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Greg's Discussion Group Archives
Page 6

March 13,2001 to May 18,2001

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re: No dizziness Kate 2:12 pm tuesday march 13, 2001
Carrie....I am glad to hear from someone else that was diagnosed with Meniere's and had no dizziness. I debated over whether or not to reply to you, but decided that since you had found this site and were aware of the variety of symptoms (especially the intensity)that I would tell my story.I first saw a specialist about 11 yrs ago. I had constant tinnitus in one ear and some hearing loss. I continued seeing the doctor for about 4 yrs. My conditions (tinnitus and hearing loss) were not changing so I decided that I would forget it. Now, I have just experienced my first dizzy spells. There were a few times when the dizziness hit for only a couple of seconds. Once I woke up dizzy and almost fell down when I tried to walk. That was 3 days ago and I still have a bit of "brain fog". I have been busy,busy,busy exploring internet sites. Like everyone else, I suppose, I'm trying to figure out what might have changed to cause this new symptom. So far, I have come up with nothing. I've cried a lot (fear), but will definitely fight! I am in a new area and must find a new doctor. I will probably accept valium therapy ( on a trial basis) and I am watching my diet. Hope you are the one who doesn't have to deal with dizziness, but if you do, remember, you're not alone.

re: La Maladie de Meniere Sandra 10:52 pm thursday march 15, 2001
Bonjour J'ai recu un diagnostic de la maladie de meuniere 3 ans passe mais ca fesait longtemps que cela enpoisonnait ma vie environ 5 a 6 ans. Les medecin me soignait pour une infection a l'oreille avec des antibiotiques et des gouttes. Ma derniere grosse crise a ete a peu pres 7 mois passe lorsque j'ai ete en voyage a Quebec j'etais dans un centre d'achat mon mari jouait dans un tournoi de hockey toute la fin de semaine arrive au dimanche j'etais tres fatiguer je regardait la game quand soudain j'ai senti quelque etoudissements j'ai ete oblige de sortir et de m'assoire sur un banc le plus proche ensuite j'ai demander a une amie de venir avec moi dans l'auto car je ne pouvait pas y arriver seul j'avais mes medicaments dans la voiture je les ai pris je prend de la bonamine pour les etoudissements au besoin et du diazide 1 1/2 comprime par jour avec un comprime de K/DUR potassium par jour aussi.J'ai rester dans la voiture pendant 3 heures a fixer devant moi car si je tournais trop la tete je risquais de vomir tout cela c'est passer car c'est moi qui a conduit l'auto pour revenir a la maison . Mais depuis ce voyage j'ai toujours l'oreille boucher j'ai recu 3 traitements a la cortisone mais cela me rendait encore plus malade je ne peut pas etre toujours malade ainsi car j'ai une petite fille de 2 ans et il faut que j'en prenne soin quand je prend ces medicaments je ne suit plus bonne a rien et je devient tres agressive. Alors a la place de toute leurs arracher la tete a mes proches j'ai dit fini la cortisone il faut que j'apprenne a vivre avec ce probleme d'oreille. Mais helas ce n'est pas drole de te reveiller le matin et de ne pas etre capable meme de te rendre au toilet seul parce que je suis trop etourdie et je ne peux presque pas marcher. C'est pareille comme si j'aurais bu beaucoup d'alcool la veille Pour une personne qui ne boit pas j'en ai pour mon argent!!!!! IL faut tourner tout cela en joke car je ne souhaiterais pas cette maladie a mon pire ennemi. Je n'en ai pas d'ennemi ou enfin presque pas sauf cette maladie de meniere....

hydroxyzine Rick 4:45 pm friday march 16, 2001
I read on another post about this drug so I investigated it. It sounds as though it would do everything that Meclazine would do for motion sickness plus take care of any allergic reaction that might be causing dizziness or vertigo. I would be curious how many here have tried it and was it successful. Here is the info I found on Hydroxyzine...
Hydroxyzine, if taken before coming in contact with the material that causes the allergy, blocks the allergic reaction by minimizing/preventing the body's reaction to the allergen. For nausea or vomiting, it affects nerve pathways in the vomiting center. It also has calming effects.

ENG Linda 5:06 pm friday march 16, 2001
I am new here, the Drs think my husband has Menieres...he had a ENG yesterday..he has had vertigo real bad since then, is this expected after this test?...any info would be helpful,, Thanks

re: ENG Rick 11:25 am monday march 19, 2001
I've never had an ENG but knowing what they do, I'm not surprised by what you said. I know that I have had mild vertigo attacks if I go out in very cold weather without having my ears covered. For some reason if one ear is colder or warmer than the other it causes vertigo. But they usually go away as soon as the ears stabalize.. Sorry it took so long to respond but I was waiting for someone with better info than me to answer your question. Histamines cause my vertigo, did they give him something during the test he may have been allergic too? Sorry I wasn't anymore help..Rick

re:ENG Linda 3:50 pm monday march 19, 2001
Rick, they diagnosed you without this test?..he called the Dr today and they got the results back and they say it was negative..He is seeing floaters now, and vomiting and nausea..he is suppose to go back to Dr..I am curius if this has happened to anyone else..they didnt give him anything for the test they just put air in the ear...
thanks for responding..any info is helpful at this point...

re:ENG Rick 5:53 pm monday march 19, 2001
That is correct, I had an MRI and an audio test and that was it. Does your husband have Tinnitus also? With the vertigo and tinnitus and a clear MRI I guess it was enough for the ENT's diagnosses. But from all the Horror stories that I've heard about the ENG's, I rather glad I didn't have one. Another reason for not having the ENG is that my balance is very good to somewhat normal. That was the problem I had with the ENT, he was telling me that he had patients a lot worse balance than me, and I was trying to tell him that it was the vertigo that was the problem not the balance. Here's a link to another web site that is for spouses of MM sufferers. You might find more help there. The one thing that I've found, and you've probably already read about it, is that food allergies (wheat/gluten) were causing a lot of my vertigo. Hope this helps.. rick

re:ENG Linda 7:44 pm monday march 19, 2001
thanks Rick for all the info, it has helped me alot, he has had a CT SCan which was neg, a hearing test which he has lost hearing in the lt ear, he has had 3-4 episodes of vertgo, and alot of dizziness, he has had a few episodes of tinnitus, but just says that his ear feels full or plugged..he complains of alot of neck pain and when after he has these vertigo episodes he sleeps for 14-16 hours...and is very weak for a long time after.. Thanks for that link I will check that out too..
I work in the medical field, but I dont know too much about this disease, and not sure where to go from here..
Thanks again

BPPV Susie5:35 pm thursday march 22, 2001
I have suffered from nausea since Feb 2, 2001. 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I have had every test imagineable and the lastest say I have BPPV. I do not get dizzy, no fog and I can concintrate if I'm not having a bout of nausea at the time. I have been prescribed antivert which seems to help. But from everything I have read from people, the dizzness seems to be an important symptom. Any ideas from anyone.

