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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Welcome to the Inner Voice of Meniere's Legal Disclaimer Page

  support and information for inner ear disorders

    I started this website for help and support, for people that suffer with inner ear disorders(like myself).

    I am not a licenced physician, nor a member of the medical community. I am not qualified to advise people on anything. Any information received from this website should not ever be considered as qualified medical advice.

    I do promise to do my best to help people find information that they are seeking and to help them find comfort in a confusing and sometimes hostile world.

    My personal writings and essays are my property and are not to be reproduced for any "for profit" venture, such as a book, without written permission. You may however, freely print, distribute, and reproduce them, as long as it is for non-profit purposes.

Greg Folsom,
Webmaster - Inner Voice of Meniere's
April 15, 2003

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personal research


Essays and things written by people with inner ear disorders



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This site was last updated 04/15/03

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