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Quotes from Bruce Springsteen & company

"This music is forever for me. It's the stage thing, that rush moment that you live for. It never lasts, but that's what you live for." Bruce Springsteen; Time 27 Oct. 1975
"Music was my way of keeping people from looking through and around me. I wanted the heavies to know I was around" On writing his own music,ib
"Rock 'n' roll, man, it changed my life. It was like The Voice of America, the real America coming into your home. It was the liberating thing, the out. Once I found the guitar, I had the key to the highway." Bruce Springsteen; On Rock n' Roll; 1978
"When I started in music, I thought, 'My job is pretty simple. I search for the human things in myself, and I turn them into notes and words, and then in some fashion, I help people hold on to their own humanity." Bruce Springsteen; On keeping with his mission
"We're here to re-dedicate you to The Power, The Passion, The Mystery, and The Ministry of Rock and Roll." Bruce Springsteen; Guitar Magazine, July 1999
"People deserve...the truth. They deserve honesty. The best music, you can seek some shelter in it momentarily, but it's essentially there to provide you something to face the world with." Bruce Springsteen

"There'll be no oiling up with this band. The oil has been there for years and it only gets better." Clarence Clemons (E-Street Band: Saxaphone)
"I'd heard The Bruce Springsteen Band was nearby at a club called The Student Prince. A rainy, windy night it was, and when I opened the door the whole thing flew off its hinges and blew away down the street. The band were on-stage, but staring at me framed in the doorway. And maybe that did make Bruce a little nervous because I just said, 'I want to play with your band,' and he said, 'Sure, you do anything you want."'" Clarence Clemons (E-Street Band: Saxaophone); on how they met

"We were all playing anything we could to be part of the scene. West Coast stuff, the English thing, R&B and blues. Bruce was writing five or ten songs a week. He would say, 'I'm gonna go home tonight and write a great song,' and he did. He was the Boss then, and he's the Boss now." "Miami" Steve Van Zandt (E-Street Band: acoustic & regular guitar); on the early days
"He's so good, you really want to hit him now and again. He'd come to rehearsal and he'd write five songs in a day, and he'd do that all the time, whenever he felt like it." "Miami" Steve Van Zandt (E-Street Band: acoustic & regular guitar); 1987
"I will always desire to play with Bruce Springsteen. He's the most inspirational, most dedicated, most committed and most focused artist I've ever seen. I like to be around people like that." Max Weinberg (E-Street Band: drums); 1984
"From the very first beat it was like magic. It just fell together." Max Weinberg (E-Street Band: drums); 1987

I think he's (Bruce Springsteen) a great guitarist, a great musician and an excellent keyboard player -- which most people don't know. But he knows what sets him apart from everybody is that he's a brilliant writer. Part of that is having a vision to put it across onstage as a performer, too. Nils Lofgren (E-Street Band: guitar); On Bruce's talent

"The funny part is, that in his striving for spontaneity. [Bruce] often will not tell you what key you're going to play in, what song you're going to do. Instead, it's, 'Follow me, boys." Garry Tallent (E-Street Band: bass, bass guitar)

"He's older and wiser but he never strays from his basic values. He cares as much, more, about the losers than the winners. He's so unlike everything you think a real successful rock star would be." Roy Bittan (E-Street Band: piano, fender rhodes, glockenspiel); 1981
"The first time I saw Bruce he was opening up for Jethro Tull, before he had a record deal. I went to see Bruce because I was singing in that area with different bands and I wanted to get in a good rock band and he had the best rock band." Patti Scialfa (E-Street Band: harmony vocals & Bruce's wife ); 1987

"I saw Rock and Roll future and it's name is Bruce Springsteen." John Landou (Springsteens producer); on the first time he saw Bruce Springsteen

Other Quotes

"The kid absolutely knoked me out. I only hear somebody really good once every ten years, and not only was Bruce the best, he was a lot better than Dylan when I first heard him." John Hammond, Columbia Records' vice president of talent acquisition; Newsweek 27 Oct. 1975

"In all my years in this business he is the only person I've met who cares absolutely nothing about money. John Hammond, Columbia Records' vice president of talent acquisition; 1978
"When Bruce Springsteen sings on his new album, that's not 'fun', that's fucking triumph, man." Pete Townshend; 1975
"At every date he goes out and sits in every section of the hall to listen to the sound. And if it isn't right, even in the last row, I hear about it and we make changes. I mean every date too." Bruce Jackson, sound engineer; 1978
"The release of the 'Tunnel of Love' album is a more important Catholic event in this country than the visit of Pope John Paul II." Rev Andrew Greely, American preacher; 1988

Home Sweet Home

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