Jan 15, 2002 to Mar 17, 2002
shouldn't we avoid dairy products? webo
11:25 am tuesday january 15, 2002
Two questions:
-- I noticed a post here in which the person described their
diet, mentioning that they eat all kinds of dairy products. This
puzzled me, because when I was diagnosed with Meniere's, my
specialist stressed that I needed to stay away from dairy
products because they promoted water retention. Any thoughts?
-- I am having a hard time limiting my sodium intake. I have
been eating a lot of chicken, but I noticed that the sodium
content in it is pretty high. Maybe pasta is the answer. Pasta
shells have no sodium, so all I need are a few receipes for a
sauce that is low-sodium. Anybody have one?
re: shouldn't we avoid dairy products? Carrie
1:21 pm tuesday january 15, 2002
I have found that sugar (along with salt) causes me to retain
water. The only dairy products I take in are sour cream and some
swiss cheese. I occasionally have lite cool whip as a treat.
These few things don't seem to make me retain water, but that
could just be me. I do drink soy milk which is lactose
free....maybe your doctor was referring to lactose intollerance
causing water retention?
re: tami gail 9:17 pm tuesday january 15, 2002
I glad I found you out there. As I read your syptoms they are
just like mine. It is nice to have someone to relate to.
Yes I do feel at times that I am not really there. I think this
is Brain Fog. I was diagnosed about 1 year ago. At first I to
thought I was crazy. I went to see a psycologist. I thought I
was loosing it. I felt detached at times and always felt dizzy
and the floor was moving. It was shortly after I went to see her
that the ringing started and I began having some hearing loss.
It was then that I realized It had to be more than just in my
As much as I hate what I have, at least there is now an
explanation for it. I started seeing the psycologist again about
1 month ago. She is helping me learn deep breathing and coping
skills. I was starting to have alot of panic attaches,
especially when I was out or going on vacation. She has been a
great help. When I feel real dizzy, I am now able to focus more
and breath through the spell. After a few more sessions I will
be done with her. She has suggested taking yoga.
We don't have those drugs there. To get off the subject for a
minute, what part of Canada are you from. we have relative in
Toronto. Beautiful city.
I'll talk to you later.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a little bit better.
GAIL Tami 10:10 pm tuesday january 15, 2002
I'm glad that I found someone out there that feels like me too.
I also feel like I'm going crazy. My first big dizzy spell
started in the evening about 4 months ago,all of a sudden I
became very dizzy I went to the hospital with a panic attack,I
was scared that I was going to die of a anuresim. What wing nut
I was. But mine hit so fast it really scared me. I find it hard
to explain how you feel. I find travel very hard, before it was
because of my boys now i'm scared of becoming dizzy. It just
hangs there and wont go away. I want some sort of relief before
spring as my husband and are going on a cruise to ST. petersburg
Russia. So I'll stand on my head and quack like a duck if it
would help.I cant tell you what a relief it is to know that you
have the same symptoms. It just seems like a no win battle to
feel like yourself again. I do have husband, parent and my
sisters help. My oldest sister is in health care so that helps.
I live in western Canada in beautiful Alberta. What part of the
U.S are you in I know you have to be as vague as I am .I'm a
little afraid of too much info over the internet.Any ways I have
grumpy boys so I should go,I look forward to hearing from you
dizziness Desi 0:05 am wednesday
january 16, 2002
Hi out there. I found this web site and what I've read so far
hits home. I could reaaly use some help right now. For about
the last 6 months I have been experiencing dizzy spells. In the
last month it has become worse with dizziness occuring
everyday. Typically this happens in the late afternoon and
evenings. I read some of you talking about brain fog. I think
I can identify. It is hard for me to concentrate at times, my
head feels full with the frontal lobe and base of my skull
feeling heavy. I have always had some kind of ringing in my
ears that comes and goes from time to time. It was my
assumption that everyone experiences this. Lately, I seem
hypersensitive to noise. On occassion the noise is so intense
and at others I can barely hear the television or radio.
Sensitivity to bright lights have become especially annoying
resulting in headaches.
I've noticed I am becoming more hesitant in my daily living for
fear of passing out. It doesn't seem to matter where I am, I
can have one of these dizzy episodes at work, while watching TV,
shopping, etc., never knowing how long they will last. Last
week I had my longest episode. After the intensity of the
dizziness died down I was so exhausted and feel asleep at 7:00
that evening.
I went to see my physician this week and she has referred me to
an ENT. I haven't been diagnosed with anything but I have
certainly become frightened and worried about the
possibilities. Any experiences or suggestions someone might be
willing to share I would really appreciate it.
Meniere's and hope Vonda 1:16 am wednesday january 16, 2002
Been having major problems since before Christmas. Last week, I
went for more Ct scans, an MRI and other hearing tests. My ears
are ringing louder than church bells and the doctor says I am
losing more hearing in the one ear that hears anything, I also
have alot of pressure and pain in my ears. Reading about the
problems everyone else faces makes me feel like a coward. You
are all trying to find ways to cope and I feel like I can't cope
with it any more! Sometimes, I try to make fun of myself but
inside I just feel so bad. I don't want to spent the rest of my
life talking to a dog and being alone. I read an article in
Woman's Day about a woman that had an invisible disease, Lupus,
she said that one day a woman told her she didn't look disabled.
I don't look disabled either but I think Meniere's has not only
disabled my body but my soul. This site is the light at the end
of my tunnel and gives me hope that someday I too will be able
to cope and begin to live again with out depression and pain. I
can't help with your problems and for that I am truly sorry, but
you help me just by letting me know that I am not really alone!
Dezi-Vonda Tami 12:21 pm wednesday january 16, 2002
Sounds like you two are experiencing the same symptoms as
myself.Unlike you I have 0 hearing loss. I also am dizzy daily
but find it worse once a month (you know what I mean) Keep your
chin up! It is a real pain in the ass, but dont stop going to
the dr. until you find an answer.If you read back at Gail and my
symptoms you'll find your not alone. I also feel like a nut-bar
sometimes but I decided that I wont let this win.WE are in
charge of our bodies and dont quit until you have an answer.I
have two little boys that I stay at home with and they need me,
do you have kids or family you can turn to for support?When my
dizziness started I had a major panic attack I was scared I was
going to die.My head also feels funny hard to describe how it
feels. Just try to relax when it hits and tell yourself it will
pass this sometimes helps me. Good Luck
check out these web sitesCarrie
2:06 pm wednesday january 16, 2002
about vinpocetine. I've have tremendous luck with it. I'm not
sending you these web sites for you to order the product, only
for the information contained on vinpocetine. There are many
other places to order vinpocetine from. If you're interested
where to order from I can give you more sites.
re: Meniere's and hope gail 7:36 pm wednesday january 16, 2002
Hi Vonda,
I'm Gail. I know how you feel. Though my syptoms aren't as
intense as yours. Have you tried going for some counseling. My
doctor suggested it to me and it is helping alot. I go to this
great woman psycologist. She is working with me on breathing
techniques, focusing skills and working through the panic
attaches I get when I'm out and the dizzyness starts.