Desparate in Atlanta

Caffiene Rick 12:20 pm friday march 23, 2001
I had to take a road trip of about 250 miles. I've always had a problem of getting drowsey when I drive for longer than an hour so I keep Vivarin or No Doze around. Well I took one tablet (200mgs of caffeine) and did allright. Later I took a second tablet and wow did i get dizzy. I could barely walk when I stopped. Everything was back to normal by the next day, but I've never had the caffeine to affect me that bad. It ws either the caffeine or the non active ingrediants of the pills that set me off, but either way I guess I can't take them anymore. At least I didn't have a vertigo attack....Rick

re: Caffiene Linda 3:58 pm friday march 23, 2001
I think there is more to the caffeine then people realize..I finally have talked my husband into getting off diet pop and drinking something without caffeine...he has been better in the last few days...I do know that caffeine is bad for Menieres and am beginning to think so is diet products..

re: Caffiene Rick 11:19 pm friday march 23, 2001
I think your right

nystamus Linda 11:45 am sunday march 25, 2001
Do many of you have nystagmus with your MM attacks? If so how long does it last and what do you do for treatment? Thanks!

Meniere's Syndrome or Disease Janet12:47 pm monday march 26, 2001
In the first week of January 2001, I was diagnosed with Meniere's Disease by a ENT doctor. I had a couple of episodes of vertigo, my right ear developed an ongoing roar & full or tight feeling - sometimes it was worse than others. It was driving me crazy. In my job, I deal with customers all day long on the phone and in person. I was struggling with hearing them, background noises were driving me crazy. I love music and I teach music at church. I play handbells and I sing in our choir. Music was driving me crazy. My ear was very sensitive because of the build up of fluid.
The ENT doctor put me on a very low dosage of Valium (3x daily), a dieuretic (2x daily), & Meclizine as needed for vertigo. I don't handle medicine well but I was desperate. After a couple of days of this medication, I went to bed - I couldn't function. I tried just taking the medicine at night - but my condition continued to worsen. I was a zombee at work! I went back to the ENT doctor and failed my hearing test with my right ear and he told me I needed to give the medicine a chance to work. I was so frustrated because I have to work and I could not function taking all these drugs.
I started studying up on Meniere's and I came across Shea Clinic in Memphis. My ENT doctor made me an appt. to see a Doctor there upon my insistence. Again he emphasized that I needed to give the medicine some time!! It was a three week wait to get into Shea Clinic. While patiently waiting, I was doing some hard praying.
One Sunday morning after church, a gentlemen I had never met came up to me and told me he heard about my problem. He was a chiropractor and he wanted a chance at helping me. I had never been to a chiropractor in my life, but if this guy thought he could help me I was willing to let him try.
He called my problem Meniere's Syndrome and he felt like with proper alignment of my neck, he could encourage drainage of the fluid behind my ear drum to take place.
I went to see him the first two weeks (three times a week) and I could feel the fluid moving after his treatments. I am now seeing him once every other week and hopefully soon I will only see him once a month or as needed. I also combined his treatments with the use of Nasalcrom nose spray because every thing I read described Meniere's as an inner ear allergy.
I am now drug free! There is no roar in my right ear. My hearing might be slightly damaged in my right ear but it is very minimal. I attribute this to the loud roar I lived with for about a month. I still experience a tightness or full feeling in my ear from time to time. But this clears up after my visit to the chiropractor.
I am not saying this will work for everybody, but it worked for me. Needless to say, I cancelled my appt. with Shea Clinic.

re: nystamus Rick 1:20 pm monday march 26, 2001
I would classify vertigo as a form of nystagmus. The sensation of spinning would have to come from involuntary eye momement which the brain is not sensing and interprets the images from the eye as actual movement. If this is what your talking about, i would say anybody that has vertigo attacks has nystagmus. If you are talking about nystagmus other than vertigo attacks, no I don't have a problem with it.... hope I understood the question..Rick

re: Meniere's Syndrome or Disease Rick 1:21 pm monday march 26, 2001
Very good info. Thanks,

nystagmus Betty 2:46 pm monday march 26, 2001
Linda, are you talking about undulation movements of the eye when you ask about nystagmus? During my severe attacks of Meniere's I would lose control of my eyes. One day my husband was driving down the road. Suddenly I screamed and put my hands on the top of the truck. I thought we had turned upside down. I was violently sick and had to crawl into the house when we got home. I lay inside for three hours before I could stand up. I also had an attack in a doctor's office. It was the first time that I had walked into a doctor's office and left in a wheel chair.

Nystagmus: Betty Linda 7:51 am tuesday march 27, 2001
Yes, I'm speaking of rapid uncontrollable eye movement. If I wake with it I can hear the sound (besides the continual ringing).First time it happened I thought I was having a seizure. Still don't know for sure. Thanks for your response!

Thanks Rick Linda 7:28 pm tuesday march 27, 2001
Rick, I just wanted to say thanks for the info that you gave me about my husband..the Dr told us today that he is almost positive that he has Menieres even tho that ENG was neg, which means I guess that test is not necessary for a diagnosis.. I have one other question which the Dr said he couldnt answer..have you ever had any problems driving?..I have been taking him back and forth to work but it bothers him to think that he will never drive does others handle this situation with this disease?..

re: Driving- Thanks Rick Rick 9:15 pm tuesday march 27, 2001
I've only had one vertigo attack while driving and I had plenty of time to safely pull off the road. I've always had plenty of warning with my attacks, always 1 or 2 minutes. Whether you husband can drive will depend on how quick his vertigo attacks come on. I guess it also depends on how he feels between attacks. I've talked with some people who are so dizzy between attacks, they can't dream of driving, but I'm pretty much normal between attacks and even when I had the "fog" really bad ( before i found it was the wheat) I was still alert enough to drive. I know this doesn't help much, but it's really going to be a personal call. Everybody is so different with this stuff it has to be an individual decision... Rick

Travel Kate 11:47 am wednesday march 28, 2001
While I have had no serious dizziness when driving, I am wondering what I can expect while flying. Could you tell me of any experiences you have had.. good or bad...and any precautions I might take. Also, have any of you been on ships?

