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She married so young,
her life laid ahead,
it all seemed so easy,
as she stroked his head...

he would love her and care for her,
all through her days,
and be there for her,
in the toughest of ways...

never a hard time,
could they not handle,
until that dark night,
that turned her dreams to a shamble...

It began with harsh words,
between them, then shoves,
late nights at the office,
and a whole lot less hugs...

When she asked of his whereabouts,
she felt pain in her cheek,
where she once was a strong soul,
she now cowards so meek...

With bruises she now starts to blame herself,
but what did she do wrong,
did she push him to far?
Had she been way to strong?

Did she embarress him somehow,
or disobey his wishes,
maybe it's the house,
or the wrong color dishes...

She loved him completely,
and had never strayed,
he was the only one for her,
cheating is a game, she never played...

All she wished for was someone to love,
to hold her close without the shoves,
to trust in her and show her respect,
with a devotion she could come to expect...

He found someone new,
a younger woman to share his life,
to love and to hold,
to call his new wife...

She has no where to go,
but out in the cold,
no one to love her,
feeling beaten and old...

The winds are so forceful, icy and biting her face,
what will she do to regain her place,
she looks up to the bright winter sky,
she watches a flock of geese as they fly up high...

They seem so free and without a care,
and wishes she too could fly way up there,
she falls to her knees and begins to pray,
with tears in her eyes she says, My Dear Creator,
please take me away!!!

All at once a voice enters her ears and tells her,
My Dear please do not fear,
Someone does love you, and for you has great respect,
I hold you so close, and this for all time you can expect,
To be cared for and cherished without fear,
"I" my dear child , hold you so near...

Believe in me and yourself,
and know youv'e done nothing wrong,
I give you strength and courage to go on,
until it is time for you to go home...

So when you need someone to love,
and times are so hard you see,
Look up to the sky, pray and remember you will always have "ME".

Great Spirit

These words were brought to you through, "The Great Spirit".
Written By:
Joyce Mountain Lion Kozic
August 1, 2001

Reflections of Mountain Lion