I am finding that now when a start getting dizzy, I stop what I
am doing, focus and try and breath through it. It does help calm
me and usually I don't get the panic attach.
This is just a suggestion.
I think this sight is great. Some nights after a long day, its
nice to share info with others that understand. It's frustrating
to explain to someone who doesn't suffer from it.
Try and keep your sprites up.
New Patty 8:48 pm wednesday
january 16, 2002
Hi, I am new to this sight and have enjoyed the conversations. I am restricted to 2000mg. of
sodium each day and take diuretics as well. My ear noise seems to vary day by day. For a
few days after the holiddays I had no hearing and a real blocked feeling in my left ear.
It is less bothersome now. I think that the holidays may have been the problem
(eating alittle out of diet.) I have never heard about restricting dairy foods. What about
the milk that the aging body needs???> Also, I find that there are foods at the supermarket
with little sodium that I choose. Breakfast cereal: Puffed rice, wheat, Granola, shredded
wheat, oatmeal. My biggest problem is lunch. When I am at work, I bring a fresh salad but
when its the weekend, I'm sick of eating them. I stay away from sandwiches. Any suggestions
for weekend lunches??? I also save most of my sodium intake for dinner. Maybe that is not
a good thing to do?? My ear is alittle noisier at night. Well, keep in touch anyone...Thanks
GAIL another question Tami 10:18 pm wednesday january 16, 2002
In my earlier note (LASTNIGHT) I forgot to ask you if your head
feels like it is vibrating inside I dont know how to describe
it. I just feel like it is in over load. I know this sounds
crazy but my head feels like it is buzzing. talk to you
Tami Desi 10:48 pm wednesday january 16, 2002
Thank you for the reply. I do have alot of family and support.
They too are in the dark but willing to listen to my concerns
and frustrations. I only, this last week, started talking to
anyone including my husband about the dizzy spells, etc. I
guess I was just thinking it was nothing and would pass. The
daily occurrences and increase in intensity, not to mention my
increased anxiety, have contributed to my need to talk about
this with others and to let those close to me give me some
support. I have a four year old son, he is such a great kid
with so much energy. He helps to take me out of any pity
parties I might try to get in. It has been interesting to read
about the sodium restricted diets and the dieuritics. Does
anyone know specifics of why sodium is an issue? I did make my
appointment with an ENT today. The earliest they could schedule
me for an appointment was in 4 weeks. I'm keeping a journal of
dizzy episodes and any ringing in my ears. Perhaps I should
journal my diet as well. Again, Thank you to all of you who
contribute to this site.
dairy products webo 11:53 am thursday
january 17, 2002
Someone has asked why Meniere's patients would avoid dairy
products. My ENT explained it this way: You would do it for the
same reason you would avoid them when you have a cold -- because
it would promote mucousy buildups. And you don't want any fluid
buildups in your cochlea.
This makes sense to me. But if it doesn't to others, I'd be
interested in knowing why. I have been drastically limiting my
dairy intake, eating only things that might have dairy products
mixed in and diluted. I have avoided ice cream, straight milk
and cheese -- which happened to be the foods I most enjoyed
eating. I can't say my ears have improved, but they haven't
gotten dramatically worse until recently. So if dairy products
are OK, I'd sure like to start eating them again. But I'm not
anxious to experiment right now at this moment.
meniere's expert in houston? webo
4:10 pm thursday january 17, 2002
I was originally diagnosed with Meniere's while living in Fort
Myers, FL, and only after seeing three specialists. I've found
that most doctors don't know much about it, let alone how to
treat it and ease the discomfort. Now I'm in Houston and have
experienced a major setback with increased ringing in my left
ear, crunching in my right ear, dizziness and loss of hearing.
Does anyone know of a Meniere's expert -- or even a semi-expert -
- in Houston? If so, please e-mail me at webodespo@yahoo.com.
re: GAIL another question gail 8:08 pm thursday january 17, 2002
Hi Tami,
I never experienced that before. But i am finding out with this
illness things change day to day. About 2 months ago I was
getting this horrible sound in my left ear. It was so loud I
could't hear at all. The doctor said that it is very common to
get all different sounds or feelings from this. They can come
and go. I guess it depends on where the biggest amount of fluid
is and what nerve it is pressing on.
Its like you wake up everyday and go, so what will I be feeling
today. I have been having a rough couple of weeks. Stress is my
biggest trigger point for dizzy spells. My job has become so
overwhelming that if I don't put in a minimum of 10 hours I can't
keep up. My Manager doesn't want to listen when I explain that
this work load is effecting my health. I'm going to the doctors
tomorrow and see if I can get a note cutting back my work hours
slightly and bringing some info into work and try and educate my
People who don't experience this daily, just don't get it.
Hopefully the vibrating is temporary and will go away in a few
If I get to the doctors tomorrow, I'll see what I can find out
about the vibrating. Hopefully I can get some info for you.
I'll let you know.
Talk to you later.
re: Tami Gail 8:15 pm thursday january 17, 2002
Hi Desi,
The reason for the low sodium diet is to decrease the amount of
fluid in your system. I am on a 1000mg a day diet. This is not
easy to stick to and I must admit I usually go over.
You should track your sodium intake for 1 week. I don't eat
prepared foods and don't use salt. I was amazed at how much
sodium I consumed by eating what I thought was a fairly low
sodium diet. I think I was at about 4000mg daily.
I now measure and read all labels. I do find if I keep the
soduim down, it does help with the dizzy spells.
Just to let you know, its ok to have a pity party every once in
awhile. While this isn't life threatening it is very hard to
deal with at times. Its frustrating becuase there is no "cure"
for it. Much of it is trial and error and see what works best
for you.
I wish you the best.
Talk to you later.
(no subject) desiree 10:32 pm thursday january 17, 2002
Hi Gail,
Thanks for the information. The dairy restriction also makes
sense. I'm curious to know if anyone finds out any information
regarding dairy foods. The last two days I have watched my
sodium intake, at least at breakfast and lunch. Although I
continue to have the dizzy spells they seem less intense. I'm
changing the lighting in my office as well and trying to slow
down a bit. Have you been told by your doctors that you should
not drive? Mine seemed pretty adamant about this, but of course
she isn't sure exactly what the cause of my symptoms are until I
see the ENT and possibly a neurologist.
Take care,
re: GAIL another question Tami 10:41 pm thursday january 17, 2002
That would be great if you could find out if what i'm feeling is
normal. I visit a ENT Dr. on monday to see if there is any thing
he can do for me.In the states is the wait long for health care
appts? Here an mri can take as long as 6 to 8 months. If you pay
cash aprox $700 CDN you only wait 2 weeks. Our health care is in
the crapper but I have 100% coverage so I dont worry too much.Did
you happen to read my other note to you ? you may have missed it
as it was far down on the list. Any ways I'm going to keep this
short I'm tired tonight,luckly not too dizzzy. Talk to you
later.Good Luck at the doctor.
re: New Chase
12:24 pm friday january 18, 2002
Hello Patti, I am new to this whole meniere's thing too...I have
had dizzy spell's all my life..I'm still going through the actual
diagnosis of the whole thing..fun stuff...I should have an answer
by the end of this month...I am curious to see if I have lost any
hearing in my ears( especially since my girlfriend says' I have
selective hearing..hahah). Well your not alone..Take care Chase
Desi could be a virus! Tami 1:13 pm friday january 18, 2002
Desiree, sounds like your spinns came on fast. My dizziness came
on very sudden as well, the dr. has not totally ruled out a virus
in my inner ear. If this is a virus he said it could take up to
six months to clear up.I have lots of drum like noises in my ear
this is always worse at night. I have alot of pressure like I'm
on a plane when it releases my dizzines is not so intense.