(no subject) droid 11:59 pm wednesday march 28, 2001
i was just wondering if anyone can constantly hear there heartbeat in their affected ear. it drives me crazy. thanks

driving me crazy dom 1:05 am friday march 30, 2001
hello all,
i havent been formerly diagnosed with this but am convinced i have it.justwanted to see if anyone has the same things go on as me.loss in hearing.major ear ringing.mtion sickness from driving.even a little from walking aroud. always off stable equilibrium.nausea.if so please contact me and let me know how you fight these things.thanx alot

back in the club Frank 12:15 pm friday march 30, 2001
Hello. I was diagnosed with Meniers 28 years ago when I was 12 years old. I had one attack...but I'll never foreget it. I remember crawling up the sidewalk and across the front lawn, rolling on my side the whole way. I got in the house and my parents thought I had taken drugs.
I couldn't get off the floor and was vomiting constantly. They finally took me to the hospital. I remember asking the doctor if I was dying. I was out for a full day afterward. I couldn't walk for several days after the attack and stayed in the hospital for about a week...(that was 28 years ago). Now I am spinning again, although this is nothing like then. Back then the doctors prescribed Meclazine and Valium, and I think it worked although it was so long ago, I don't remember. I can't do the meclazine now as it just wipes me out completely.
Now I am on Furosemide. This episode has lasted 9 days and is irritating and annoying for sure but my biggest concern is whether I am in for a big attack or not. I feel like a ticking timebomb. Has anyone else had years between attacks or been diagnosed at such an early age? Thanks.

Aspartame / Nutrasweet Monica 12:41 pm friday march 30, 2001
Hello, it has been some time since I visited here. I have found some very disturbing information on aspartame at the following sites. If any of you have used it ever or are still using it I strongly urge you to check out these sites. It is very bad for you.

re: Vertigo Monica 12:58 pm friday march 30, 2001
Last I reported that I was being tested for MS. It turns out that I do not have MS. The neurologist wanted me to get another opinion from another neurologist and another ENT. The second opinion on Meneires came back negative.
The second opinion from another neurologist was that I had one or more hidden/mini-strokes. He says that is what the white spots (lesions on my brain MRI were from). He then had some blood tests drawn. My cholesterol was not bad in total, but my LDL (bad) cholesterol was slightly over at 137 and should be less than 130. My triglycerides were 152 and should be less than 135. He also did an anticardiolipin panel test, in which I tested slightly high on the IGM antibody. I am not sure what causes the antibody, was it the mini-stroke or did these cause the mini-stroke. They really didn't explain it to me. This neurologist said to take 1 aspirin a day. This has made me feel better. The first neurologist still doesn't agree with the second one, however.
Also, I have been tested for allergies. So far they haven't found any with the standard prick test. I still feel I must be allergic to something. Somedays I feel better and somedays I don't.
Anyway, while I was researching on what the heck those antibodies were, I came across some information on "Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome", also known as Hughes syndrome. It is a condition inwhich these antibodies cause your blood to clot or to be thick. The symptoms include vertigo, ears ringing, tinnutus, vestiblar problems, strokes, drop attacks, equilibrium problems, etc..
I strongly urge anyone with these symptoms to check out these sights. Or just do a search on it or Hughes Syndrome and see what you can find.
Also, have any of you been tested for these antibodies and what have you found out about these?

re: Headaches Monica 1:12 pm friday march 30, 2001
I recently found some information on Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (also known as Hughes Syndrome), in which Migraines & headaches are a common symptom. Along with many others... vertigo, equilibrium problems, ears ringing, brain lesions, etc... I strongly recommend to look it up.

re: back in the club droid 2:16 pm friday march 30, 2001
i got the disease when i was seven and had a few attacks but then it stopped until i was 14. i am now 23 and have been getting attacks on and off since 14.

Tinnitus Kate9:24 pm friday march 30, 2001
I have read Meniere's sites where people were very disturbed because they were experiencing tinnitus. I have had tinnitus in one ear for over 10 years. When it started, I immediately went to a specialist.There were times I didn't think I could handle it (like I couldn't sleep) I talked to my doctor about surgery......(anything to stop it!). I didn't have surgery (altho my doctor invented the shunt surgery). I would like to tell you that you do have a can try meds or surgery.....BUT you can also just get used to it. I am OK with it now.

re: Tinnitus Rick 0:16 am saturday march 31, 2001
Same here, kate, It drove me crazy at first, but it really doesn't bother me now (17yrs). I just have to be careful and wear ear plugs if I'm in a high niese area or the ringing and buzzing get really loud...Rick

re: Meniere's Syndrome or Disease Cheryl 10:00 am tuesday april 3, 2001
I was so glad to find this site. Janet, when I read your symptoms I felt like I was reading something of my own. I have been experiencing the full ear and roaring in my ear for more than 13 weeks now. Finally after going to a ENT and audiologist I have diagnosed with Menieres. A couple of weeks ago I had a horrible day with the noises and I felt like I was going crazy. That night I went into a severe vertigo and ended up at the hospital. Since then I have went through an ENG and MRI. MRI was clear and the ENG leaned towards Menieres. I to have found it very difficult to function throughout the day with the medications. I do take the diuretic. But I have a history of neck problems, so I think I am going to look into adjustments to see if this helps. I was told this could last up to six months, have you heard that? Thanks for letting me know I am not crazy.

congestion Frank 7:09 am wednesday april 4, 2001
Does anyone else get very congested before getting dizzy? My doc first thought the congestion was the cause, but now feels it is Meniers although it has been years since I had an attack.

re: congestion Rick 8:12 am wednesday april 4, 2001
I have had maybe 1 or 2 vertigo attacks of the past 17 years due to congestion. After the second attack I started carrying Afrin nose spray with me. If I start feeling dizzy when I'm congested, I use the Afrin and the symptoms go away. It happens so seldom, I forget to talk about it on these message boards. Rick

re: headaches Cheryl Coyle 9:15 am wednesday april 4, 2001
How many of you have experienced headaches (migranes) before the symptoms of Meniers showed up? I have been experiencing severe headaches for over a year prior to my symptoms, now the headaches seem to be fewer. Also, how about stress? Does anyone correlate stressfull times with the symptoms?

re: headaches Rick1:03 pm wednesday april 4, 2001
I don't have headaches but a lot of people do. I think it would be worth investigating to see if allergies are triggering your attacks since a lot of migranes are caused by allergies. Stress is definately a factor.

