that it made sense."

Shelly Rae 1:51 pm thursday july 18, 2002
Hi Shelly sounds like you may be having panic attacks,serc helps with the dizzies but not with anxiety.I went through a stage of this and found life very hard to deal with.My head feels like it is buzzing all the time they finally diagnosed me with a migrane problem that started with a virus.You can also take 2 serc 3 times a day that may help or give bonnimine every 4 hours that helped me what I finally did was go on proxac to deal with how crappy I felt and found that the symptoms are easier to deal with.I hope you have luck in finding something that works you are not alone!

RE: Shelly steve 7:21 pm thursday july 18, 2002
Hi Shelly sorry you having a bad time of it.If serc not working could it be you under stress or are more tired than usual.
When I stresed or tired I get very simular feelings at times it gets that I feel something really bad going to happen .May be you need rest and a nice chat to your doctor if he is understanding of your condition .
When you last have a nice time out .
keep in touch with us all
regards Steve

Desperate for help, lightheadedness Stephen Staedtler - 10:22 pm monday august 19, 2002
About three years ago, I was as healthy as a 27 year old could be. In the course of three years, I have had so many problems, it feels like I am existing, rather than living. I am no fun for my wife to be around (let alone anybody), I have short attention span, and various other social problems I never had before.
It started basically in 1999, when during softball games I started getting lightheaded, as well as having popping in my ears. I have frequent pressure type headaches that get worse as the day goes on, and seem to be worse inside than outside. Ear, nose, and throat guys found nothing, though my nose seemed incredibly dry and I have had extreme pressure in my head. My right ear feels worse, in regards to pain and popping when I do the opposite of swallowing. My hearing is reduced, but none of this shows up majorly on a hearing test. I can't focus on two people talking at once. My neck is often very stiff and inflexible as well. I have been to neurologists, taken MRI's and cat scans, and been to doctors at Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia, and throughout it all, I have found nothing. I even tried some alternative medicines. I typically try to blow out my nose to try to clear my head. In fact, the only time for a millisecond I feel a little release of pressure is when I am swallowing fluids. Does anybody else have similar symptoms, and has anybody found a cure? Or even if you can give me any ideas, I'd appreciate it. I have probably been to 35 doctors appointments and came up with a big zero, so far.........

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