Keeping a journal is a good idea, I started to do that to but for
some reason I quit. I have a 31/2 yr old and a 1 1/2 year old and
I agree no time for pitty.Have you had trouble with your sinus's
when mine fill up I' m even more dizzy. Just try and not have a
panic attack, I had one and it made the spins worse. Have to go,
hope you feel better.
re: (no subject) gail 7:49 pm friday january 18, 2002
Hi Desi,
I have not done much looking into how dairy products effect my
diet. I have cut back on dairy products. I find that I am
trying so many different things, that I don't seem to have a
handle as to what is helping the most. I do find that tiredness
and stress are my 2 big contributing factors.
I am having trouble finding a low sodium diet that I can stick
with. I had found some foods that were low sodium, however now
my cholestrial count has gone up. My doctor gave me a list of
foods to avoid. Its like you find one thing to help the ear and
it messes up something else.
My doctor has not restricted my driving. If I am having a day
where my balance is really off, I don't drive. Fortunely I am
usually ok driving.
I hope all turns out well with the neurologist.
re: meniere's expert in houston? Rick
9:48 am sunday january 20, 2002
Kay runs this web site and is based in Houston, if anybody knows,
she does.
My Story- What has helped me- For the Ne Rick
9:54 am sunday january 20, 2002
Here's a link to where my story is posted. I've found a lot of
my vertigo attacks were caused by foods, mainly wheat. Hope this
helps some of you.
Mine is the second story listed there.
Gail Tami 6:06 pm sunday january 20, 2002
Did you make out ok at the Dr? My week end went ok! Not too
dizzy till sunday afternoon. I go to a ETN tommorow so hopefully
I'll finally get some answers.I'm going out of town on wednsday
so I hope I feel better. I always get more streesed out when I
go away which means more dizziness.I'm just getting so tired of
feeling this way! I just want my life back.Do you get headachs
behind your eyes?I do occasionally and It makes me worse in the
spin dept. I better go having a rough time right now. Talk to
you later.
re: Gail gail 6:42 pm sunday january 20, 2002
Hi Tami,
Make out ok at the doctors. My job usually requires me to work a
10 hour day to keep up with things. The doctor is limiting me to
an 8 hour day. If that doesn't help he will reduce it to siz.
work is finally understanding. they are going to begin removing
some work off of my desk. Thank goodness.
Sorry to here you are not doing do well. I wish you well at the
doctors tomorrow.
I know what you mean about traveling. I always get nervous when
I have to go somewhere.
I don't get the headaches behind the eyes.
I hope you feel better.
Gail/Desi Tami 9:03 pm monday january 21, 2002
When you guys were diagnosed with meniers what type of testing
did they do on you? The Dr. is confident that I have this but
I'm constantly thinking that there is more to it.I just want it
to get better, I'm always in a state of dizzines.Deep down I am
just so scared that there is something wrong. Do you feel like
this as well? Do you drink coffee? I was told cutting down
helps! Does yoyr head constantly feel dizzy with some intense
dizzines thrughout the day? I guess that I need to know what is
normal and what is not. Did you have tests where they put water
in your ears to measure the dizziness? I am booked to have that
done in 2 weeks. hopefully I can get more answers. I'll talk to
you later! hope your felling better to.
re: Gail/Desi gail 6:35 pm wednesday january 23, 2002
Sorry you are feeling so lousy. They actually did very little
testing on me. I was diagnosed with otosclorosis which is a
small bone in the middle ear is crooked. This could have been
treated. When I went to see the ear surgeon I told him that I
was having bouts of dizziness and hearing an ocean sound in my
He told me that the bone must have shifted and was hitting the
inner ear. Now that the inner ear was effected they can no
longer go the surgery. I have one condition causing the other but
can't fix it. I go every six months to meet with the surgeon and
have a hearing test.
I have been very fortunate I have only had one spinning attach.
I do however battle with the dizziness and off balance feeling
pretty much daily.
I was told to cut out all caffeine, alcohol and reduce the salt
level. This will help. My doctor has said that this is a very
frustrating illness. I do find that I am worse in winter and in
spring and summer it almost is non existant.
Try keeping a daily log of everything you eat and do. This can
be tiredsome but you may be able to find out what is triggering
your attackes. I take this with me when I go and discuss with
the doctor. See if you find any patterns.
We have found that stress and tiredness trigger my worst bouts.
I work full time and Mon-Fri I really struggle. Come the weekend
when I relax it subsides alittle.
Your not alone. After hearing your symptoms it sounds very much
like meniers. Try and do as much research as possible. You may
find something that will help.
Let me know how you make out.
High blood pressure Louisa
2:41 pm sunday january 27, 2002
My husband is having a difficult time with vertigo and
headaches. After going to the dr. we noticed his blood pressure
(BP) was a little elevated. We looked up meniere's and his
symptoms fit to the tee except for the elevated BP. He's had
the MRI of his brain (negative thank God), waiting for EEG
results and having an MRI to check for renal artery stenosis
this week. He's on BP medicine but not feeling too much better
(it makes him drag). Was suppose to use a nasal inhaler to dry
some fluid in his ear - but that caused the worse headache he's
ever had. He's always been a tall slim healthy person - age
43. Does anyone know if meniere's can cause elevated BP???
Thanks for your help.
re: High blood pressure Rick 6:17 pm monday january 28, 2002
The best thing is to let the Dr decide a course of treatment. The
first thing the DR's usually prescribe is diurectics and a low
salt diet when Meniere's is suspected. I think you'll find that
MMer's bloodpressure will range from very low to very high and
all points inbetween.
Gail Tami 12:20 pm tuesday january 29, 2002
I am doing better, my family went on a short holiday and I made
out very well.I have had no trouble with drinking it is a
oppisite effect on me I do not get dizzy. Caffene I limit to no
more than 2 cups a day. I have found that a drug called Serc has
helped a great deal I increases the circulation in your ears. I
was a little bummed when I got home there was a message that I
could get into a hot rod doctor in 4 days but was not home to
return there call so now I have to wait till march.Just can't
seem to catch a break. How are you making out? when you get
tired does it feel like the floor is moving up and down? This
was very weird but passed the next day, I think I was over tired
and I dont know but maby the symptoms get worse! Better go I
have tons of house work to catch up on. Talk to you
dexamethasone vs. gentamicin Michael Choi
5:50 pm tuesday january 29, 2002
I have two ENT doctors.