NEW Patient? FRANK 9:42 pm wednesday april 4, 2001
Im new to all this Im not sure what I have, but the ringing started 6 Months ago. Im on my 5th medication. My problem is mostly tinnitus (high speed dentist drill running)However I have felt like my wheelchair is spinning or about to flip over when I turn my head too fast....Could this be meniere's? The ringing is so loud and never stops. loosing it.... Combined with the central chord pain (burning from the chest down)due to the spinal chord injury 11 years back and now this!I have truly died and gone to hell and being tortured! No tears now no tears.. On the brite side I guess when the ringing gets to loud I can think about my pain and vice versa.
Sighned: Paralized burning and now ringing

re: NEW Patient? Rick 7:58 am thursday april 5, 2001
For the tinnitus I would suggest searching the web for tinnitus websites. I've seen lots of things that people tried with some success. I've tried some of the treatments with no improvemnet but I've had tinnitus so long (17yrs) I'm sure nerve damage has been done and it's too late. As far as Meniere's goes, if you search the web and read everything you can, you'll soon found out that Meniere's is usually diagnosed when the doctors can't find anything else. Basically it's a name given for a condition when the doctors don't know what's wrong. So until you've gone through all the tests for everything else, you will not know if you have Meniere's.

Saw the audiologist and the ENT yesterday Rick6:31 pm saturday april 7, 2001
The trip to the audiologist was interesting. Since I've quit eating wheat and all the other stuff and haven't had a vertigo attack in about 4 months, I thought that the ringing was less and my hearing was better. I haven't said anything because I thought it was just wishful thinking. But I have at least noticed that the flutuations in the ringing have stopped and It seems that I haven't had to have people repeat themselves as much during conversation. Well the audiologist said my hearing has improved from a 55db loss to a 45 db loss in my left ear and my speach recognition has improved from 60% to 84% in my left ear. There was no change in my right ear which is still normal. The audiologist thought that was great and then the ENT looked at the results and said I probably had a bad day on the first test 2 years ago. I told him what I had found out about the allergies and he said it was probably a coincidence. He asked me what I needed from him and I said nothing. He then asked why I was there and I said that the allergist wouldn't treat me unless I saw an ENT. I did ask hime about my snoring and he scheduled me for a sleep study so I guess it wasn't a complete waste of my time. He said he wasn't going to believe any of the allergy stuff antil he saw it in a medical journal. Glad it only cost me 15 dollars.
Thanks for listening..Rick

10 yrs now Kim1:17 pm sunday april 8, 2001
I just found this msg board and am very glad. I was hit with severe vertigo, sound sensitivities, nausea,etc after a severe bout with Bells Palsy 10 yrs ago. It all happened in the same day. I've had surgery in each ear years ago that didn't help and made things worse. I'm only 35 and have a 6 yr old daughter. Lately the attacks are so frequent that I can't drive or even be driven anywhere without the vomiting. I was just in the hospital for 2 days last week so they could keep me on i.v. drugs to keep the spinning and vomiting controlled somewhat. I'm just starting my allergy testing next week with my new ENT. :He was telling me about Dr. Dereberry and that her theory might be worth a try, nothing else has helped me. I'm so depressed lately and afraid that my life is practically over as far as ever being a functioning person again. I've been on disability for 9 yrs now and it's so frustrating. I was always a very active person and still would like to get back to being my "old self". I know you all understand that feeling. It's nice to read about other people who can understand since you feel that people constantly think you're some kind of loon! Even being on the computer makes attacks happen because of the constant "humm" coming from it. Does anyone else get that? The barometric pressure definitely makes it worse (I live in Portland Or, always low pressure fronts coming) and stress definitely also. How do you avoid stress tho when your life feels completely out of control and you spend most of your time drugged to the max just to be able to get out of bed,,not that you even feel like it ha ha! Anyway, I hope to get to know you all and thanks for listening. Kim

re: 10 yrs now Rick6:38 pm sunday april 8, 2001
Good luck, Dr Derebery has mde a difference in my life even though I never met her. I found that food allergies were causing all my vertigo attacks and I was having 4 to 5 atttacks a week and sometimes 2 in one day. I've been 4 months now without an attack so keep the faith. Rick re: 10 yrs now Kim1:24 pm sunday april 8, 2001
BTW, with all of you talking of your recent tests, i just had a new MRI done and and ECOG. The ecog ended up rupturing my right ear drum, anyone have that happen before? I have to say tho that after a couple of days the pressure started to lessen in the right ear,LOL! They said a lot of fluid was coming out of my ear drum after it ruptured and also said that there was a whole lot of scar tissue in the area. This vestibular stuff is so confusing, hopefully someday we'll all have a cure!

re: Saw the audiologist and the ENT yest Carrie 12:27 pm monday april 9, 2001
I am continually upset at the lack of concern some medical doctors have for some of the information patients supply. If you see relief then they should be quicker to absorb information on how you got the relief and not so quick to dispense medicines and turn to surgery. Rick, I hope you will learn something from the allergist...for your relief and just to show the ENT a few bedside manners.
FYI-when I told my ENT specialists at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, about how much relief I've had since stopping wheat products he agreed. I asked him if he had ever heard of this before and he said definitely.
I'm still having problems with flectuating hearing loss and fullness - in both ears - the dizziness has stopped since I've stopped wheat products. I'm hoping to have food allergy tests done within the month to find out if there is something else causing the fullness and flectuation in hearing.
I'm trying acupuncture as a last resort to surgery or the lidocaine shots. Has anyone ever experienced or heard of relief from going through acupuncture?

re: Saw the audiologist and the ENT yest Rick 4:55 pm monday april 9, 2001
Thanks for the reply it's good to know I'm not the only one that is effected by wheat products. One thing that I do that I didn't mention is that I take a B complex vitamin, a mutlti-vitamin, and 500mg of C besides what's in the multi-vitamin. I found several tinnitus sites that said this would help. You may want to search the web under "tinnitus" and see what you find. Even though my hearing improved, it's still bad (45dbloss in left ear) and it still rings, but I have noticed that the ringing doesn't fluctuate as bad anymore and that I can understand people better than I did before. I thought it was the allergies but I started the vitamin thing about the same time so that might have helped.
I hope you didn't mind but I posted you letter on other Menieres sites so that others could see the "wheat" connection. If you would like those sites also, e-mail me and I will send them to you.
thanks again..Rick

numb feeling in face??? Irene 11:54 pm wednesday april 11, 2001
I have been reading through everyone's symptoms and am just wondering if anyone has had a tingling ( numbing ) feeling in their face or hands?
I am experiencing the dizziness, ear ringing, brainfog etc. But also this other feeling.
I am a 32y.o. mother of 4 and have been having these problems for awhile now. I am due to see a specialist on the 24th April. It is nice to see I am not alone...
Hopefully I will have some answers real soon. my kids need me!

