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Hearts are all a flutter,
Today is Valentines Day,
Everyone is wondering,
What special gift will come thier way....

Does that certain someone love me,
Will we show our feelings today,
Will we bring to each other a present,
Of commitment that says together we will stay?

Today is not a special day,
Let me tell you why,
Love is not just one day a year,
But all three sixty five....

Please don’t bring me a card or flowers,
This does not impress me much,
No candy or fancy jewelry,
My heart this will not touch....

From New Years to the last day of the year,
Is when I look for love,
Keep my heart close everyday,
And shower me with hugs....

Say I love you for no reason,
Wash my car because you wanted to,
Suprise me with coffee in the morning,
Listen when I talk to you....

Protect our family and keep us safe,
Defend us when in need,
Make us the most important thing,
No matter what the deed....

To love like this can not be done,
On one specific day,
It takes all year to show your love,
In this very special way....

No worrying at the last minute,
What gifts to buy at all,
Showing me your deepest love,
Is the very best gift of all....

Love is not a have to,
You do it because you care,
Because your heart has been stolen,
By the one who’s life you share.


By: Joyce Mountain Lion Kozic
February 14, 2007