One tells me get the dexamethasone injection.
the other tells me get the gentamicin injection.
from personal experience which one is better...
which one should I go with.
both these doctors tell me I shouldn't take the other injection.
re: Gail gail 8:25 pm tuesday january 29, 2002
Glad to hear you enjoyed a nice holiday. Its good to get away
once and awhile. Yes the floor does move when I get tired. I
start feeling sea sick. Actually that is happening tonight. I
tried walking 2 miles on my treadmill. I think I was to tired.
How are you feeling. You didn't sound as though you were doing
very well last week. Thats to bad about the doctor. Maybe
another opening will come up sooner.
I wish drinking had the opposite effect on me. When you limit
sodium, caffiene you need some kind of vice. I limit myself to 1
drink on the weekends.
I'm going now and rest for awhile.
Talk to you later.
gail Tami 9:19 pm tuesday january 29, 2002
Gail, another opening did come up, they called today I have an
appointment on thursday. I an so happy to get in, she is supposed
to be wonderful. I hope there can be a light at the end of the
tunnel. When this first hit, I had a major panic attack, so the
dr who I never see put me on paxil. I took this drug because at
that time we thought it was anxiety. I have since stopped taking
it because it can have serious side effects in women, I think
that it was making the spinns worse.I dont know if you take this
but in women it can cause severe vertigo and dizzines.I think
that this may be part of my problem.On another note the floor
moving is a horrible feeling with me it felt like it was moving
up and down, it was a rotten sensation.I too should go to the gym
because I have really porked up since this hit.I just want to
feel better I want to try and have another baby (maby a girl?)but
as long as I feel like this it is out of the question. I will
talk to you later, I'll let you know if I get any answers! It is
so nice to talk about this with someone who understands.
re: GAIL another question Kara
8:46 pm wednesday january 30, 2002
Hi Tami,
I think I can relate to your symptoms. I've had the
vibrating/buzzing feeling in my head for about a year. I also get
the flashes of light I think you mentioned earlier. I have been
diagnosed with an atypical migraine. Migraines can cause alot of
the same sypmtoms as Meniere's like the dizziness, brain fog etc.
The difference is that you get the flashes of light that are
called an "aura". You might try doing a search on Migraines and
vestibular migraines. I've been taking Elavil,which is a
tricyclic antidepressant, Prozac, another antidepressant and also
Calan which is a high blood pressure drug. I had an awful time
getting the correct diagnosis and treatment. All tests came back
normal including MRI's and vestibular testing at Massachusetts
Eye and Ear infirmary. I am getting better and the treatment plan
I have seems to be helping just very slowly. I think you should
talk to your neurologist and discuss the possibility that this
could be a migraine problem. It also helps to check with other
members of your family. My mother, grandmother, aunt and a cousin
all get these migraines with or without the flashes. I feel worse
at the end of the day and when stressed. Hope this helps and good
Kara Tami 10:41 pm wednesday january 30, 2002
I have wondered if this is my problem.Does your head fell like
this all day or just off and on? My head fells like this all day
with light head and dizziness. I was on prozac for post partem
depression, when I stopped this it was aprox 3 months when this
hit.Wile on prozac I felt wonderful.I was put on paxil because
when this first hit I had an anxiety attack,I have since stopped
it I dont think I ever needed it in the first place.I only quit
this one week ago,so I'm hopeing this may have been some of my
problem. I am going to a ETN and nentoligist(dont know if it is
the same as a neroligist)tommorow and I will ask about the
migrane idea.I just want an answer.Thank you for your advice, I
hope I can get to the bottom of this I don't mean to complain
but I just want my life back.Also do get the sensation of the
floor moving when you have an attack.My symptoms are all listed
in questions to Gail,If you have time could you go over them and
see if I still match up with the migrane idea! Thank You for
taking time to reply,it does help knowing that I'm not alone,I
have found this site helps with any questions I have. Thanks
re: gail Gail 6:40 pm thursday january 31, 2002
Hi Tami,
That is great about the doctor, hopefully they will find
something that works.
I am going back to my doctors on Tuesday. I have been feeling
lousy for the past couple of weeks and I am beginning to get down
I took today off. I am tired of having the floor move
constantly. I know there probably isn't much they can do. I am
thinking of taking a couple of weeks of of work and getting
myself back on track. I think the stress of my job, is causing
alot of my syptoms.
Hopefully you will feel better soon and can have another child.
Best of luck.
re: Gail/Desi Pat
7:44 pm thursday january 31, 2002
Hi Tami,
When I was diagnosed with Menieres I too had the Dizzy Test. It
was not as bad as I had anticipated. I do think however that the
water test made me hear the noise more in my ear. I could just
be imagining it. But I think that if you focus on something that
it seems worse than it may be. I also had a MRI and a blood
test. Of course a hearing test by an audiologist showed that I
had hearing loss in my left ear.(I don,t know how much it is or
when they will do it again.)
I watch my diet: under 2000mg of sodium each day, drink plenty
of water and I cut down my coffee. I only have two cups a day
and now mix decaf and regular before I brew it.
I am on a diuretic daily and I usually make out pretty well on a
daily basis.
I am due to go to my dr. on Feb. 15. I wonder what will be going
on then??? I have only had this for 6 mos. and have only had one
severe attack.Thank Heavens....
Good luck, Pat
Messages from 2-1-02 to 2-24-02 were lost. I am sorry about this
and will try to archive more frequently.
Inner Voice of Meniere's
Greg's Meniere's Discussion Group
April 22, 2002
re: GAIL gail 2:39 pm sunday february 24, 2002
Hi Tami,
Haven't been on in awhile. I am going back to work tomorrow. Sypmtoms are still there, but they don't seem quite as bad. My hearing seems to be worse and I have so much pressure in my ear. I am going to talk to my doctor tomorrow about having some alergy testing done.
How are you doing? did you start your treatment yet?
I hope all is well.
re: Eustation Tube Dysfunction Linda
11:43 pm sunday february 24, 2002
Yes. I had an attack of Herpes Zoste Oticus which left me with
fluid in the ear, a swollen eusstacian tube, and tinnitus in my
right ear. I have had this for 5 weeks. I have a tube in my
right ear for drainage right now. I am hoping that when my
hearing gets back to normal that the tinnitus wlll gradually go
Sulfur and Sulfites Rick
5:30 pm monday february 25, 2002
I woke up this morning about 4:30am and the room was spinning
tremendously fast. In five minutes I was calling "Ralph". I've
never had an attack come that fast, it usually takes awhile to
go from the spinning stage to the sick stage.
This attack was kind of strange though. For one thing it
didn't happen within' 15 minutes after eating, unless I'm a
sleep walker and don't remember. Another thing is that I have
never had the spins go that fast. It was wild. But maybe I'm the
only one whose spins have different speeds depending on the
severity of an attack. And in fact I can tell when I'm almost
over an attack because when I open my eyes, it's just a real
lazy roll. The third thing was how fast I got sick, it's never
been that fast.
Mrs Rick and I think it was a virus or some type of food
poisoning. It's happened before but not to this degree. And it
makes since because histamine is definately a factor in any kind
of digentional function. I also am using the term "food
poisoning" loosley also. I think that it may be a case of the
stomach not producing enough acid to digest whats there and here
comes the histamine to stimulate more acid and as they say on
tv, "that's not all, there's more".