re: 10 yrs now Kim 0:01 am thursday april 12, 2001
I can't imagine not having an attack for 4 months,,,YAHOO!!! That's awesome! I get all of my allergy testing done in two sessions this month so we'll see what the results of it are and go from there as far as Dr. Dereberry's theories. I'm so very happy for you and maybe it will help some of mine eventually as well. My dr.s have said that I probably have 3 or 4 different ear problems causing all of my different episodes so I'm next to impossible to treat. I was bitten by a macaque monkey a few years back and ever since then my attacks have been much much worse when they happen. The monkey carries so many different viruses that we can contract that who knows what I could've picked up from it. They put me on high doses of an antiviral in the hospital tho. This last hospital visit last week tho they did some testing to see what they could find out as far as any primate issues. Between that and the Bells Palsy and the surgeries and the menieres issues, my ears are kind of a nightmare. I just really want my life back to some of control.
Congrats to you!!! Kim

re: numb feeling in face??? Kim 0:07 am thursday april 12, 2001
I had severe swelling on my fifth and eighth nerves when most of my ringing and spinning symptoms started. I was put on steroids immediately to take the swelling down off of the nerves. Maybe something is pinching one of your facial nerves and causing the numbness and other symptoms. I know what you mean about your kids, I'm 35 and have a 6 yr old. Makes you feel pretty frustrated. Write me if you need to ever chat! Good luck at appt.

living wiht the dizzy Valerie 0:44 am thursday april 12, 2001
I just began using the computer. My family has been enjoying it for sometime and they don't understand why it makes me dizzy to wacht the lines travel or objects go so fast. I found this discussion group and I am so thankful to hear that I am not alone in this wacky world of MD. I was diagnoised about three years ago, and have not talked with anyone who has this MD except for my father. I would love to talk with Beverly from Denver. Her Story sounds alot like mine, with an exception. I am from Arkansas and I received social security disability within seven months of my first application. However the time we spent with one income is still haunting us with credit card payments that are killing us. I have had the shunt sergery, I have taken the diurects, and I resently had Gentamicin perfussion, this is where they give you shot of genamicine into the inner ear. This has proven to be very effective on 90% of patients. However it didn't do excatly what it was suppose to do for me. I do have fewer attacks, thank God. I will take what I can get. I have also found that valium and bed rest are my ownly relief. My family have also forgotten why I have to retreet, and not able to do all the things I use to do. This has been the most difficult part for me. I don't like to tell people when I am having a bad day. I'm tired of being sick so I try to hide the best I can.

re: numb feeling in face??? Cheryl 1:51 pm tuesday april 17, 2001
I have also had some of the numbness in the face. I have not found out if there is a connection but I think so. I am beginning to think mine could be a pinched nerve in my neck. The tinnitus has calmed down after 12 weeks, however, the dizziness or sea legs seems to be going on. Good luck

Sound echoing in ears Jo 10:18 pm tuesday april 17, 2001
My husband has an "Massive inner ear infection" for the third time in a year. High pitched sounds or just specific sounds send his ear off. He wants to pull his hair out and is extremely cranky during the infection period. The Ear specialist keeps putting him on antibiotics but there must be an underlying cause...any suggestions?

re: Sound echoing in ears Brad 9:28 pm wednesday april 18, 2001
I had the same problems that he had before I got full blown miniers disease. The bad news is there is no way to stop miniers from happening. Hopefully that is not what is going to happen to your husband. Tell him to stay away from salt.. Salt retains water in the inner ears and causes infections. Some people are unable to regulate water in the ear. This sounds like what his problem is. He should talk to his DR. about getting on a diuretic and low sodium diet. Hope this info is useful. His life will turn into a living nightmare if he gets a permanent inner ear problem of any kind. Trust me I know. Oh yeah buy him a very good multivitamin and make him take it.It WILL help him. Nutrition is everything when dealing with hearing problems.

No more attacks Beau B 8:29 pm monday april 23, 2001
I had posted a message here a month or so ago asking about surgery to fix this problem(s) and since learned of about five or so ,all with certain drawbacks.I found a doctor in houston who would do any of them but he suggested diet and drugs first.He put me on acetazoamide ,a diuretic ,and isoxsuprine and told me cut out as much sodium as i could. Thats almost impossible but I cut it down to less than 2000mgs a day.He told me to cut out alcohol(whith I didn't) caffiene(which I still have 3 cups of coffee each morning) and tobacco (no problem).Any way since starting this a month and a half ago I've had no vertigo ,no nausea no fullness in ear ,no awful ringing or interstate noise in my ear and all my hearing has returned in my affected ear and hearing has even improved in the unaffected ear. I am still worried that an attack might happen but as long as I eat uninteresting food I guess I'll be fairly normal .It is a scary disease ad I really feel for those who have ever suffered from it.

aspartene Beau B 8:46 pm monday april 23, 2001
Theres a new sugar substitute that has no calories and none of the other things that are bad for you .Splenda. Also look at your multi=vitamims,they are bombarding you with sodium compounds. Every little bit of sodium evidently hurts.

What exactly is Vertigo? Rick 9:07 am thursday may 3, 2001
I read this in an article that Brenda, over at the dizzy lounge, had suggested we read.
"Vertigo is the sensation of moving - either you feel like you are moving or the room feels like it is moving."
To me these are different, If I feel like I'm moving but I'm not, then I think this would be a malfunction of the inner ear and balance system. If the world looks like it's spinning and there is no sensation of movement then I think that would be a brain/eye control problem. In other words the eyes move from side to side and since the brain doesn't realize this is happening it perceives that the objects are moving.
In my vertigo attacks everything appears to be moving but I don't "feel" any sensation of moving. If I understand the workings of the human body correctly, the since of movement comes from the inner ear. When I am having a vertigo attack I can close my eyes and I feel fine. If I keep them open for any length of time I get the nausea. I've tried looking hard left or hard right and the spinning will stop so that tells me that it is the involutary movement of my eyes that is giving the sensation of everything spinning. The odd thing is that I will still get nauseated even if looking either left or right stops the spinning.
Now if a person has a feeling of movement even though their eyes are their brain that that are not moving, then I would think that mixed up signal would be comming from the inner ear. So what say Ye? Is there a difference in the cause of vertigo attacks and what kind of vertigo attacks do you have? Sometimes I think I think too much, Rick

dizzy sherry 6:38 pm thursday may 3, 2001
I went to my doctor to day because I am so tired and dizzy all the time.He put me on Betahistine do you think I have Meniere. My ears are fine.
please get back to me Sherry

re: dizzy Rick 11:43 am friday may 4, 2001
That is kind of different to get that prescription without going through all the tests the rest of us have gone through. But if it works then look at how much time you've saved. I hope it works for you, Rick

