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Through my life I haven't been,
the best that I could be,
I've not taken every road in stride,
with the teachings gifted to me...

I've not awakened every morning,
with a wonderful outlook on life,
Nor given thanks at times when I should,
although I knew this was right...

My tongue has been to sharp,
and cut a feeling or two,
with an anxious child or friend,
when my attention they persued...

I haven't always been there,
when friends and family needed me,
There were times that I was selfish,
tending to only MY needs...

Maybe I should have taken,
all those things that I've learned,
applied them to my life each day,
so everyday events would have turned...

Or awaken with a smile,
laidened across my face,
with gratefulness to everything,
that in my life took place...

Or showed more compassion,
and listened when spoken too,
with words of comfort and peace,
with the friendships I persued...

I should have given selflessly,
to all that needed me,
to all Creators creatures,
from the furred to the fish in the sea...

I make this promise to everyone,
in the witness of Grandfather's eyes,
to be a better person,
and walk my path with pride...

I have learned some important lessons,
as my eyes open wide to the stress,
You see I am not perfect,
and with all of this, I CONFESS.

By: Joyce Mountain Lion Kozic
April 19, 2000
All rights reserved