So hopefully that's all it was. But you know me, I'm not
going to wait around for the next time before I do a little
Since I believe it's digestive related, I started thinking of
what I did different the evening before. Well the only thing
that I did was to eat some cabbage. I was getting tired of plain
lettuce salads for lunch and when were shopping I bought some
cabbage to spice up my salads. The other thing we did was take
the grands to McDonalds where I had a bunless quarter punder
with cheese and fries. The fries are suspect because something
that McDonalds serves in the nornings was causing me problems a
while back and that's when I started going to Jack.
Well I searched the web on cabbage and allergies and found
that cabbage is probably the most non-allergenic food you can
eat EXCEPT that it is high in sulfur/sulfites. I also saw where
sulfites are used to keep peeled and cut potatoes from turning
brown and used on cut lettuce and cabbage to keep it from
wilting especially at salad bars.
I find this sulfur/sulfite connection interesting because
sulfa drugs cause me to have severe abdominal cramps.
Now considering that Micky D's might be using sulfites ( a
preservative) on their fries and hashbrowns, and considering
that the cabbage was precut and packaged so not only with the
naturally occuring sulfur/sulfites there may have been more
added, do you think that this could have caused my problems?
This may also explain why I had had a couple of minor attacks
from salads that I got from resurants. Well anyway there's a lot
of interesting stuff on the web regarding sulfites in case you
think you might be affected by them.
Well I'm feeling a little better but still weak but I think I
will make it back to work tomorrow.
hello tami w.
2:34 pm tuesday february 26, 2002
Hello...I have just stumbled on this site and have found it very
interesting and helpful. I have had full-on Meniere's for four
years and have been coping with the ever mutating symptoms that
my Meniere's brings. Though I am on a treatment program that
has afforded me some relief, it is always nice to hear about
some of the things others are doing to help themselves.
Sometimes when I say to someone, "I have Meniere's" they look at
me like I have three heads, they just haven't ever heard of it
before. Its really great that there is a forum like this for
discussion and assitance from people who really know what its
all about. Thanks!
re: Please Help Brenda
9:35 pm wednesday february 27, 2002
You are not a baby!!! I know how scared you can get, sounds to me
like you have not been properley diagonosed. I have Meniere's,
All of those test make you dizzy, it is normal. All of us who
have some form of meniere's suffer from some sort of fear of a
attack.I have only posted once and no one replyed!!!!good luck to
you. I still don't know what they think you have!!! Brenda, write
me anytime.I was having drop attacks, and had surgery in May had
my balance nerve cut. did not work, I am still connected. I am
suffering fatique, bouncy vision, unsteadness, blurred vision,
other than that I am fine.Did the Dr. put you on any meds?
re: hello Brenda
9:50 pm wednesday february 27, 2002
I know what you mean they think it is a weird disease and often
take a step back!!I have had it for about two years, it is no fun,
It seems differnt forms of teatment work , I had surgery in May,
and it did not work. I am trying differnt diuretics and keep
breaking out in a rash. coping is what we all try to do. I stay
away from salt, booze, I walk even though it makes me sick, I
lost my job because of this and am unable to collect
disability,This site makes me feel not so alone!! I also take a
half of a 5mg of valium if i am having a bad time, i try and stay
away from them.The fatique and bouncy vision is a problem I have
a hard time copeing with. I just try and think positive and
appreciate what I can do.I use to ride my bike a lot, well no
more, after falling off!!! I just wish there was more info out
there. I got a book from VEDA, Meniere's Disease what you need
to know, By P.J. Haybach. great book lots of info, she also has
Meniere's. bye
Branda Tami 7:00 pm thursday february 28, 2002
Branda,I was wondering what you mean by drop attacks?I'm not
sure ,but what l am having may be the same thing.Could you try
and let me know how yours feel.This is such a crazy problem you
never what the day will bring.Tami
re: hello gail 7:25 pm thursday february 28, 2002
Hi Brenda,
I was also dianosed 2 years ago. I don't suffer from spinning
attacks, however I do get the jumping eyes and am off balance
most of the day. I have alot of pressure in my ear and my
hearing is down about 40 decibles.
I am seeing a surgeon in 2 weeks. You said the surgery did not
help. Did you suffer any effects from the surgery? I have done
some reading and it doesn't sound very hopeful.
I took 3 weeks off of work and am now back. I get through my
day, but there are times when its tough to go in.
I will let you know what I find out.
This is a great site. It has helped me alot. Whenever I get
down and this gets to me, I come on here and just feel better
knowing that I am not alone.
The diaretic that I am on is Triamt/hctz.
This has helped and I have had no side effects.
Talk to you later
re: Brenda gail 7:28 pm thursday february 28, 2002
Hi Tami,
How is it going? Have you started your treatments yet?
I have started back to work. It is going ok. I do get tired out
about half way through. They are being being very supportive.
I am going to see an ear surgeon in another couple of weeks. I
am interested in what he has to say. I just went for another
hearing test and my hearing is down another 20 decibels. I have
so much pressure and pain in that ear, it is becoming very
I hope you are doing ok. Have your syptoms let up at all?
Talk to you soon.
Gail Tami 8:12 pm thursday february 28, 2002
Hi gail,How are you making out?No my symptoms have not let up
last week i'd have swore I was getting better and about 4 days
ago it came back full force.The floor hasnt quit moving and
tonight the dizzinies came back.I am booked to see another
neroligist on the 18th so hopfully i'll get some answers.I was
given verapimil to ease my symptoms but am now having heart
palpitations so I am booked to wear a 24 hr monitor before I
continue treatment.I am starting to get very down but have to go
on for the kids sake I'm even becoming cranky with them.I still
get scared of whats going on but what can you do.How are things
with you?Hows work going?It is sometimes hard to just get
through the day.Well I had better go kids need me.Talk to you
re: hello tami w. 0:26 am friday march 1, 2002
Not only do people step back, but I sometimes get the feeling
they think to themselves, "How bad can that be? I've been light
headed before" They don't realize that being light headed and
being dizzy are vastly different! But, heck, I forgive them, I
wouldn't want anyone to go thru this just to understand me!
Thanks for the info on the book...I will check it out. I too
take valium as a part of my treatment; 1mg in the a.m., 1mg in
the p.m., plus 10mgs of Lasix in the a.m. I also drink about
96oz. of water a day, (give or take)...seems like a lot but I can
vouch that it has really helped. I am on a strict low-sodium
diet, and no longer eat out. I used to have attacks weekly, but
over the last two years, I have been most prone to them in the
winter. I don't like taking the valium either, but I have tried,
Meclazine, anti-vert, dramamine, ginko, you name it, and the
valium seems to be the only thing that has helped.
I also have had to leave my job...I was a vet tech and spent a
lot of time on the ground which became impossible after a while
as I get positional dizziness. My Dr. also told me to walk a mile
a day on a flat surface but I live in the pacific northwest and
have a tough time finding a flat surface! Oh well...