I had a vertigo attack for the 1st time Rick 12:20 pm friday may 4, 2001
Well I had my first vertigo attack in 5 months yesterday afternoon. I immediatly took my antihistamine and Primatene Tabs and was over in less than two hours. I feel great today and thank God no fog. Believe it or not it wasn't the food allergies this time. Before I had the food allergies I had noticed that my attacks came when I hadn't eaten in a long time (5+hours). I had about given up that theory until yesterday and was leaning strictly towards the allergy thing. Well I had been strictly following a diet where I would eat something every two hours to avoid the attacks that I thought were caused by not eating. Well I got on the scales day before yesterday and I had gained 10 pounds since December so I decided that since my vertigo attacks were caused by just the food allergies I would stop drinking my DrPeppers and eating my inbetween meal snacks. Well I ate lunch at 12noon yesterday and skipped my 3:00pm snack. At 5:30pm I had my first vertigo attack in 5 months. I still think it's histamines that caused it because the ephedrine and benedyl got me back to normal in less than 2 hours which is a new record in itself. I just don't know why an empty stomach would cause a histamine release. Well I'm back on my old diet and I guess I'll just have to be fat and happy. In a way I'm glad it happened because it confirmed my theory that fasting would cause a vertigo attack. But it also confirmed that it wasn't low blood sugar in that the drugs I took helped. Earlier in the week I had stopped taking my vitamins because my joints started hurting and my hands were swollen. I thought it was a virus because of the fever, aches, and pains but I didn't want to take any chances so I stopped taking my vitamins. I guess I'll start taking them again since that might have been a cause also. Of course yesterday was when I wrote my other post about vertigo attacks so maybe I was thinking too much.

Help! Michael Brown 1:04 pm saturday may 5, 2001
I have been suffering from an equilibrium imbalance for six months now. It will come and go. I don't get short spells. It can stay with me for up to a few weeks at one time. Exercise usually helps, except when it is very severe. I have been two 3 ENT's, and a nuerologist. I have had a hearing and speech test, an MRI, and an ENG. My current ENT feels it is most likely stress related due to relocating to a new area, getting married next month, and a new job. I just don't seem to be getting any releif. Drinking a few glasses of wine at night helps sometimes. I currently have a severe case, where my ears ring, and I feel a lot of pressure from the roof of my mouth up to the middle of my head. Does anyone have any suggestions? I would be forever grateful as I am miserable!

Airborne Allergies- I may have to change Rick 12:13 pm sunday may 6, 2001
I came very close to having another attack today but I was able to get to a resturant and have a well balanced meal before I did. Afterwards I was fine. For a long time I thought this was a blood sugar thing, but I think I am going to side with Ophiuchus on her airborne allergy theories. If it was a blood sugar thing I think that eating a candy bar would provide at least temporary relief but here lately that doesn't seem to help, but twice now the fog and dizziness left after eating a large balanced meal. And temporary relief happened with the antihistamines and ephedrine. This leads me to believe that it has to be histamines. I didn't believe the airborne allergies could cause any problems because the histamine release is localised and doen't get in the blood stream. What I now think is happening is that the constant drainage, which i'm sure if mostly histamine, is entering the stomach and is being ingested thus causing the same problems that the foods were. It would seem that not having an empty stomach lessens the effect of the histamine or perhaps the digestion process does something to the histamine. It seems that everyone is having a lot of problems this spring which also adds credibility to this theory. Now I just have to figure out what to do without gaining a hundred pounds.

re: Help! Claudine 1:42 am tuesday may 8, 2001
My mother is suffering from I think is Menieres. She has also had all the tests done that you mentioned. In addition to what you have, she also has very jerky walking patterns. One Neurologist said she had benign positional vertigo, which he thought was caused by the meclizine they gave her in the hospital when she had her attack. She is very depressed and wants relief. I think I'm going to look into the UCLA treatment center

re: dizzy mindcage 10:29 am wednesday may 9, 2001
I may be off on the actual name, but Betahistine Hydrocloride is actually another name for the Canadian Drug Cerc, which has received great reviews as a tinitus stopper. However, it doesnt have much to do with the pain (fullness) or dizzyness associated with MM (as far as what I've read). Im surprised your Doc. didnt give you promethazine, meclizine or valium. Ask him (your DOC) to refer you to an ENT. The ENT will know for sure what to do, and will probably give you some valium. Which, contrary to popular belief, doesnt always make you tired, and actually helps stop the dizzy feeling. if your dizy and sick to your stomach, have him give you promethazine, which dulls the dizzy and helps your stomach calm down.


re: I had a vertigo attack for the 1st time mindcage 10:42 am wednesday may 9, 2001
I guess we are opposites, If I eat I usually have to chase it down with one of my dizzy pills. I had my first attack in 1 month just this last sunday. It lasted 4.5 hours and all I could do was curl up in a ball and lay on the couch, all I had was my meclizine to help me. I also noticed that in the mornings (every morning) I wake and feel like I want to be sick, it takes about 20 minutes for the feeling to pass, then I can begin my day.


New to the board...about me. mindcage 11:24 am wednesday may 9, 2001
Hello all,
I was diagnosed with MM 7 months ago. Prior to that, I was healthy, energetic and outgoing. Now, 7 months of spiraling downaward into MM has made me sick, tired, and short tempered. Not lazy but lacksadasical, not depressed just "worn out" as if moving through the day-to-day routine were an iron man competition.
Before this I was a steel worker (not a good profession when you have no balance) and was told by ENT that I should quit. Now, I am a desk jockey.
Sometimes, when I am at work, I will get a feeling, like something is coming, and ear fills up and the room starts to spin. All I can do is sit there, turn white, and hope that itll pass before I have to answer the phone or someone comes in. Its not a full blown attack, just a little reminder from someone that I have a problem.
No one has any idea what its like. I get to the point where trying to explain it is silly, so I just say "it's like how you feel when youve had too much to drink, except you also have the hangover at the same time". Then you get the ppl that think there mother, or brother has it, and they say oh so-n-so gets dizzy alot, or "gee I get dizzy sometimes maybe I have that." All I want is to smack them and yell, "DAMN IT, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I GO THROUGH EVERY DAY. YOU HAVE NO CLUE AS TO WHAT ITS LIKE TO FEEL THIS WAY EVERY SINGLE DAY."
The thing that bothers me the most is the people that make jokes about how grumpy or tired you look that day. How can I not look tired or grumpy when I feel this way ALL THE TIME.
A good day for me is not really noticing the tinitus in my ear, and not getting a headache at 4pm. Getting through the week takes every ounce of energy that I have, and on the weekends all I want to do is sleep. The thought of going to the grocery store is enough to make me sleep for 2 hours and I dont even have to go there.
I take Valium, Promethazine, Meclizine, A diuretic, and a new drug that is pronounced propranil (i think). The doctor wants me to condsider a shunt, or a crainiotimy (the drain tube in the ear. Not tubes though) which is a week long stay in the hospital. He also suggested the operation to cut the balance nerve in my head on the right side. All this, and Im starting to notice similar occurances in my left ear (am I going Bi' :) ) I have tried to get CERC in Canada, but cant find a doc there. The good news is, CERC is going to be manufactured here in the States someplace near chicago. Hopefully the FDA gets off there ass and allows it.
Anyway, thats my story. Im always happy to talk with other MM'rs because only we know what we go through.


