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You know you're obsessed or a True Fan when....

1. Knows the full names of the three Hanson brothers

2. Knows the words to all of the songs on Middle of Nowhere

3. Knows what Zac says through megaphone in Man from Milwaukee

4. Has Boomerang and MmmBop

5. Has emailed/written to Hanson at least once

6. Can wear a Hanson shirt in public and is proud to

7. Has planned/gone on a trip to Tulsa

8. Screams or feels emotion when Hanson is on TV

9. Tapes everything Hanson is on

10. Makes a scrapbook of Hanson

11. At least reads every book that is out- even un-authorized ones

12. Checks the Hotline at least once a week

13. Checks at various times during the week/day

14. Has a hotmail account that reads something like:

15. Has made various friends over the net and you help each other get info and items you can't find.

16. Knows the words to Cried

17. When taking a Hanson quiz, they can find faults

18. Arranges schedule around Hanson's upcoming tour

19. Is doing half of the things they laughed at other fans for doing Examples: writing Hanson Fiction and making Hanson webpage

20. Buys Videotaped appearances from people over the net

21. Buys every magazine they see with Hanson in it/on it/ etc...

22. Knows the words to the songs on Snowed In

23. Gets emotional when they are somewhere Hanson has been

24. Tapes the hotline message

25. Looks everywhere for their favorite shirt of their favorite Hanson (Isaac's brown shirt)

26. No binder is big enough for all of your posters

27. You notice that you say Hanson sayings all the time

28. You request a Hanson song at least once a day

29. You call your music store once a week to see if there is any new Hanson merchandise

30. You buy a pair of Dr.Martins

31. You have watched Tulsa, Tokyo and The Middle Of Nowhere so many times you can repeat it word for word, you have caught all the mistakes and you've nearly worn out your tape

32. You make Hanson collages

33. You don't care about anything anymore just as long as you get Hanson tickets

34. Study?! You could care less! Better check the hotline and

35. You make homemade Hanson buttons/rings

36. You have all the U.S. and U.K. singles

37. You have Hanson cloth banners

38. You don't have enough room on your walls for all of your Hanson posters

39. You convert anti-Hanson people into fellow Hanson luvers

40. You buy a Chewbacca doll (because of Isaac)

41. You buy 3 goldfish and name them Isaac, Taylor and Zac

42. You send them birthday cards, Christmas cards, St. Patricks day cards, etc

43. You can't stop shaking when you learn new info

44. You joined the official Hanson fan club the minute you heard about it

45. You learn how to play MmmBop on the recorder

46. You learn how to play the drums/keyboard/guitar

47. You know what a wurlitzer is

48. You email Ravi

49. You try to email Scott or Jason

50. Your roommates hate you, and hate Hanson worse

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