I am sorry to hear that the surgery did not work for you. I
really appreciate all the posts here. I am still learning so
much, and finding new ways to cope. Well, this was probably way
more than you wanted to know...thanks for listening!
re: hello Brenda
11:52 am friday march 1, 2002
I had my surgery in L.A. house Ear Clinic, The surgery went
great of course I had a great team of DRS. The only reason it
didn't work is because a few strands of my balance nerve are
still connected near the cochlear, but I do not have anymore drop
attaks, so that fear is gone, Iwill never be back to normal, but
this is my normal now, I am not going to have the other surgery.
The true vertigo is also gone, so I am better off. But lets face
it brain surgery is no cake walk. I have been on the same
diaretic, did not help, will start a new one lasix, I am unable
to work as the fatique and unsteadeness doesn't work well in
managening a restaurant, I am in the process of taking on-line
classes.I wear two hearing aids, my hearing is bad also, but I
did not lose any with the surgery. Let me know how your Dr. visit
goes. I did a lot of research, saw a lot of Dr. before I found
one.this site is great!! talk soon. Brenda
re: hello Brenda
12:07 pm friday march 1, 2002
Tami, I am about to start on Lasix, I had a reaction to Dyazide
and am on predsone for five days due to the rash all over my body.
Well my surgery did releive me of drop attacks, so that fear has
been erased.I too have been on the same meds, not much helps.
Getting use to the bouncing vision and fatique is the hard part
about walking, but I do it. I do find myself getting depressed
sometimes, as everything seems to be a struggle sometimes, but I
try to shake it off with looking at all I can do .Do you take
potassium wit your lasix? my is 20 mg. My Dr. told me I need to
take potassium. I am really tired of seeing Drs. I fell like I am
on this hampster wheel of symptoms, and I am trying to get off!!
I am still learning also,gregs site on links has a lot of good
websites. I was going to join VEDA but this is free and very
informative.Keep on copeing and enjoy your day. write any time, I
enjoy knowing someone out there is on the same planet as I am.
re: Brenda Brenda
12:19 pm friday march 1, 2002
Tami, Drop attacks for me came without warning, One minute your
o.k. and the next you fall down, heart pounds out of control and
I had no idea which was up or down, I lost all control of my neck
and head, and could not see straight. These are really dangerous,
as they could happen while driving, I did have one while driving,
thank god I was able to pull over, I have a car phone and called
my husband when I was able, That one lasted about an hour. I quit
driving after that, until my surgery, Now I am able to drive,
although night driving is not so good. After several of those I
sought several Drs. until I was able to find The House Ear Clinic
in L.A. These attacks can last hours sometimes even days, on that
note my surgery worked, I am no longer prone to those attacks.
What happens to you? that makes you think you are having these.
I have had them in restaurants, hiking, riding my bike. But thank
god no more, just the normal Meniere's muzzy stuff!! hope that
answered your question. Brenda
re: hello tami w. 2:15 pm friday march 1, 2002
I do not take potassium with Lasix, but I eat a lot of potassium
rich foods ie; bananas, orange juice... Lasix is not potassium
sparing, so this is crucial. I also have my potassium levels
checked every couple of months to make sure I am not deficient.
Unfortunately, other diuretics I tried made my stomach upset and
though not as annoying as a rash, I didn't want to deal with that
on top of everything else.
I also have "bouncy vision". I have refered to it as a tracking
problem with my eyes, but bouncy vision seems to sum it up
nicely! I love to read and draw, and this symptom has been a
heartache as I can't do those things as often as I used to. (But
I still do!)
It is frustrating having to see Dr. after Dr. in hopes that some
one will have a better solution. My Dr. has several hundred
Meneire's patients in the Portland metropolitan area and he said
very few of them are on the same treatments. All of our bodies
are so different! In some ways I think that my body is learning
to cope with its own malfunction. But I still spend whole
afternoons sometimes laying flat on my back free-falling with my
eyes shut tight! I sometimes feel like if this is the worst
thing I ever have to deal with in my life it will be okay, but
other days...I don't know. I think we will all keep each other
Thanks again, and good luck with the Lasix!
re: Branda tami w. 2:22 pm friday march 1, 2002
Did your surgery effect your hearing? Was it the surgery that
severs the nerve for balance and hearing? I have the kind of
attacks you are refering to. I could live with the other
Meniere's symptoms if not for these attacks, but I am not willing
to give up anymore of my hearing than I have already lost. Plus
I am afraid that if it crosses over to my right side, I may be in
the same boat all over. I guess I am mosty asking about the
surgery you had, and if it has effected your hearing.
stumbling Tina
11:14 pm friday march 1, 2002
Hi this is the first time for me to be in the web page and I was just diagnosed 3 weeks ago with
vestibulo neronitis and I am finding that my doctor does not seem to belive that it is meniers.
About 4 weeks ago I was starting to feel a little light headed a work seeing how alot of my coworkers
had the flu thats was I kept saying it was I was light headed and things were spinning and moving
away from me and if I looked to the right to quickly well then I would feel as though I was on some
cheap carnival ride but I just kept putting aside or that I had low blood sugar so I would eat some
candy, well then one Monday morning after getting my kids off to school I proceeded to get ready
for work I got in the shower and then proceeded to introduce myself to the wall and then the tub so
I carefully got out and called in sick to work, then going to see my doctor my husband came and
took me because I couldn't drive myself> As I told the doctor I felt as though I was craxy and then
proceeded to miss 10 days of work then I went back to work and I am still taking Antivert 1 tablet
6 times a day it does seem to help but as I told my employer I don't want to be missing 2 weeks of
work a month but what else can you do? I had been feeling much better and returned to work and
actually worked for almost 2 whole weeks that was great so my son had a bowling tournament that
was 1 1/2 hrs away so I drove him feeling rather confident and then on our trip home I almost put my
veichle in the ditch as my son says "just alittle to scary Mom" I have to agree. So now I am trying to
find some answers?
Help if you can
Thanks Tina
re: Branda Brenda
9:10 pm saturday march 2, 2002
Tami, I did not lose any hearing on the side of my surgery. I had
the same fear as you of it going over to my right side, but I had
no choice as my drop attacks were controlling my life and
dangering it as well, not to mention the fear in my husbands face
when he was a passenger while I was driving!!! I have my hearing
checked every couple months, as a drop in hearing in the other
ear may indicate something is wrong, but I am doing o.k. I wear
two hearing aids and do quite well, I have had hearing problems
since I was 5 yrs. old. nothing to do with the surgery. I am glad
Ihad the procedure done, make sure you have a good. team of Drs.