re: mindcage Rick 12:24 pm wednesday may 9, 2001
If I eat anything with wheat, gluten, and oats I will get a vertigo attack. If you are having problems after you eat then you need to look at food allergies as the cause. A lot of MMer's vertigo is triggered by corn and dairy products.

Tingle mindcage 9:18 am thursday may 10, 2001
When I have an attack the pinky and ring finger of my left hand will tingle. For those of you who have ever had a pinched nerve or if your hand fell asleep, that is what it feels like. I just wonder if anybody else has weird sensations like that?

RE: Rick --&-- Mindcage Carrie 1:11 pm friday may 11, 2001
It seems as though people suffering from MM have so many variations of problems and reliefs. I was diagnosed with MM about 25 years ago, just this past year it hit me full force after a terribly stressful time in my life. Rick, I took your advise about giving up wheat, I also gave up oats, corn, barley, etc., basically all **cow** food. I eat brown rice and potatoes. I?ve also given up caffeine, limited my intake of sodium to 1000 mg or less. Aspartame is out too. I?ve pretty much eliminated refined sugar and a lot of the high sugar fruits and vegetables. Other than margarine, and occasional bits of cheese, I?ve eliminated dairy products. Since giving up all these foods, I?ve not had a dizzy spell. I?ve felt a little off balance at times with loud noises, but no dizzy spells for five, possibly six months. I also started taking large doses of vitamin C along with calcium and magnesium. This is in addition to my regular really good multi vitamin. I think the whole idea is to relieve the fluids around the inner ear. I read somewhere that histamines in your body cause your body to want to retain all the water it can so it can expel the histamines. MINDCAGE, do you get thirsty after eating a certain food? The article says this is a good indication your body wants more water to expel the histamines. It also stated that water will collect around a **weak** part of your body. The article went on to say that vitamin C helps to fight off histamines. It also mentioned that anything you can do to get your body **flowing smoothly** would help the **weak** part of your body adjust. I turned that article around to MM and it sounded to me that the healthier lifestyle I could lead the more chances I had to winning in this battle. Sugar also helps your body retain water which is why I?ve given up (except occasionally) refined sugar products. High sugar fruits and veges along with citrus fruits seem to bother me too. I?ve seen some people comment about exercise relieving their symptoms. I noticed a bit of relief when I have a good sweaty workout. Healthier than healthy lifestyle has been my agenda. If nothing else I feel better, which helps me deal with the MM problems.
The tinnitus, fullness and fluctuating hearing still persist despite all the things I mentioned above. Loud noises cause me to think I could fall, so I wear my earplugs a lot and lead a very quiet life at home. I was so disgusted with my first ENT (told me that on my MRI they found my brain) that I asked my primary care doctor for a referral to see the specialists down at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis. Dr. Neely at Barnes has been great. He has suggested the shunt surgery or the lidocaine injections. Neither one of these procedures sound like a day at the beach to me. Even though I trust him and think highly of him, I?m terrified of someone "cutting and pasting or poking" close to my brain. So, I?m trying to avoid these procedures at all costs. I recently tried the alternative medicine of traditional Chinese medicine. The acupuncture and herbal teas worked great for about a week, then the fullness and tinnitus returned. I think I was lethargic because I was depressed about the hearing loss, fullness and tinnitus returning. The acupuncture and herbal doctor I went to told me that he has been able to help 6 out of 10 people with MM. Something to think about. Maybe it would work for you. It?s a little expensive, but my thoughts are, if I can't hear - I can?t work.
So, I found myself back at my primary care physician who told me that sometimes the acupuncture and herbal teas have a diuretic and de-stress effect on the body. So, I?m back to trying the diuretics. It?s been 2-3 years since I tried them last, maybe my body has changed as I?ve aged. Who knows, but I?ve been taking them for a little over a week now and I?m seeing some improvement in the fluctuating hearing and some improvement in the fullness and tinnitus. I still have a symphony going on in my head at times. The tinnitus hasn?t woke me from a deep sleep for the past couple of nights.
I know I?ll never hear perfect, but the closest I get to a **good** day is an accomplishment and a win in the battle. I hope some of the suggestions I?ve given above will help you.
I do have a question for everyone. In my efforts of combating MM I came across an article about fluctuating hearing loss, permanent hearing loss and tinnitus being caused by ototoxic drugs. When I was in grammar school I remember having a lot of colds, strep throat, etc. It seemed as though I was constantly on erythromycin, penicillin, etc. I?m wondering just how many people diagnosed with MM has a history of having to take these drugs as some point in their lives?
This is a great site for MM sufferers. I know it has helped me tremendously both physically and mentally.
Best to all. Let?s win the battle.

Acceptance Karen 0:33 am sunday may 13, 2001
Hi, Guys !

I haven't written in a long time but I do continue to read the posts and keep track of all of you. Perhaps this post will "really" annoy some of you, but take it for what it is - it is only what I have found that has helped me the most in dealing with Meniere's.

I have had Meniere's - or a form of it - for 20 years now and it's been hell - it totally stinks--I usually use a little more "pointed" language when I speak of old Meniere's. In the beginning, for several years actually, I spent all my time searching and reading and running here and there to doctors looking for that "cure". Frankly, I drove myself and everyone around me crazy. I gave up foods, I gave up certain drinks, I took vitamins, I changed make-up, I tried eye-drops, I refused to use cleaning supplies, I gave up perfume, I wouldn't go outside if it was cold or raining or windy - I counted the minutes until 10 p.m. came so I could release myself and go to bed, I hid doctor books all over the house - and it went on and on and on and on. Until------one day a psychologist asked me:

"Karen, what in the world are you saving yourself for?" That was about 10 years ago and I will never forget those words. I lost 10 years of my life, basically, and I can never regain those years. However, when I decided to regain my life and go with the flow, "acceptance" gave me my life back again. I still avoid some foods periodically, but if I want a Chinese Dinner, I think about the fact that I know the next day I will feel like @#@#, and then weigh that against how much I really "want" that Chinese Dinner. Usually I will go with the dinner and "accept" the fact that I will feel bad the next day. And, you know what, if I do feel bad, I "know" what caused it and I can accept it for that day. Know what I mean? If you know what causes something, then it's not so bad. It's wondering why that drives you nuts.

