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Chip's page

Is this a good dog or what? Welcome to Chip's page. It is still under construction, but there will be more to come. Greetings Steph!

Chip came into this world on June 5th 1995. At the age of 4 weeks he had to be separated from his Mama as she had "milk fever".

My brother-in-law brought him and his siblings from Texas to KC, and Alice and the kids chose Chip (also known as the Chipster).

We had to feed him milk and puppy chow for a few weeks and he did well and grew and adapted to our way of life.

Chip was a well mannered and intelligent puppy. He was a bit neurotic, but he fit in just fine with us.

As the years have passed, he has become a good friend and a great comfort when I am having bad days. He is just as elated to see me, whether I am back from the grocery store or have been gone for a week.

His love is unconditional and he will always be my little buddy. :) Thanks Chip..just for being you.

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