The name of the surgery I had is vestibular nerve section, they
go into the brain and cut only the balance nerve. due to my
atanomy I still have some fibers connected deep inside by my
cochlear, this is very rare, but I no longer have to worry about
drop attacks. I suffered no side effects from the surgery, such
as facial parallasis, spinal fluid leak, these are a small
perentages of side efects. I came through it with flying colors,
I am 52 years old. I was walking the next day, the pain was very
minimal. If you go on gregs site and ask him for links on this
subject he has plenty. I got my info from the book I got from VEDA
veda@vestibilar.org. has been a great help to me.I will never be
the same, but the anxiety is gone and I an able to drive again, I
am still out of work but am able to look, any more questions feel
free to ask. the Hospital I went to and the clinic, people come
from all over the world to see these specialist. House Ear Clinic,
and Dr. Brackman. They do trials and have been specializing in
meniere's for years. let me know what you are going to do. thanks
for writing. Brenda
re: stumbling Brenda
9:22 pm saturday march 2, 2002
Tina, I went to several Dr. before I was properley dignosed. You
owe this to yourself. The antivert is very addictive, be
carefull, I went through that with zanax, had to go through weeks
of cutting back half a pill at a time. It didtake away the
anxiety but not the symptoms. I have never heard of Vestibulor
Neronitis, greg's links are good info. I have had Meniere's for
two years, and I know how frusterating and scarry it is, I had
drop attacks while driving, working, riding my bike, be
carefull. see about some testingyou canhave done a ENG, will
test your balance and eye movement, it is painless and is a very
valuable test, hearing test as well. what did the DR. do to
diagnose your condition. also a book called Meniere's Disease
what you will need to know by P.J. Haybach I got from VEDA, full
of info veda@vestibular.org.You are not alone, there are a lot of
us out here with experiences to share, hope, and humor. kep us
posted. Brenda
vestibular neuronitis Greg
10:22 pm saturday march 2, 2002
"Viral infection of the vestibular nerve and/or labyrinth is believed to be the most common
cause of vestibular neuronitis. Acute localized ischemia(possible restriction in balance canals) of these
structures also may be an important cause."
taken from http://www.eme dicine.com/emerg/topic637.htm
also more info at http://www.tchain.com/otoneurology/disorders/unilat/vneuri t.html
re: vestibular neuronitis Ice
7:34 am tuesday march 5, 2002
Greg, your right when you say vestibular neuronitis is thought to
caused by a virus. Now do you know which ones? I've been doing
research on this and it appears that there may be a correlation
between the Varacilla Zoster (Chicken Pox) reactivating as Herpes
Zoster and causing much of our problems. Not only MM, but CFS,
Fibro, etc. I've compiled abstracts of many research papers
which will attest to this theory. I believe that is what my
problem is. Sorry for the long post, by I didn't know how else
to give you the info. Here are some to get you started.
Department of Neurology, Klinikum Grosshadern, Ludwig Maximilians
University, Munich, Germany. varbusow@nro.med.uni-muenchen.de
Reactivation of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) in the
vestibular ganglion (VG) is the suspected cause of vestibular
neuritis (VN). Recent studies reported the presence of HSV-1 DNA
not only in human VGs but also in vestibular nuclei, a finding
that indicates the possibility of viral migration to the human
vestibular labyrinth. Distribution of HSV-1 DNA was determined in
geniculate ganglia, VGs, semicircular canals, and macula organs
of 21 randomly obtained human temporal bones by nested PCR. Viral
DNA was detected in 48% of the labyrinths, 62% of the VGs, and
57% of the geniculate ganglia. The potential significance of this
finding is twofold: (1) Inflammation in VN could also involve the
labyrinth and thereby cause acute unilateral vestibular
deafferentation. (2) As benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
often occurs in patients who have had VN, it could also be a
sequel of viral labyrinthitis. Copyright 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel
Department of Surgery, University of South Alabama College of
Medicine, Mobile 36688-0002, USA.
We present temporal bone and clinical evidence that common
syndromes of recurrent vertigo are caused by a viral infection of
the vestibular ganglion. In the present series, histopathologic
and radiologic changes in the vestibular ganglion and meatal
ganglion were consistent with a viral inflammation of ganglion
cells in cases of Meniere's disease, benign paroxysmal positional
vertigo, and vestibular neuronitis. Clinical observations of
multiple neuropathies involving cranial nerves V, VII, and VIII
on the same side in patients with recurrent vertigo are best
explained by a cranial polyganglionitis caused by a neurotrophic
virus, which is reactivated by a stressful event later in life.
The reactivation of the latent virus may manifest as one of the
above vertigo syndromes, depending on the part of the vestibular
ganglion that is inflamed, the type and strain of the virus, and
host resistance.
Herpes simplex polyganglionitis.
Adour KK, Hilsinger RL Jr, Byl FM.
Evidence suggests that many cranial nerve syndromes, such as
migraine headache, acute vestibular neuronitis, globus
hystericus, carotidynia, acute facial paralysis (Bell's palsy),
and Meniere's disease, are caused by the neurotropic herpes
simplex virus (HSV). Because transitory cranial nerve dysfunction
during acute HSV infection can be asymptomatic but often occurs
in conjunction with mucocutaneous vesicles, we tested five
subjects with herpes labialis for cranial nerve dysfunction. Four
of the subjects had hypesthesia of the trigeminal nerve (which
recurred in two); four, hypesthesia of the glossopharyngeal
nerve; and two, hypesthesia of the second cervical nerve. Three
of the subjects had positional or spontaneous nystagmus (which
recurred in one); one of the subjects had a unilateral, decreased
caloric response of 50%. Unilateral weakness of the cricothyroid
muscle or the palate occurred in three of the subjects (and
recurred in one). Volitional electromyograms were normal in all
the subjects, but two of the subjects had increased facial nerve
latency (which recurred in one). Similar findings of an acute,
transitory nature should suggest to the clinician a viral
polyganglionitis caused by HSV infection.
Meniere's disease as a form of cranial polyganglionitis.
Adour KK, Byl FM, Hilsinger RL Jr, Wilcox RD.
Although endolymphatic hydrops is generally considered to be the
most prominent factor in the etiology and pathology of Meniere's
disease, we have concluded that this condition more probably
represents a polyganglionitis caused by the herpes simplex virus
with secondary hydrops changes. The wide range of symptoms
occurring in the Meniere's disease complex is illustrated in
seven selected cases which support this conclusion. Vestibular
nerve section can stabilize hearing and relieve episodic vertigo
by removing the locus of viral infection and precluding recurrent
If you would like more, let me know.
re: stumbling Tina
11:23 am tuesday march 5, 2002
Hi Brenda:
I just wanted to say thanks for replying, it is quite
frustarating as you never know when this is going to happen, I'm
quite active according to some of my coworkers so now this is
affecting my activites, mostly my love of all is horseback riding
and my riding partners are starting to get diappointed as I have
not ridden for a month now but they just don't seem to understand
that I can't get up on my horse if I am going to end up face
first in the sand. Any ways thanks again Brenda appreciate the
response. The test I don't know that I would call it a test I
laid on the table with my shoulders at the end of the table and
the Dr. held my head in his hands and turned my head to the left
and then to the right and it was when he turned my head to the
right that I thought I was going to fall off the table it was
pretty scary and so far that is all I have had done,I'm waiting
to get in to see a speacialist so hopefully it does not take to
long as today is another day off from work so it really starting
to affect my work this is #13 days for me.
Thanks again Brenda.
re: vestibular neuronitis Tina
11:29 am tuesday march 5, 2002
Hi I just wanted to say thanks for the info on vestibulo.
I'm still confused though as I told my doctor I did not really
beilve that I had been ill but I guess I was though any how
thanks again for the info,will let you know what I find out.