I have to admit, about 2 years ago I tried Vertigoheel and I "convinced" myself that it helped for about 6 weeks until I began getting side effects from it - although they "say" there are no side effects. Well, the side effects were worse than the dizziness - I was so busy with the side effects, that I forgot I was dizzy. :-) The same thing happened one time when my back went out - and I mean - went out - I could not walk without crutches and ended up getting epidural injections in my spine. I complained about my back for those 3 months and hardly ever noticed the dizziness. Lots of other instances have occurred too, when I forgot I was dizzy because I was concentrating on what else was wrong. The mind is a powerful thing - mind over matter.

I still get the bad spells where I can't move for 8-10 hours - yes, that's how long my bad spells last and they still frighten me a little - and I still embarrass myself now and then when I get a spin or two when I am out and about, or at work or when I am driving and have to pull over till it passes; however, it sure beats all the years I spent fighting this disease and in turn fighting this precious life that I was given.

The more you read the message boards, the more you will realize that there is no magic cure out there yet and that what works for some, doesn't work for others. It's all a mind game -

However, when you "accept" the disease and keep going, it isn't as bad as it has seemed. The bad part is trying anything and everything and being disappointed. The depression that comes from constant disappointment - that "down" feeling - is so much worse than living with knowing that you have Meniere's - and that you aren't going to die from it - and that the weather is changing and you know you are going to feel bad, and that the pizza you ate last night for dinner that taste so darn good is gonna "spin" you tomorow - and ultimately accepting that although you may have a bad day today, tomorrow may be better.

Don't get me wrong - I am one of those unlucky people that is off-balance each and every day - not a day goes by that I don't feel drunk, foggy, confused and like I am bouncing against the walls. And, I am not preaching although I tend to ramble - I am just saying that life is too short to "waste" it by searching for something that simply doesn't exist - at least not yet. Stress is one of the most contributory factors to Meniere's so if some of you read this and can "let go" of the Meniere's and gain control of your life again, I guarantee you will feel better and be happier - I guarantee it - and there is no money involved :-).

I have thought alot about "why" I have this disease and I believe it is to teach me balance in this lifetime - perhaps sitting with yourself and finding your reason for being "gifted" with Meniere's also may help you. And, I agree, "gift" is totally the wrong word, but for a lack of a better adjective, ya know?

Be blessed and be balanced and just take this for what it is worth - it is simply the way I have lived with Meniere's for 20 years and am still living.

Karen :-)

I'm listening -

eye's hurt afterwards ?? stan hochhalter 4:18 pm sunday may 13, 2001
iv'e had this disease for a few years now...was in Coast Guard but since have been medically retired. dizzy spells..about 10 a week. The coast guard wouldnt let me drive...should i continue to drive or what else???????
Anyway's after dizzy spells does your eyes hurt?? mine the back of the eyes...get real sleepy also.. are these common???

Need BPPV Help A HREF="">Lewis 2:07 pm monday may 14, 2001
About nine months ago I was diagnosed with BPPV. My symptoms did not include dizziness, but when my head was put in certain positions by an ear clinic therapist, the sensation I experienced was excruciating. I did certain exercises for a month or so but was not helped until the therapist did the Canalith Repositioning Procedure. This helped a lot but I still had many problems. I did the therapy treatments faithfully but they didn?t seem to help.
Next, the therapist taught me the Epley exercises. These exercises were even more excruciating. Now after about two months I can do them quite easily, yet I still have balance problems and can?t walk without assistance.
Is there someone out there who can help me. Please tell me what to do.

re: eye's hurt afterwards ?? gazelle 9:30 am thursday may 17, 2001
I've got meniere's for 9 years now, still driving a car. This goes verry well, exept when i'm verry tired and if there are a lot of curves in the road. It's got something to do with focusssing on a certain point that get verry hard then.
On the other hand, my father has the same disease for 30 years and is scared to death of highways.. The endless motion gets to him. (But het is still driving other roads). I think this has to to with te fact that highways in this country (holland) are almost all lying at about 5 meters above the surrounding landscape, so there ar little reference point when driving.
And yes, my eyes can somethimes hurt like hell after a episode, accompanied by a juicy headache.

computer screens and interference gazelle 9:36 am thursday may 17, 2001
I'm having trouble with computerscreens. When I work with a computer for some time (an hour or more) I get symptoms of meniere's.
I think the refreshrate (the number of times per second the images on the screen are rebuild)is causing the problem.
I base this opinion on my experiences in my new job where I can also work with TFT screens (The ones like laptop's use) and they don't seem to have effect on meniere's (they don't have a refresh rate cause they use a different technique)
Does anyone out there recognise this problem ??

re: numb feeling in face??? gazelle 9:48 am thursday may 17, 2001
My firt attack of meniere's began after if suffered a -correct me if it's not correct english- paralysis of Bell, wich means that the place where a large facial nerve (tri geminus) comes out of the scull is narrowed down for some reason and pushes on the nerve.
As a result the nerve doesn't function correctly and you can't move one part of your face. This situation mostly last a few ourd or a few days, but can also be permanent. (Thank god or whoever that didn't happen to me :-)
It was totally frightening and for a moment thaught I'd die. But I didn't, so I can imagine all of your feelings. Totally stupid that my doctor didn't now steroids could help, i'll kick his but for that when I see him again ;-)

Meniere's ?? Ubetcha 9:53 pm thursday may 17, 2001
Wife has spells of dizziness but not to the point of vomiting. Had the same spells about a year ago then went away. Recently got back from a snorkeling trip. Any correlation ??
Experiences dizziness and is usually tired. Mother diagnosed w/ Meniere's. Any thoughts ???

re: Help! chris 0:24 am friday may 18, 2001
Michael, I took my mom to UCLA and saw a Dr. there, he zeroed in on what she had immediately, it was crystals in the inner ear. He did this manuver (Epeley manuever or something) to re-position the crystals and presto, her dizziness went away, he felt it was all part of a migraine headache syndrome. He told her to take Paxil (an anti-depressant) but it also helps with chemical imbalances in the brain, which is what brings on migraines, add a little stress & bingo... Stress related things and emotional episodes always brought on these dizzy spells, good luck..Chris

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