Thanks Tina
re: Brenda tami w. 1:40 pm tuesday march 5, 2002
The info you have provided has been very helpful to me. I have
ordered the VEDA book. I know that I am the only one, really,
who can decide about a surgery option, but input from others sure
does help. If my regular pattern holds, I am generally not
bothered by "drop attacks" during the summer months. From
November-ish to April-ish, however I can expect at least two a
month, sometimes more, ranging in severity and duration, but
always debilitating. I have tried several allergy meds during
the winter but with no relief. I consider my Meneire's pretty
mild compared to some others I have read about, but it is still a
pain. Thanks a lot for all your input and advice.
tami w.
re: Brenda Brenda
6:02 pm tuesday march 5, 2002
Tami, Your welcome. I also saw that greg gave you all the invo.
you needed as well. The book from VEDA was a great help to me and
still is . I have learned a lot about my options, test, copeing
and realizing that I must accept my limitations. It is hard for
all of us who have been so active, but I look at what I CAN do
not what I cannot do anymore. Keep me posted and let me know what
you think of the book. I keep it by my bedside, some of the info
is a little scarry, but we must know all that we are up aganist.
Talk to you soon. Brenda, I have also been to other web sites and
greg's is by far the best.
re: Meclizine Rhiannon
8:42 pm wednesday march 6, 2002
Meclazine lasts 24 hours, so keep that in mind when you take it.
Be gentle with yourself. I have 25 mg. tablets, and was told by
my physician to take 1/2 to 1 tablet, even though the label says
1 - 2.
Meclizine is a level something-or-other ANITHISTAMINE, so while
it helps me (my attacks are food or other allergy related,) it's
like taking a Dramamine for some and doesn't help them at all.
Some say that if you are told to take Meclazine it shows that
your Physician isn't familiar with MM at all, but I'm not so sure.
For 30% to 50% or more of us (depending upon which study you read)
our attacks are triggered by allergens; whether food, airborne,
etc. Additionally, Valium is prescribed to give a tranqualizing
effect when an attack comes on. The way I look at it, Meclizine
fills those two needs for me, but I have to use it moderately.
Best of luck to you. If you are allergen-triggered, this is a
rough time of year for you. I hope you're feeling better. :)
re: tami gail 9:23 pm wednesday march 6, 2002
Hi Tami,
Sorry things are not going well. I was hoping they had found
something that worked for you. I haven't been on in a while, to
work is going ok. They are being very easy on me. I go and see
the surgeon on Tuesday. My dizziness has let up, but my hearing
is really going down hill. for the past week or so my head feels
like it is in a fish bowl. Every time I talk, I can hear it echo
in my ear. sometimes I wish I could take my head off and put it
aside for awhile. I am really interested in hearing what the
surgeon has to say.
Keep me updated as to your progress.
i will let you know what I find out next week.
Take Care
re: dizziness dill
9:26 pm sunday march 10, 2002
me to desi.
they say i have this virus like a flu its been 2 months now
dizzi,stiff neck,scratchy throat,headaches sometims severe
dizziness couldnt work for almost a month just started working
again my dr refered me to etm specialist he took test said i have
an in balance of the ear wants me take blood test now subscrbe
tablets they made me feel worst ill call mhinm tomarrow this is
frustrating anyway email me a can talk.
Gail Tami 1:13 pm monday march 11, 2002
Gail,How did it go at the dr.are they going to change your
treatment?I feel very bad for you and your hearing,I'm very
lucky I have 0 hearing loss.The dr. really feels that mine is a
migrane problem,I have wrote down my bad days and they all seem
to be hormonal I have 8 bad days then aprox 12 good days then 5
ok days and the cycle starts over again.During the bad days the
floor moves non stop and my eyes feel as though they will blow
off I still have alot of pressure in the back of my head but
when i'm good i'm good when bad days hit I am in real bad
shape.I am booked to see a neuroligist a week today so I should
have an answer,I think we are on the right track.I sure hope you
get feeling better it seems we go from dr. to dr. with no relief
I just made up my mind not to quit until I feel better.Let me
know how you made out at your appt.Talk later Tami
Meniers Cheryl
11:37 am tuesday march 12, 2002
I contacted you last February a year ago, I had 3 bad months
with tenitus, hearing loss and vertigo. Well, here it is a year
later and it is back. At this time it is mainly the hearing
loss, everything sounds like I hear it through a can. This time
instead of treating it with meclazine, I am trying a
chirpractor. I know I have some vertibrae damage to the 5th and
6th vertibrae in my neck and I am hoping that an adjustment
might relieve some pressure. Anyone tried this? I can't stand
the thought of all the medication that will only create me
problems concentrating, even more than the problem itself. I am
wanting to try some alternatives. I have also, cut back again
on the caffiene and wheat products to see if it makes a
difference, it did not last year.
re: stumbling sms 10:55 pm tuesday march 12, 2002
Hi Tina,
I had the same manouver done by my doctor and I had that same
sensation when he turned my neck to the left. It's called the
Epley Manouver and it is to see if your dizziness depends on an
inner ear disorder or BPPV (positional vertigo). They check to
see how your eyes move when you are dizzy. My doctor said that
unfortunately it depended on my ear. I was curious to know what
your diagnosis was. I have not yet been diagnosed with anything,
just had things excluded. I have an appt. with a neuro-otologist
in 2 weeks and will finally do some real testing.
re: tami gail 12:20 pm saturday march 16, 2002
Hi Tami,
I hope you are well. It seems as if you are on the right track.
I went to see a surgeon from Boston on Tuesday. Unfortunetly
surgery is not going to be a problem. I have 2 different
disorders in my ear. In order to fix one, it would worsen the
This was the second surgeon I have seen and they both said the
same thing. I go Tuesday to get my hearing aid. I think this
will help. He feels it should drown out some of the banging
noise I get in my ear. The dizziness has not been bad lately. I
have my sodium down to about 500mg daily. I do have days where
the dizziness flairs, but I am coping with it.
The people at work have been great. They have cut my workload
down and i can now work a full day, and not go home all tired out.
Things could be better, but I know that they could be worse. i
wish you luck at the doctors.
re: cheryl gail 12:24 pm saturday march 16, 2002
Hi Cheryl,
I know what you mean about the hearing loss. I to feel as if my
head is in a can. I go Tuesday to get fitted for a hearing aid.
the doctor is hoping that it helps down out the loud banging
sound in my ear.
I have reduced my sodium down to 500mg a day and have found that
that is helping. When I cheat a day, I do notice a difference.
I am taking the meclezine and find that it just makes me tired.
It does nothing for the dizziness.
I don't know of any other medication. I am trying to control my
throught diet and exercise.
If you come across anything that works, please let me know.
I wish you well.
re: Menmiers Karen 12:53 pm sunday march 17, 2002
I also have Meniers, have consulted with various Physicians,
ENT's, Otologists, Allergists, all to no avail. How do I find an
Epley practitioner in my area and a Neuro-Otologist?
re: Menmiers Greg
3:06 pm sunday march 17, 2002
Karen, You might find a neurotologist at this website
http://itsa.ucs f.edu/~ajo/ANS/ANSmemst.html
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